Chapter 479 Escape
Feng Yu recognized the direction and ran all the way up the mountain, but did not run to the village, and the night covered her figure. She passed out in a cave, and when she woke up, it was already dawn.She struggled to get up, suffering from hunger and cold, her body was extremely cold due to excessive blood loss, and the severe pain all over her body made her almost unable to get up. scratches.She almost crawled to sit up, tearing off the lining to bandage the wound.


Although her head was bleeding from a bump, the blood coagulated overnight, but the wounds on her shoulders and lower abdomen were terribly deep. She couldn't continue hiding in the cave. She wanted to find a doctor. If she hid in the mountains without injury, she could escape for three or four days There is no problem with the search. With such a serious injury, she needs to be treated.

Escaping is no stranger to Fengyu.

She seems to have returned to the days when she was a child and fled with Xiao Qi. The only difference is that now that she has grown up, Xiao Qi is no longer by her side, so she wants to run away alone.

"Feng can do it!" Feng Yu gritted her teeth and endured the pain, "You will survive!"

Feng Yu followed the direction of the capital to look for villages, but she didn't dare to go to the towns. The blood in her abdomen had stained her clothes red. Her eyes kept turning black and she was dizzy. Even if she saw the cooking smoke rising in front of her, Feng Yu was powerless , passed out in the wheat field.

When she woke up again, it was already late at night, and Feng Yu's body was still violently hot, and she looked around vigilantly. It was a stone-built house, and the room was narrower than the maid's room in her mansion. There was only one bed. , a table, and a few shelves in the corner, with clay pots and farming tools and so on on the shelves.An oil lamp was lit on the table, barely shading the interior of the room. Feng Yu was lying on a wooden bed, which was simple and hard. Apart from the wound pain, the unevenness of the bed made her back ache.

Feng Yu moved lightly, the pain from the wound hit overwhelmingly, it was extremely uncomfortable.Feng Yu looked down and saw that her hands and head had been bandaged. She could smell the fragrance of herbs, and her abdomen and shoulders had also been treated briefly.Feng Yu took a deep breath, listening to the chirping of cicadas and the occasional meowing of night cats, her nerves gradually relaxed.

She closed her eyes when she heard footsteps.

An old woman came in, and Feng Yu felt the woman's calloused hands touching her forehead, "It's still hot, Lao Song, do you want to go to the town and ask the doctor to take a look?"

"Look at the doctor, the group of officers and soldiers said that there is a reward of 50 taels, and we will go to the town to report to the officials at dawn. 50 taels are enough for us to live for five or six years."

"I looked at the girl with a kind face, and she was hurt so badly, she didn't look like a treacherous person."

Feng Yu also knew when she heard the couple's discussion, and knew that Chen Mo had come to the village to search.After she climbed to the shore, with her physical strength, she couldn't go very far, so she hid in the mountains for a day and a night. Chen Mo was not poisoned, and when the poison of the Jinyiwei was cured, they would definitely come down the cliff to find her.The village was not far from the cliff. She herself was seriously injured and her steps were very slow. She could only bet that Chen Mo and others had searched the village long ago.

Furthermore, this is the direction of Kyoto. She is going in the opposite direction from Xizhou and Ningzhou. The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Even if Chen Mo wanted to find her, he would definitely be going to the cities of Ningzhou and Xizhou to enforce the law.

"The group of officers and soldiers viciously searched for her, a little girl's house. What did she do?"

"Don't worry about it, money is important, we haven't saved 50 taels in our whole life."


Feng Yu already had an idea in her mind, she coughed deliberately, which attracted the attention of the couple outside the door, and soon saw a plainly dressed aunt come in.She looks like she should be in her forties, and her face has traces of wind, frost and hard work. Seeing that Fengyu is about to wake up, she hurriedly pressed her down and asked her about her injuries with concern.
Feng Yu is very adept at pretending to be pitiful and weak, and almost no one can escape it. She lied that she was the eldest lady of a merchant's family, and fell in love with a poor scholar, and the two hit it off.But her parents insisted on marrying her to a rich man as a concubine. The rich man could be her father at any age, and their children were older than her. She discussed with the scholar about escaping marriage together. Who knew that the rich man would send someone to hunt her down and kill her lover in front of her face. , she didn't want to be taken back to get married, she gritted her teeth and jumped off the cliff, her life should never be saved by someone.

Feng Yu is very familiar with this storybook story. It was written by a sour scholar in Xizhou. At that time, she was in Xizhou several times and was severely criticized by the people of Xizhou. You have nothing to write about a young lady scholar, right? Isn't it a waste of money to even perform?The folk customs of Xizhou are tough, no matter men or women, they don't like this kind of sour love story, but do you think it's plausible for everyone's lady to hook up with a poor scholar?Does she want to be a beggar?He also scolded the sour scholar for wanting to marry the eldest lady of the merchant family in a whimsical way, and scolded the sour scholar out of Xizhou. He was scolded away by the people less than half a year after he came to settle down.

Qiuxiang was still reading the book with relish, until Chunlu reminded her of the sinister intentions of this sour scholar, Qiuxiang was so angry that she tore up the book.At that time, many people said that it was not good to write about who, about the merchant lady and the poor scholar. The plot of the story was a bit like Xie Xun and Feng Yu, and the ending was not good.The common people don't like this story, Feng Yu read it carefully and thought it was nothing, Xie Xun is not like some poor scholar.

Now I just happened to tell the story of Huabenzi again, and it was so sad and beautiful, coupled with her pitiful face, it was very convincing, Feng Yu took off her pair of earrings and put them in the woman's hand, "Ma'am , this pair of earrings is the most valuable thing on my body. I can pawn 150 taels of silver at a pawn shop in the city. The little girl can't repay her. She only hopes for her protection. Don't tell others that she has seen me. The little girl just wants to find a safe place , spend the rest of your life in peace, no longer be afraid.”

She emphasized heavily that 150 taels, if it was just asking for money, she had a better chance of winning than Chen Mo.

"This... Can this be pawned for 150 taels?" The woman had never seen such valuable jewelry in her life.

"Yes, the craftsmen who made this pair of earrings are craftsmen from the courtyard of the imperial palace. They used high-quality gemstones and gold, and the cost is more than 200 taels. If you go to Su's house to pawn, the aunt will have at least 150 taels." Feng Yu said. If you lie about being a merchant, you have to say something to win the trust of others.

The aunt looked at this pair of exquisite earrings with admiration. Even if she had never seen the world, she knew that the earrings were very delicate. Besides, although Feng Yu was dressed in rags, the fabric was made of fine brocade, and her skin was delicate. It was indeed only raised by a wealthy family daughter.Fengyu cried aggrievedly again, and begged the aunt to protect her, and she would definitely repay her in the future.

The aunt quickly comforted her, and also sympathized with Fengyu's experience. After comforting Fengyu, she went out to discuss with her husband, and Fengyu struggled to the door to listen to their conversation.

The husband asked, "Is this jewelry worth 150 taels?"

"The girl is so well dressed, and the earrings are of course very valuable. Look at her clothes, which are made of good material and beautifully embroidered. They are also very valuable. Her lover was killed, and her own life is hanging by a thread. Let's not embarrass her. Anyway, those people The officers and soldiers searched, and they left, so why do we bother to harm her girl, she looks like a flower, younger than our Xiu'er, how can you bear it?"

The husband said in a low voice, "The officers and soldiers said that she was the daughter of a criminal who fled, and that harboring a criminal is a capital offense."

"Why are you so brainless? Everyone has left, and no one knows that she has been here. After the girl has been raised for a few days, she will leave when she recovers. We don't care who she is."


Feng Yu listened to the two chattering for a long time, it didn't seem like they were going to betray her, the aunt was kind, and the uncle just wanted money, so it was easy to deal with, she touched the red coral bracelet on her wrist.

Xie Xun is in Ningzhou, how is he doing now?
She wanted to find an opportunity to let Xie Xun know where she was!
No, you can't tell him.

The battle in Ningzhou is urgent, which is the most important point. He can't be distracted. If he is distracted, if he makes a mistake on the battlefield, she will regret it for the rest of his life.

After the exchange that year, she was frightened and fell off the horse, and her leg was trampled by Dugu Jing, Feng Yu's heart is unforgettable.

Feng Yu stayed at the aunt's house, and the uncle was impatient, so he went to the town to pawn her earrings for 120 taels, he was so happy, he generously bought some wound medicine for Feng Yu and came back.Feng Yu didn't feel sorry for her jewelry, they saved her life, she was willing to give any amount of money, although the uncle was greedy for money, he bought her medicine after becoming jewelry, Feng Yu knew he was not a bad person, but she couldn't continue live.

The jewelry was pawned, and the probability of being discovered by Chen Mo was very small, but the farmer suddenly pawned jewelry worth several hundred taels, which always attracted the coveted eyes of others.

Feng Yu took the wound medicine bought by the uncle, and begged him to give ten taels as money, and left the village while it was dark. In front of the uncle and the aunt, Feng Yu was heading northwest, but when they disappeared , Feng Yu turned around and headed towards Kyoto.

(End of this chapter)

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