Although the city gate was strictly checked, Thirteen Niang brought Xie Xun into the city gate openly.

The Peony Building is in the downtown area, and the carriage entered the Peony Building directly from the corner gate. Today, Thirteen Niang took the girls out for a horse race, and the attic was relatively quiet.Almost all the servants and nurses were on vacation, and they would only come on duty at night. Xie Xun was arranged by Thirteen Niang in her attic, and she cleaned up the downstairs room herself. The place.

Xie Xun had no objection to this arrangement. Thirteen Niang was afraid of being exposed, so she didn't dare to let Xie Xun move around.With Thirteen Niang's personality, no one would suspect that she raised a handsome younger brother to have fun in the attic. Everyone knew that Thirteen Niang liked handsome younger brothers.

At night, the Mudan main building has received a group of pleasure-seeking kings and grandsons. Beiman and Ningzhou are in dire straits, and Sangnan and Jiangnan are also fighting bloody rivers.But Kyoto is far away from wars and sufferings, and it is still a scene of peace in the world.Xie Xun listened to the melodious voice in front of him, a sarcastic smile curled up on his lips.

Feng Yu fled all the way, and her body was still injured. Xie Xun had to wait for his body to heal if he wanted to do anything, but Xie Xun couldn't wait any longer. After he changed into men's clothing, he used makeup to slightly change his appearance. His face is very eye-catching even in men's clothing, but after the modification, it doesn't look so gorgeous.Xie Xun changed his makeup and left Peony Building through the corner door.

The intelligence base of the Zhenbeihou Mansion in central Beijing has been rebuilt by Xie Jue's secret guards in the past three years, and Xie Xun hung a yellow lantern on the Dragon King Pavilion in the south of the city.

The next day, Fengyu hangs a yellow lantern and it turns into a red lantern.

There are colorful lanterns around the Dragon King Pavilion. One of them changed the color of the lantern, which was not eye-catching. Xie Xun took down the red lantern and saw the message left by Xie Jue Yingwei.

Three days later, Feng Yu's physical injuries gradually healed, and it was the time agreed between Feng Yu and Ying Si. Xie Xun waited in the ruins in the north of the city, and at midnight, Ying Si appeared at the ruins spot on time.

"Third Miss?" Ying Si was very surprised. Apart from Xie Jue, Xie Xun knew about the reconstruction of Hou Mansion's information point. The master said that he never told Third Miss.But since the third girl hung up the lantern, Ying Si didn't dare to question it.Xie Xun didn't want to reveal her identity. Feng Yu's body was too weak after all. If she was in danger, she needed someone to protect her, and she also needed someone to help him with things.He can only act as Feng Yu, and there are restrictions on many things, which need to be carried out by Ying Si.

"You and Ying Er talk to each other, get up today and I will take care of you, I have something to do for you."

"Yes!" Ying Si asked hesitantly, "Do you want to tell the young lady about your stay in the capital?"

"No need!" Xie Xun didn't want Feng Shu to worry. It was already difficult for her to deal with Yu Wenjing in the deep palace. If she knew she was in Beijing, she could only worry about it. If Yu Wenjing saw something, it would hurt her instead, " Tell her I'm fine."

With Shadow Four, Xie Xun's work is much more convenient. Xie Jue, a group of shadow guards, came and went without a trace in Beijing. They are very good at hiding their identities and spying on information. in all situations.

Yu Wenjing's situation is more difficult than Xie Xun imagined. He also tasted the feeling of being backlashed by raising Gu. He ignored Lin Heli's objection and insisted on sending troops to Zhongzhou. After obeying the imperial decree and dispatching troops, public opinion has abandoned Yuwenjing.

Now the ruling and opposition parties are also full of complaints. After the public anger boiled over, except for Kyoto, all the state capitals began to fall into chaos. There are a few towns in the south of the Yangtze River that cannot collect taxes.Some people fished in troubled waters, causing riots, wars raged in the north and south battlefields, and internal cracks began to appear. Lin Heli managed to maintain a balance and the situation broke down.

Yu Wenjing blamed all this on Marshal Fang and Fang Chu Ningyang's violation of Yin and Yang. If Fang Chuning cut through the mess quickly and took the Twelve States quickly, he would gather troops from Zhongzhou to force Ningzhou.

In order for the people of Yanyang not to suffer from the war, Xie Xun absolutely cannot go to war with Zhongzhou and consume his strength, so he can only cooperate with Zhongzhou to resist the northern barbarians.

Yuwenjing has too many means to make Xie Jue and Xie Xun lose their lives in this joint resistance against the enemy, and then negotiate peace with the Beiman to restore the armistice agreement.

He has methods and strategies, but it is a pity that... his intentions are not righteous, he does not care about the suffering of the people, and colludes with foreign enemies.

The most deadly thing is that the elite soldiers of the imperial court were restrained in the south of the Yangtze River, and there was another Fang Chuning in Zhongzhou who refused to be disciplined.

As long as the commander-in-chief and Fang Chuning are truly united with the imperial power, Yu Wenjing may force Xie Jue and Xie Xun to die in Ningzhou.

Recently, Yuwenjing's health also had problems. Yingsi said that Feng Shu had studied Yuwenjing's medicinal diet, and specially studied the recipes for Yuwenjing. Xie Xun knew what was going on when he heard it.

He asked Yingsi to find Zhang Lingzheng. Zhang Lingzheng didn't expect Fengyu to show up in the capital so boldly. Everyone was frightened, and it was impossible for Xie Xun to reveal his identity.Zhang Ling is a member of the Zhenbeihou Mansion and is loyal to Xie Zhang. Not all Zhang family members are loyal to the Zhenbeihou Mansion, only Zhang Ling is Xie Zhang's confidant.

This incident was discovered by Zhang Lingzheng's repeated maintenance after Xie Xun returned to Beijing with a leg injury.

This matter is almost top secret, and there is no evidence of Xie Zhang and Zhang Lingzheng's relationship on the surface. Even if he came to the Hou Mansion every now and then to heal Xie Xun's leg, it was because of the emperor's order.

Zhang Lingzheng's father is now the judge of the imperial hospital. Their imperial hospital does not care about party disputes, right or wrong, and is only responsible for the health of the nobles in the inner courtyard of the palace.

Only Zhang Yuanpan knew Yu Wenjing's pulse condition.

Xie Xun asked Zhang Lingzheng to find out Yuwenjing's real pulse. Zhang Lingzheng said in great difficulty, "Third Miss, this matter is very embarrassing. First of all, only my father knows Yuwenjing's safe pulse. Even if it is recorded on the pulse case, it may not be It is true. Second, if I go to inquire, my father will definitely become suspicious. Our Zhang family has practiced medicine for generations, and several generations have returned to their hometowns in peace. We have never been implicated in party disputes. I will not reveal the secrets of the nobles in the palace. If I go to find out, my father will definitely become suspicious."

"The pulse record is considered a fake, but the medicine he drank can't be faked, right?" Xie Xun frowned, there must be traces to follow.

"The Tai Hospital has no access to his medicinal residues. From prescribing medicine to boiling medicine to medicinal residues, my father handles it alone. Since ancient times, the emperor's pulse case has not been allowed to be leaked." Zhang Lingzheng asked in confusion, "Third Miss doubts What?"

"Yu Wenjing is definitely not an ordinary person. I am worried that my sister...will be deceived by his appearance." Xie Xun was very worried about Feng Shu's safety after hearing what Ying Si said about the situation in the palace.

Yu Wenjing was cautious and suspicious, definitely not something Feng Shu and Lin Yushu could easily deal with.

If they were not careful, it would only bring disaster to them. Xie Xun only hoped that they would live safely in the palace, do nothing, and did not want them to put themselves in danger.

When Zhang Lingzheng heard that it was Fengshu's business, "I see, I'll figure out a way."

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