Chapter 493 Adultery
Feng Yu was sitting by the river waiting for the sunrise, but she was absent-minded. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the relationship between Xie Jue and Fang Chuning was a bit strange. Feng Yu had seen Fang Chuning's kind of affection, but she had never seen Xie Jue and Fang Chuning. how.The second brother's emotions are too restrained, and he really can't show his emotions in front of people.

But just now with that startling glimpse, she wondered if she was thinking too much.

Although sometimes Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing, and Zhou Liyu seem to pamper and tolerate each other, but when it is time to fight, they also fight fiercely. Thinking about it this way, it seems normal. After all, the bamboo horses who grew up together have such a good relationship. What's wrong with pampering?
She absent-mindedly threw stones into the river, and Fei Ying saw that he was bored, so she couldn't help asking, "Girl, what's on your mind?"

The soldiers were far away and couldn't hear their conversations, so Feiying was not so vigilant, Feng Yu said, "Second brother and Fang Chuning...are they too close?"

"Little General Fang and Second Young Master have always been like this." Fei Ying said, "Second Young Master was weak and sick when he was young, and his status was also embarrassing. It was Young General Fang who protected him all the way up. They are closer than others. Second Young Master The time spent with General Fang is longer than the time he spends with his master, and he knows the basics better."

"So, the second brother regards Fang Chuning as a brother?"

"Yes!" Feiying carefully chose his words, "Maybe... In his heart, Little General Fang is as important as Eldest Young Master."

Fengyu thought of her and Fang Lingjun, she liked her sister very much, and she loved her sister very much.But she is also willing to spend all her money on Fang Lingjun and sacrifice her life to protect her.Such a friendship, although not a blood bond, is equally important.

Perhaps, she was thinking too much!

Fengyu was originally waiting to see the sunrise, but before the sunrise, a cavalry soldier from the Northern Man came galloping out from the end of the Shaling River, which was twenty feet wide (about 60 meters).The battle site is east of the Shaling River, opposite to the Shaling Tianshan Mountains, where the northern barbarians are haunted. The east of the Shaling River is safer, and the northern barbarians generally dare not come to spy.Unless it was a cavalry raid, they would suddenly cross the river bank. There were only about two hundred cavalry in this team, and it didn't look like a raid.

The leader is Dugu Jing. He is riding a bloody BMW. He is dark, tall and mighty, wearing an armor made of red sandstone. He is chilling and cold.Like a lone wolf lurking in the snow-capped mountains, leading a pack of wolves to look for food and hunt.Dugujing saw Fengyu on the opposite bank at a glance, suddenly picked up the bow and arrow, bent the bow and shot the arrow, and shot an arrow at Fengyu.

Dugu Jing was patrolling the river bank with his cavalry, and he didn't expect to see Xie Xun on the other side. The battle between Beiman and Ningzhou was fought very hastily, and his beloved brother died in this battle.Although the peace talks had been agreed internally, Dugu Jing held his breath and wanted to ask the Xie family brothers to get it back. Seeing Xie Xun was simply a godsend opportunity.

The northern barbarians were passionate, impulsive, brave, and reckless. They didn't even care about the peace negotiations. When they saw Xie Xun, they bent their bows and shot arrows, trying to kill Xie Xun.

If the chief general of the cavalry in Ningzhou is shot, the morale of the army will inevitably be weakened.

When Feng Yu saw the arrows flying towards her, she didn't panic at all.Fei Ying was beside Feng Yu, swiping his sword to fend off the bow and arrow, Dugu Jing shot the second arrow, and the soldiers rushed up to block the commander behind him, Du Gu Jing's second arrow missed.

Dugu Jing knew that his chance of shooting Xie Xun was very slim. Even if Xie Xun appeared by the river alone, it would not be easy for him to shoot Xie Xun. Even if Xie Xun was seriously injured, it would be easy to dodge his arrows , not to mention that there are Feiying and so many soldiers around, and they don't have wings to cross the Shaling River and directly meet Xie Xun.

If he could cross the Shaling River and meet Xie Xun hand-to-hand, he would definitely cut off Xie Xun's head.

Dugujing shot two arrows in the air, reined in his horse and stood still, the generals around him also recognized Xie Xun, their fighting spirit soared, but unfortunately no one could cross the Shaling River, Fengyu waved her hand, Feiying and the soldiers moved out of the way Come.

She smiled unhurriedly and said, "Dugu Jing, while Beiman was asking for peace talks, you wanted to shoot me. It seems that Beiman's peace talks are not very sincere."

"My lord is serious. This king is patrolling the territory. I happened to see you. Say hello. Don't take offense."

I haven't seen you for three years, Dugu Jing's Yan Yang speaks very fluently, Feng Yu said with a half-smile, "Then your way of greeting is quite special."

"It's popular for us in Beiman to make friends with martial arts and greet with arrows. When the prince is free, come and sit in our Beiman imperial court." Dugu Jing sat on the horse and looked at him proudly, as if he wasn't the one who started the war this time.

"Dugu Jing, Beiman and Yanyang signed a peace agreement, less than three years, we are all recuperating, why do you want to attack Ningzhou so eagerly? You are not ready to attack Ningzhou, Beiman loses troops and generals, and the battlefield is full of corpses , This is the turmoil caused by your mistake, and how many innocent souls are circling on the Shaling River again, it is difficult to rest in peace." Feng Yu did not agree with Dugu Jing's reneging on his promise, it was clearly a ten-year armistice treaty, and he insisted on tearing it up, which killed countless people.

"This not what this king wants, why don't you ask His Majesty Yanyang?" Dugu Jing sneered, "This king is just the prince of the Beiman imperial court, and he just obeys orders to send troops. If I, Beiman, do something wrong, It should also be that someone provided false information, which caused my Beiman to make a mistake in judgment, resulting in the defeat of the battle."

"If you lose, you lose. Don't make excuses." Feng Yu taunted mercilessly, "Although you and the King of the Northern Man are from the same mother and have a deep relationship, who doesn't know that you hold great power and are the regent of the Northern Man?" Wang, your brother also listens to you, now that he is defeated, it is really shameful to blame him for his misjudgment!"

Feng Yu knows how to poke someone's heart.

Dugujing may have followed orders to send troops, but if he said he didn't want to fight Ningzhou, it would be a lie. Dugujing also had a glimmer of hope, hoping that the strength of the Ningzhou iron cavalry would be greatly reduced after they betrayed Yanyang.

Sang Nan was also able to cooperate in attacking the twelve prefectures, leaving Xie Xun and Xie Jue too busy to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, the Yanyang regime and territory were divided, but the military power was united. No matter what, the north and the south only wanted to resist foreign enemies and not engage in civil war.

"My lord is right. I was negligent. I didn't expect Yanyang and Ningzhou to split and they could still fight against the enemy wholeheartedly. Yuwenjing is really a waste. I believed in the wrong person from the beginning." Dugujing knew that he would shoot and kill Hopeless, so he changed his face, "My lord, are you talking about peace? The battle between Sangnan and Jiangnan is not optimistic, and you don't need to fight with me here. I lost this battle, I admit it."

"You can fight if you want, talk if you want, you think Ningzhou is your back garden?" Feng Yu sneered, thinking of Dugu Jing's domineering and fierceness in Xiyan Mountain, she also took a deep breath in her heart, this time the peace talks, Dugu Jing is like an eagle with its wings broken, unable to be tough again, "Peace talks have a price."

"You bring it up!" Dugu Jing has a good temper!
"My second elder brother said that if you want peace talks, first hang your head on the city wall of Ningzhou for public display for three days, and then he will be willing to have peace talks." Feng Yu asked leisurely, "My lord, for the sake of thousands of people in Beiman, you Are you willing to die for your country?"

Dugujing sneered, "The lord really doesn't want to talk about it, he's making things difficult on purpose, right?"

"Who made it difficult on purpose? Who was it that made the peace talks three years ago and wanted the second brother's life?" Feng Yu clasped her hands behind her back, calmly said, "Feng Shui turns around. You were so arrogant when you negotiated peace back then. What do you want? What are you giving me, have you never thought about your current fate? There is a saying in Yanyang that you should stay on the front line so that you can meet each other in the future, but you have done everything. How are you going to repay the lives of so many people in the Beihou Mansion of Zhenbei? If you don’t pay back, how can I make peace with you?”

Feng Yu made it difficult on purpose, but it was from his heart. The second elder brother agreed to the peace talks because he was concerned about the situation in Sangnan's war, and he was unwilling to compromise in his heart. Jing a layer of skin.

"What do you think?" Dugu Jing's face darkened slightly, and it was indeed different now than it was three years ago.

Feng Yu chuckled, "This king is short-tempered and impulsive, and it's difficult to maintain the demeanor of a big country. Naturally, it's the second brother who talks to you."

(End of this chapter)

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