Chapter 52

Linge old mansion.

Elder Lin Ge and Xie Xun were playing chess. Elder Lin Ge had three sons and two daughters. The eldest son and eldest daughter were descendants of the concubine, and the other children were descendants of concubines.Mr. Linge treated everyone equally and was well-bred. All three sons were Jinshi in high school and entered the Imperial Academy.Brothers and friends respect each other and support each other. The eldest grandson Lin Heli is the reincarnation of the famous Wenqu star, Sanyuan Jidi.

The eldest daughter married Xie Yuan, Marquis of Zhenbei, and the concubine married to the Earl's Mansion of Yongning, and the marriage was happy.

Mr. Lin Ge and his wife loved their daughter-in-law, especially Xie Xun. Since Xie Xun returned to Beijing to recover from his injuries, they often asked him to stay in the mansion for a while.

"Grandfather, today's chess moves are a little more hasty." Xie Xun held a black piece in his hand and landed it on the chessboard. It was already a siege situation. He looked at Elder Lin Ge with a smile on his face, "I won."

"You kid plays chess one pole east and one pole west. You seem to have no rules, but in fact you have a city in your heart. Your grandfather was deceived by you." Elder Lin Ge looked at his grandson lovingly and kindly, and then looked at the chessboard. He lost , I have no regrets, there is no remedy for this round.

Xie Xun chuckled and said, "It's my grandfather who showed mercy."

Lin Ge got up, and Xie Xun went to help him. He was almost seventy years old, and his movements had slowed down a little.Xie Xun accompanied him to sit in the rocking chair on the porch, burning charcoal on the stove to boil water, and there was a complete set of tea sets on the tea table. Xie Xun ironed the tea sets and made tea slowly.Lin Ge looked at Xie Xun with kindness in his eyes. The two grandchildren he loves most, Lin Heli and Xie Xun, both literary and military, are the flesh and blood of his palm.

"In the past two years, the situation has gradually stabilized, but there have been natural disasters. The military ration case was not supervised by the Ministry of War, but it was difficult to investigate, so it was unresolved. I know that, and my grandfather also knows that you have worked hard for Ningzhou and want to serve the soldiers. Let's seek justice. But the situation in the court is different from the situation in the war. The relationship between the DPRK and China is intricate, which affects the whole body. Lin Shangshu is gone, who can guarantee that the new Shangshu can do better?"

Although the Marquis of Zhenbei is far away in Ningzhou, he can still control the court with one hand. On the one hand, there is the old man Lin Ge who mediates from Zhou, and on the other hand, there are a group of loyal generals who would rather die to speak out.Lin Shangshu was withdrawn because Marquis Anyuan, under Xie Xun's behest, made an excuse to make trouble, and hit it off with one hit.Lin Shangshu's lineage is a loyal imperial faction, and the emperor was forced to break his wings.

"Grandfather and grandson think that if you can't do well in finding a job in your position, then you should change someone else." Xie Xun poured him a cup of tea, "If you can't do well again, then change again. There are so many people. .”

"You're talking like a child." Lin Ge said with a chuckle, "The nepotism of the Zanying family is complicated, and they form their own faction and protect each other. Lin Shangshu's mistake in the military ration case... It's the same with others. He The superior cannot disobey the emperor's order, and the inferior cannot raise military rations, so what can he do?"

"Nine out of ten granaries in the world are empty, because the Zanying family emptied the granary. The people suffered in natural disasters, but the dignitaries were sensual. The soldiers fought bravely in Ningzhou, and the dignitaries spent their days and nights in Beijing. Foreign enemies are stalking tigers, and they Drunken, dreaming and dying. Grandfather, Ningzhou is broken. Only relying on the 80.00 forbidden troops in the imperial city, and the [-] garrison troops who are crooked and split, cannot defend the capital." Xie Xun's eyes were as indifferent as snow, "the hairpin tassel dignitaries control Yan [-]% of the land in Yangyang, in the private granary, hamsters are everywhere, even so, he is unwilling to support Ningzhou, grandfather, you have been loyal to the imperial power all your life, and safeguarded the interests of the family, have you ever seen corpses in Ningzhou littered with blood flowing like rivers?"

"In the third year of Chengqi, I was transferred to be the chief envoy of the south of the Yangtze River. It was the rainy season, the Yellow River burst its embankment, and the plague was rampant. In that year, the towns and cities in the south of the Yangtze River were full of ten rooms and nine empty houses, corpses littered the fields, and it was not uncommon for parents to eat their children. I know, not only The battlefield will flow like rivers of blood. My grandfather is loyal to the imperial power, because once the dynasty changes, there will be thousands of corpses, and the people will always suffer. My grandfather has spent his whole life balancing the situation between the aristocratic family and the Qingliu. The serious illness of the Ying family is difficult to cure, it will not happen overnight, and it is not something that one person can do." Lin Ge's old saying is earnest, "The Zhenbei Marquis Mansion has made great achievements, but is unwilling to decentralize power. Bring trouble."

The autumn wind blows in the courtyard, and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus falls all over the ground.

An osmanthus flower was blown into the teacup, Xie Xun said lightly, "Father doesn't let go, because if he lets go, the family will fight for power regardless of the war in Ningzhou, and the hundreds of thousands of troops on the border will be in a bitter fight. My elder sister broke her marriage and entered the palace, and she has nothing to do. Mother and aunts are hostages in Beijing. Father and brothers are all fighting the enemy on the battlefield. There are more than a dozen people in my town Beihou Mansion, who would like to live like this? People say that the Marquis of Zhenbei's mansion is of high meritorious service, that the wolf is ambitious, that the royal family fears it, and that the aristocratic family rejects it. Does it mean that all four of me, father and son, must die in battle to prove our loyalty?"

Old Linge sighed. He also understood the difficulties of the Zhenbeihou Mansion, and he was powerless to change the situation. This is a predicament and a dangerous situation. "I hope that the Northern Man will surrender and the Marquis will be disarmed and return home. The situation will turn around."

Xie Xun smiled, watching the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers falling all over the ground, "Grandfather, how many people have fought since ancient times, can my father really enjoy his old age after disarming and returning home?"

Elder Lin Ge was questioned, the situation is changing rapidly, the king's heart is unpredictable, how many famous generals in the world will have a happy ending?He looked at his grandson who was drinking tea calmly.

Xie Xun looks very much like Mrs. Hou, but his temper is like Xie Yuan, unruly. From Xie Xun, he can see the shadow of his daughter when he was young, and he can also see the demeanor of Xie Yuan when he came to propose marriage. Time flies so fast , Decades have passed in the blink of an eye, and he also stepped into the coffin with one foot.

Back then when she betrothed her favorite eldest daughter to Xie Yuan, she never thought that she would face the current predicament.

A son and a daughter gradually confront each other as the situation changes.

He has been working hard to maintain the situation during his lifetime, and he does not want his children and grandchildren to fight each other, but time is not forgiving, how long can he maintain it?

Every time Lin Ge thinks of this, he feels sad.

"Grandfather, I know you have a question, and it has troubled me for many years." Xie Xun put down his teacup. His hands are also very good. They are a pair of hands that are very suitable for drawing and painting. , the victor is the king. If the world is in great order and the people support it, everyone will be happy. If the world is in chaos and the people have no way of life, what should we do?"

"The emperor is worried about the labor of the ministers, and serve the emperor with the way." Lin Ge, the elder of the three dynasties, dedicated himself to the Yuwen family's country.

Xie Xun said with a chuckle, "I know Xu but think that there are various jobs in the world, those who are capable will live there, and those who are incompetent will avoid them, and the world will naturally have long-term peace and stability."

"I know, don't bring up such rebellious words again." Lin Ge yelled, Xie Xun lowered his eyes and made a submissive gesture, "Grandfather calm down, just treat me as childish, ignorant, and arrogant."

(End of this chapter)

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