Chapter 67
"How about the third highness?" The queen screamed, "Prince doctor, doctor Xuan."

Xie Xun leaned at the door and saw Emperor Jianming's blue and white complexion and knew that he was very angry. He looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, and he really hated this kind of trick.

Fei Ying has always been careful in doing things, and he followed to be safe. He has no interest in what is going on in the hall. The imperial physicians on duty tonight are Zhang Lingzheng and Chen imperial physician. They came in a hurry, and the hall was in chaos. Blinking at Xie Xun, "Young Master, how about admiring the moon?"

Xie Xun chuckled, "The moonlight is just right, let the Second Highness enjoy it together."

The second prince moved to his side and looked up at the moon, "It's really lively tonight."

Xie Xun smiled without saying a word, and stood with his hands behind his back. The moonlight shrouded him with a layer of indifferent light.

When the queen saw clearly that the woman on the bed was actually a court lady, her mind went blank, and she stubbornly held back her fear. The deceased was the court lady who brought Fengyu out of the palace.

why her?
Where is Feng Yu?
Moreover, the imperial doctor diagnosed the court lady as inhaling forbidden incense, and died of being humiliated. The third prince's blood surged, and he needed to be relieved. Emperor Jianming's eyes turned black with anger at such filthy things.If the third prince was playing with a concubine, or getting together with a girl from another family, Emperor Jianming would not be so angry, but it happened to be a court lady.All the women in the palace compound belong to the emperor, and unless the emperor rewards them, it is also a fornication for the prince to fool around with the maids.

"Come on, lock up this wicked barrier!" Emperor Jianming walked away, "What a disgrace!"

This villain is actually humiliating a corpse, and the royal family has lost all face.

Qiu Wan, a court lady next to the queen, suddenly said, "Your Majesty, this is a court lady from the Shangyi Bureau, who is in charge of grooming and grooming the female relatives at the banquet tonight. She is supposed to serve in the hall, why is she here?"

The queen was furious, "Send someone to investigate this matter thoroughly!"


Xie Xun narrowed his eyes, the empress insisted on leading this matter to Feng Yu, Lin Xiao watched the eunuchs carry out the body of the palace lady with obscure eyes, a scarred arm was exposed under the white cloth, it was shocking.

Lin Xiao clenched his fist.

Such a major incident in the palace must be thoroughly investigated, and it is a shame for the royal family. Emperor Jianming ordered people to block the news, and anyone who dares to spread it will be killed without mercy.

At the banquet, all the officials, their wives, and the officials and their families were sitting in jeopardy, not knowing what happened. Chen Mo and Lin Sheng were ordered to check the whereabouts of the court ladies.The maids of Shangyi Bureau were called together to identify the corpse. Seeing her tragic state, the maids trembled in fear. Chen Mo asked, "When was the last time I saw her?"

The maids looked at each other, and one maid said anxiously, "Sister Gui'er took Miss Feng San to get a change of clothes, but she never came back. We also said that she must be lazy because she has been away for a long time."

Chen Mo reported back to Emperor Jianming and the Empress. Emperor Jianming's face was sullen, "Send her for questioning."


Since the empress had set a trap, she would not let her go easily, Xie Xun had already returned to the table, Feng Yu didn't look sideways, endured the pain and knelt down to pay her respects.

Emperor Jianming asked, "Do you still remember the maid who took you to dress up at the banquet, where was the last time you saw her?"

The queen looked at Feng Yu angrily, this game was flawless, how could it go wrong.Fengyu entered the palace for the first time, and she was defenseless. No one thought that she would set up a trap. How did she escape?
"Back to the emperor, when the maid led the courtiers to wash and wash, it happened that the imperial concubine was sobering up by the lake. The courtiers went to pay their respects. Because my father was addicted to alcohol, the courtiers would cook Jiangnan's special hangover tea. The imperial concubine took the courtiers I went back to the palace and never saw her again." Feng Yu lowered her eyes, she didn't have time to speak to Xie Xun, and based on what she knew about Xie Xun, the palace maid would never survive.

The queen stared at Feng Yu, seeing that she was calm and calm, not panicked at all, she couldn't help thinking that she was so lucky that she escaped by coincidence.That court lady was ambitious and wanted to fly to the top of the branch, so that ruined her plan?
"Third Miss lied, the maid clearly brought Third Miss into the palace where His Highness rests, and the servants saw it." The eunuch serving the Third Prince knelt down and accused Feng Yu of lying. "It was precisely when I saw the third girl entering His Highness's room in private, and the slave smelled the forbidden incense, that I came to report. If the slave has half a lie, it will be struck by lightning, and I will die."

Everyone was in an uproar, Xie Xun sat up slightly, his bony hands lightly tapped on the table, and there was a bit of hostility in his meditation.

"Fengyu, is he telling the truth?" The emperor was furious, corpses floated for miles, Emperor Jianming's coercion enveloped Fengyu, if anyone else would have revealed his truth.

Marquis Anyuan and Princess Xuelan didn't know what happened, they looked at Fengyu worriedly, Fang Lingjun was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

Fengyu's eyes turned red in an instant, I saw pity and innocence, "Elder-in-law, Fengyu entered the palace for the first time, and she has no grievances or enmities with you, why did you frame me?"

Concubine Xie got up and knelt down, "This concubine saw Miss Feng San by the lake and took her back to the palace. It is true. Could it be that you suspect that this concubine is lying?"

The eunuch kowtowed, "Your Majesty, what this servant said is absolutely true, the third girl did enter the palace of the third prince in private."

"Then Bengong lied?" Concubine Xie Guifei asked with a sneer, "Since the third girl was brought to the third prince's bedroom by the maid, how did she appear by Bengong's side?"

The eunuch was so blocked that he didn't dare to speak. The empress kept this matter secret, so people were cleared out along the way. After the maid brought the third girl into the palace, she heard ambiguous panting sounds from inside, so she quickly reported it.There was no one guarding them outside, and they really didn't know why the third girl became a court lady.

Feng Yu also kowtowed, with tears streaming down her face and feeling aggrieved, "This is the first time a court lady enters the palace. She is cautious in her words and deeds. Because her clothes get wet, she is led to wash by the court lady. The court lady doesn't know the way, but the court lady is serving in the palace. The courtiers took them to the third prince's bedroom, and hoped that the emperor would investigate clearly."

Feng Changlin and Mrs. Feng's faces turned pale, and Feng Yan was so frightened that he hugged Feng Wan, Feng Wan could only hug her to comfort her, and she was also terrified.

What's going on, why is Yu'er involved?
"The slave really didn't lie, and he is willing to die to show his will!" The eunuch said as he stood up and slammed into the bronze pillar. Feng Yu couldn't argue with his death.

Everyone was shocked, and the female relatives were even more frightened, their faces turned pale, and they didn't dare to look any more.

Xie Xun raised his hand and flicked slightly, a small marble hit the eunuch's knee, and the eunuch fell to the ground painfully. Lin Sheng turned around and looked at Xie Xun, his eyes were probing and vigilant.

"The truth is not known. Once you die, do you want to die without evidence?" Xie Xun lightly withdrew his hand, and no one else dared to get involved in this matter. After all, murdering the emperor's heir is a serious crime of copying the family and destroying the ancestors.

Seeing that the eunuch didn't kill her, the queen was very disappointed, "Your Majesty, this slave has been with the third child since childhood. He is loyal and will never lie. Feng Yu has a very close relationship with the Zhenbei Marquis Mansion. The noble concubine should not be confused for a while and bully you in front of the palace." Jun."

 ok, good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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