Chapter 69 Revenge
The queen's surname is Lu, and her family background is not high. Emperor Jianming's father was the son of a court lady with a low status, and he was a vassal in Ningzhou.Ningzhou is barren and war-torn, and the local soldiers and horses are under the control of Zhenbeihou.It is conceivable that Emperor Jianming's identity is also very embarrassing. He only has the name of a prince and grandson, but has no real power.The daughters raised by the aristocratic families in Beijing were unwilling to marry to Ningzhou to suffer. When Emperor Jianming was the eldest son, it was not easy to find marriages.

Emperor Jianming also thought about it, and chose the daughter of the magistrate of Ningzhou as his concubine.After Emperor Jianming ascended the throne, the chicken and dog of the Lu family ascended to heaven and was granted the title of Ningguo Duke.He is old and has long since taken care of himself. The luck of the Lu family has been exhausted in the latter position, and his children are useless. Although he is the head of the country, his in-laws are very ordinary.The queen's younger brother is ignorant, relying on himself as the uncle of the country to run wild in the capital, no one dares to take care of him, and has caused many disasters.

Every time a trouble arises, the queen or the crown prince will come forward to calm it down, and the power of the descendants is not obvious, so they are even more afraid of the first-class princes with military power.

This uncle of the country is a frequent visitor to entertainment venues and casinos. Feng Yu's hand can't reach into the East Palace or the imperial palace, but the Lu family is different.The roots of the Lu family are all in Ningzhou, and the land and property in the capital are all controlled by the seven great families.Although the Lu family is a descendant family, they cannot come from behind. Emperor Jianming ascended the throne, his foundation is not stable, and he will not oppose the family.

Snatching people's land in Yanyang is like killing their parents, so the Lu family doesn't have much property in the capital. They only bought a few acres of paddy fields and a few villages in the suburbs of Beijing. There were originally six stores in the downtown area, but they lost two due to poor management.The Lu family lived entirely on gifts from Duke Ning and the Empress. When the Lu family lived in poverty in Ningzhou, once they were rich and charming, they would inevitably spend a lot of money.Relying on a few acres of small yields and rewards can't make a living, so Uncle Lu has arrears in all major banks in the capital.

I borrowed 1 taels from Baofeng Bank a few days ago.Baofeng Bank is a bank opened by the Su family in the south of the Yangtze River. Baofeng Bank participated in the mining of several major silver mines in the south of the Yangtze River.It has a wide range of businesses, and it is the bank with the best circulation in Yanyang. With the Marquis of Zhenbei as its banner, most people dare not cause trouble in Baofeng Bank. Uncle Lu Guo borrowed money from Beijing Bank, and has been blacklisted. Baofeng Bank borrowed money.

Uncle Lu Guo has a special status. The treasurer of the bank reported it to Feng Shu, but Feng Shu rejected his loan. After Feng Shu left Beijing, the shopkeeper and Feng Yu reported that Uncle Guo came to borrow money again a few days ago, and Feng Yu approved it. .

"Girl, the Crown Princess gave birth to a child, and the emperor pardoned the whole world, exempting [-]% of the annual tax." Chunlu reported the news to Fengyu.

Feng Yu endured the pain from the wound, and her eyes were unusually gloomy, "It's such a big happy event, of course I want to give them a gift. Call all the shopkeepers of the casino and Peony Building, I have something to explain to them."


What a disparity in identities, rash actions lead to disaster!Why does the king want his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die!It's all bullshit, I order my master, why do you decide!Whoever wants her life, she wants his life!Even if it is the sky, she will break the sky!

It was the first time for Qiuxiang and Chunlu to see Fengyu so furious, even when Zhuang Zishang was assassinated, Fengyu got angry, but she didn't have this kind of coldness that insisted on killing people.

Three days later, Uncle Lu Guo died suddenly in the downtown area, and the court was shocked.The queen was still in the joy of the crown princess giving birth to her eldest grandson, when she suddenly heard the bad news, she fainted out of a whimper.

Uncle Lu Guo has been dragged to the casino by his cronies for the past few days, and the luck is very good, and the thousand silver has been multiplied five times in one day.Uncle Lu Guo was so excited that he killed more and more courageously, killing all directions in the casino.After winning money in the casino, he invites friends to order songs and meet prostitutes in the Peony Building.The girls in Mudanlou perform their arts without selling their bodies. They are both talented and talented, coaxing the young and powerful in Beijing to spend a lot of money. The girls compete one by one.Uncle Lu Guo has always liked the orchid girl, and wanted to redeem her, but the shopkeeper of the Peony House, Thirteen Niang, refused. The orchid girl is both good at singing and dancing, and the colorful cloud dance amazed the capital. At that time, Uncle Lu Guo made a big fuss in the Peony Tower, insisting on redeeming the girl Lanhua, and fought with several playboys.Among them was Li Pengfei who got drunk all day long in Peony Tower.

After two days of trouble, Miss Lanhua claimed that she was out of illness, and the Peony Building was also temporarily closed. Uncle Lu Guo was instigated by someone, and came to Peony Building every day to make a fuss for Miss Lanhua to redeem her body.Sitting in front of the Peony Building, he drank and showed off, threatening that he was the queen's younger brother and the uncle of Yanyang Guo. If the Peony Building refused to let people go, he would send someone to shovel the Peony Building.

This remark enraged the young man who came to the Peony Tower to have fun, a group of people broke out in the street, Lu Guojiu quarreled endlessly with others, and sent his servants to beat them, and the situation got out of control and gradually formed a group fight.After a stick of incense, Uncle Lu Guo died violently in the street, frightening everyone. The matter was soon reported to Dali Temple, and several young men who caused trouble were arrested.

There were Li Pengfei, Zhang Boxing, Cai Wensen, Zhou Liyu, etc. Four of the seven great families, Lin Xie, Li Zhangfang, Cai Zhou, were involved. Although Li Pengfei was a side branch, he was a very good side blood of the Li family, and this matter soon came to the fore.

Xie Xun had just finished handling military affairs when he heard Uncle Lu Guo died suddenly. He was practicing guns in the courtyard. He was slender, with broad shoulders and narrow waist.Just in response to that sentence, she is as graceful as a frightened bird, and as graceful as a swimming dragon.

Xie Xun was as tall as jade, with a silver spear standing sideways, "Death?"

"Yes, Uncle Lu was clamoring in Peony Building every day. After the Thirteen Niang Gate closed, he took the girls to the village in the suburbs of Beijing for a horse racing holiday, leaving only a few nursing homes. Uncle Lu didn't know the truth, and was still making trouble in front of the building. Li Pengfei, Zhang Boxing and others were at odds with him all the time, and it was also heard that he robbed the girls and forced them to stay behind closed doors. Several people fought in front of the building, and less than an hour after Li Pengfei, Zhang Boxing and others left Burning incense, Uncle Lu Guo died violently on the street, Dali Temple has carried the body back, the empress refused to do an autopsy, and asked Li Pengfei and others to pay for their lives."

Nuan Yang lazily sat on the roof basking in the sun, "Master, there is a good show to watch this time. Uncle Lu Guo died suddenly after Li Pengfei, Zhang Boxing and others left. If it is really a death sentence, the big families will not agree to it." At most, it’s an inevitable crime, and one person will be punished with dozens of boards. How can the empress let it go?”

Xie Xun went to the weapon rack to wipe his spear. He didn't care about Uncle Lu's death. He went to the battlefield with his father and brother when he was 13 years old. When he returned to Beijing, he liked to go horse racing in the suburbs of Beijing with his brothers, and he didn't like to associate with young men in Beijing.After living in Kyoto for the past two years, I heard rumors about Uncle Lu Guo.

This uncle of the country is less than [-] years old. He is the old son of Ning Guogong.Last year, she harassed the widow and forced the widow to hang herself, leaving only a three-year-old son. After doing all the unconscionable things, he still enjoys wealth and honor, because the queen and the prince are behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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