Chapter 71
Scholars, farmers, businessmen, anyone can bully them, so much fanfare that they almost didn't set off firecrackers, it's really arrogant, the girl has always kept a low profile, and her style has changed drastically, they all have doubts.

"The merchants in the whole street work together, even if the government wants to take care of it, what crimes will we be charged with? In Shangyanshang, we engage in price reduction sales, and we only care about profits. Who cares about the day when Uncle Lu Guo dies, he is not that important." Feng Yu said lightly, "Don't worry, just operate as usual. Baofeng Bank's bad debt... You can go to the shopkeepers of the major banks. Uncle Lu borrowed money from the bank. If someone dies, the money must be repaid. If Dali Temple comes to check the accounts, just give them the records."


The two girls of Feng's family are very different in temperament and personality. Feng Shu likes to be down-to-earth in doing things, and she can listen to advice. If she goes in the wrong direction, she turns around decisively.Miss Fengyu was different, her face was soft and her heart was cruel, and it was extremely difficult to reverse her decision.Shopkeeper Wen and Thirteen Niangs are steadfast girls, Feng Yu can do whatever they want, so Feng Yu is very assertive.

This time, the price reduction sale is also blatant and presumptuous, but the shopkeeper Wen doesn't know how to mobilize the entire street of shops to jointly promote sales.Duke Ning's mansion is angry, what can he do to arrest all the shopkeepers in the whole street?This is one of the most lively and bustling streets in Kyoto. Who doesn't care who can make a living on this street?
The meeting lasted three hours, with a break of half an hour in the middle, and it was already afternoon when the shopkeepers left. Fengyu only left Thirteen Niangs behind.

Wen Shisanniang was born in a brothel. She was originally a Yangzhou skinny horse. She is 25 years old this year, with a charming figure and a variety of styles.Piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry, wine, scented tea, and the eight elegance of life are proficient in everything.Both singing and dancing, the girls in the Peony Building are almost all trained by her. King Qi is Wen Shisan's guest, and she is very close to the dignitaries in Beijing. Li is unique and is favored by powerful and talented scholars.

Wen Shisanniang knew what Feng Yu wanted her to do, she sat close to Feng Yu, and sat next to her, she was naturally charming, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, girl, even if I do an autopsy, I won't find anything. One person's life will be killed silently. The slave family is too good at it."

"Can Dali Temple send someone to investigate?" Feng Yu asked.

"They summoned Lanhua and asked about Banzhuxiang. Uncle Lu Guo clamored to redeem Lanhua, but Lanhua refused in court, and many young children can testify. Young Lord Xie Xun is the guest of Lanhua girl, and Dali Temple dare not make things difficult. We have been playing on Zhuangzi since the building was closed, Uncle Lu died and returned, Dali Temple can't find anything, and Lanhua doesn't know anything." Thirteen Niang squeezed Feng Yu's face, "I even hide it from my sister. , who knows how he died."

Moreover, Mudanlou, like Wangjiang Restaurant, is not owned by the Feng family on the surface. Except for the shopkeepers in Beijing, few people know about it.

"It's done beautifully." Feng Yu blinked mischievously.

Wen Shisanniang covered her mouth and smiled, holding Feng Yu's face and asked, "He is dead, is the girl happy?"

"Happy!" Feng Yu also laughed softly, finally venting her anger.The queen and the prince live in the deep palace, and there are guards, she can't do anything to them.

But when one person attained the Dao of chickens and dogs ascending to the sky, she couldn't kill the sky, so she killed all the chickens and dogs that followed him to the sky.

Wen Shisanniang said, "I will make the girl happier."

Two days later, it was Lu Guojiu's first seven, Ning Guogong, the white-haired man was sending the black-haired man, grief and anger in his heart, and he broke his leg while riding a horse. A fall at his age should not be underestimated. , almost died.The queen and the prince went out to visit the palace. Everyone said that the government of Ningguo had a bad year, and the queen was even more tearful. She felt sorry for her younger brother and her father. It was the end of the new year, and it was definitely not a good year for Ningguo and the queen.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, it snowed in Kyoto.

The falling snow is wrapped in red walls and black tiles, plain and ethereal, and the whole Kyoto is located in the snow, wrapped in plain silver makeup.After it snowed, the temperature plummeted, and the winter plums were fragrant in the courtyard, so Feng Yu rarely went out.If the shopkeeper from Jingzhong came to see her at Fengfu for something important, Fengyu lived a very peaceful life, Fengwan and Fengyan were still friends, the Feng family also held a banquet, Fengyu was injured and did not attend, Fengwan and Fengyan Will often come to her courtyard, the three sisters occasionally talk about interesting things, play chess, taste tea and arrange flowers and so on.The New Year's gift from the Su family arrived, Feng Yu kept the medicinal materials, and sent the rest to the eldest lady.

The eldest lady looked at the boxes of New Year's gift with complicated emotions. If it was in previous years, she would have taken it for granted and never felt grateful.After being woken up by the old lady's scolding, and then seeing the New Year's gift from the Su family, I felt all kinds of feelings in my heart.Feng Shu is not at home, most of the fabrics sent are simple and elegant, not Feng Yu's favorite.The Su family specially prepared it for the girls in the big house. Those plain and elegant fabrics are hard to find in the capital.

In addition, there is also Feng Changming's favorite tea, the fragrance she likes, Mrs. Feng's face is hot, she is blindfolded by jealousy, all these years only know jealousy, but not gratitude.

"New Year's Eve is coming, and Shu'er is not at home. After the New Year's Eve banquet, your sisters will accompany Yu'er to watch the year, and just play in the house. Don't let her blow the wind." The eldest lady told Feng Wan and Feng Yan.

Feng Wan smiled lightly and said, "Mother, don't worry, daughter knows."

Mrs. Feng has been worrying about Fengwan's marriage recently. After being scolded by the old lady, she wanted to marry Fengwan to the new champion Liu An according to what Feng Changlin said.Although Liu An's family background is poor, his father is disabled and his mother is strong, but they are a sensible family. Mrs. Feng specially sent someone to inquire about this marriage.

However, without waiting for Mrs. Feng to take any action, Liu An appointed Zhang Jingmiao of the Zhang family. Mrs. Feng was disappointed, but Zhang Boxing's mother hoped to hire Feng Wan as her daughter-in-law.As soon as the two families talked, Zhang Boxing was imprisoned in Dali Temple because of the death of Uncle Lu Guo.The case has been tried for more than ten days, but there is still no conclusion, and the marriage came to an abrupt end.

Mrs. Feng was very worried, she only felt that Feng Wan's marriage was not going well because her eyes were raised above her head, and she was inevitably depressed.Feng Yu had also heard a little about Mrs. Feng's thoughts, and she was surprised that Uncle Lu's matter could drag on for so long.I thought that Li Pengfei, Zhang Boxing and others would be released after four or five days at most. Could it be that they will be locked up for New Year's Eve? Would the big families be willing?These people are the more promising children of the aristocratic family, she does not believe that they will be locked up forever.

Whether it was killing Lu Guojiu or breaking Ning Guogong's leg, Thirteen Niang did it very beautifully and impeccably, and she basically didn't worry about being found out.From the beginning to the end, only the Baofeng Bank was related to her. Uncle Lu Guo borrowed all the money from the Jingzhong Bank and bullied others to borrow money from the bank, but no one else could find any evidence.

Why did Dali Temple not close the case?
 good night ah
(End of this chapter)

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