After Feng Yu and the princesses of the Northern Barbarians gathered together for an hour, the ladies and ladies of the clans in the palace were also invited into the palace. In the future, the female family members of the Northern Barbarian royal family will also be part of the capital and they must get to know each other.Mrs. Fang spoke the best Northern Barbarian dialect and was responsible for the introduction and presentation. Almost all the ladies from the major clans were among the invited people, as well as the main female relatives of the Northern Barbarians. The atmosphere was harmonious and Feng Yu was able to serve her well. No one dares to cause any unpleasantness on such an occasion.

She got along very well with the third and fourth princesses. The strong-tempered eldest princess would also be happy to see that her daughters had not been treated harshly. The highest-ranking female family member on both sides could control the situation, and the banquet would naturally be harmonious.

The wives of the clansmen in Beijing are still very curious about the female relatives of the Northern Barbarians, but they cannot understand the language and it is inconvenient to communicate. Feng Yu said that she and Mrs. Fang will personally teach the female relatives of the Northern Barbarians to learn the Beining language and customs in a few days.The customs and habits of the northern barbarians can naturally be preserved and their strengths and weaknesses can be exploited.

Mrs. Fang and others will be more curious about Lan Ningzhen. Lan Ningzhen also knows that many eyes are on her. She herself has a guilty conscience and has no confidence, so she does not seem as generous as the Northern Barbarian princesses. , Feng Yu intended to protect each other, and she was not too uncomfortable.

Fang Lingjun came to sit next to Feng Yu, but her eyes frequently drifted towards Lan Ningzhen. Feng Yu had noticed it a long time ago. Because Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun were close sisters, Fang Lingjun would always sit next to her unscrupulously. Feng Yu also liked to talk to her. She whispered together.

"Why do you keep looking at Lan Ningzhen?"

"She looks a bit like my brother."

"The facial features are somewhat similar, but...the temperament is very different." Feng Yu chuckled and said, even if they were a little similar, others would not think that they looked similar, unless they were too familiar with Fang Chuning.

Fang Chuning has an outgoing and flamboyant temperament, a bright fire.

Lan Ningzhen is reserved and quiet, like an orchid in the empty valley.

"Why are you a little hostile towards her? Don't you like her?" Feng Yu asked.

"I don't like it!" Fang Lingjun knew that she was expressing her anger. Xie Jue liked her, married her, and had children. Whether it was sincere or just for fun, it had nothing to do with Lan Ningzhen. She was an outsider and had no right to comment, but when she thought Brother, Fang Lingjun felt very uncomfortable. People are emotional animals and will defend their shortcomings. Fang Lingjun thought that if it weren't for Lan Ningzhen, maybe her brother could still get what he wanted. Even if it was shocking, she also wanted her brother to get his wish.

Feng Yu also gradually saw some clues and patted her hand reassuringly. Although Lan Ningzhen was quiet and invisible, the ladies in Beijing couldn't help but curiously asked after they knew that she could speak Beining dialect. Regarding her and Xie Jue's affairs, "Miss Lan and King Yan really got married in Beiman. From that day on, we will be called Princess Yan." The princess has a higher rank than all the women present except Feng Yu. , including the Northern Barbarian princesses, even if the Northern Barbarian King is crowned king, he should not be a two-character prince, but a three-character king, and his status will be one level lower than that of the prince.Lan Ningzhen will be the woman with the highest status among the female relatives of the Northern Barbarians.

Feng Yu was also waiting for Lan Ningzhen's reply. Lan Ningzhen faced everyone's probing or curious eyes and nodded, "Yes, we are married."

"Prince Yan has been stunningly talented and handsome since he was a child. I don't know how many women in the capital have secretly admired her, but they didn't expect that Princess Yan would come from the Northern Barbarians. I am afraid that the hearts of the girls in the capital will be broken. It is quite a pity. "Mrs. Li didn't know what she meant, so she asked with a smile, "I wonder how the princess and the prince met in the northern barbarians?"

Lan Ningzhen could also detect a bit of malice in the words, and said calmly, "The prince was the counselor of the second king in the past when he was in Fox City. I am the wife and sister of the second king, and we have become familiar with each other since we went back and forth."

"The one who is near the water and the tower first gets the moon."

Mrs. Fang had always disliked Mrs. Li, and because Lan Ningzhen's facial features were similar to Fang Chuning's, she couldn't help but say, "Why are you so talkative about the prince's stay in Fox City? What does it have to do with you?"

Fang Lingjun was a little anxious, mother, I know you don't like her, but you let her ask, it has nothing to do with her, it has something to do with our family!

Mrs. Li mocked and said, "Yes, Mrs. Fang is a noble person and doesn't like to listen to other people's business. Why would it bother you if we want to hear it?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Feng Yu coughed and said softly, "Madam, please don't be angry. The fruit wine today is very good. Drink a few more glasses in a while. The princesses should also try our Beining fruit wine. It has the same flavor as Fox City." Than how."

Feng Yu saved the whole battle with just a few words. Fang Lingjun was quite sorry. She really wanted to hear it. Feng Yu chuckled and said, "If you want to know, just ask Lan Ningzhen privately later. I think she is not good at words." , let’s not embarrass her in public.”

"I don't want to embarrass her, lest others anger my brother." Fang Lingjun snorted coldly. (End of chapter)

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