Feng Yu secretly thought that Junjun seemed to know the truth, but also seemed to know half of the truth, half-knowledge, and half-understanding. How could it be that he had unrequited love? With his second brother's cold and unkind appearance, apart from Fang Chuning, he had never Who have you ever been so gentle to?

After so many years, Fang Chuning was the only one who could sleep on the same bed with him and drink a bottle of wine with him. He was the one who even Xie Xun was not allowed to sleep on his bed or drink from his wine glass.

Why is it unrequited love?

"What did your brother say?"

Could it be that he was misleading Junjun? In fact, Fang Chuning didn't mention him by name, but the sentence was too pointed and Fang Lingjun didn't allow Fang Lingjun to think too much. It couldn't be that her brother was talking about Zhang Lingzheng or Zhang Boju.

It can only be Xie Jue, but Xie Jue has a wife and a daughter. If his brother doesn’t have unrequited love, what is he?
Feng Yu was not sure whether she should tell Fang Lingjun openly about this matter. Logically speaking, she shouldn't talk too much about it, but she couldn't bear to see Fang Lingjun feel uncomfortable, so she could only say, "They should be in love with each other, not your brother's unrequited love."

"What!" Fang Lingjun was shocked. She even forgot to wipe her face. She took a wet handkerchief and rubbed it in her palms. This was too... even more shocking. She vaguely felt that it should be like this. This was only reasonable. Why did her brother have unrequited love?Why should a good person like my brother not be liked and be let down?

"Heartless man, then why did he marry a wife and have a daughter in the Northern Barbarians? His daughter is already so old, damn it!" Fang Lingjun was furious, jumped down from Nuantao, and paced angrily, filled with righteous indignation, "Back then, I was hunting. In order to protect him, my brother risked life and death, hanging on by a thread, and exchanged his life several times. It was so affectionate and profound. Since he liked his brother, why should he let him down? Why should he bear such pain alone? In the future, my brother would meet Bei That woman, Man, still wants to salute and call her Princess Yan, why? My brother is so pitiful."

Feng Yu stroked her forehead in embarrassment, but Fang Lingjun stopped crying. Now the anxiety and sadness in her heart had turned into anger, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, irritable.

She and Xie Xun should have a lot in common and could start a fight!
In order to protect each other's brothers, it's not a matter of life and death.

"The second brother went to the Northern Barbarians for two years. During this period, the Northern Barbarian King offered him a marriage. He also needed to establish a foothold in Fox City. Marrying a wife may have been a last resort. He was isolated and helpless in Fox City back then. The Northern Barbarian King offered him a marriage and it was hard to refuse. This is also It's a helpless move. Besides, we don't know the situation in Fox City. Only the parties involved know. Please rest assured and don't be angry. Their affairs will be taken care of by themselves. You can't interfere in it. On the contrary, it will be self-defeating. Stop shaking. It made me dizzy." Fengyu was shaken uncomfortably and pulled Fang Lingjun to sit down. "You can't show your emotions. You are so hostile to Lan Ningzhen. If others take a clue, you will get into trouble. The second brother and your brother I don’t want this matter to be known to anyone, after all, it is not tolerated by the world.”

Fang Lingjun also gradually calmed down. She always listened to Feng Yu's advice, but she just felt aggrieved. Feng Yu asked to the point, "Do you want the world to know about their mutual love?"

Fang Lingjun felt extremely horrified when she thought about that scene!
No matter how many great contributions Xie Jue and Fang Chuning had made for Beining, no matter how many times Xie Jue and Fang Chuning went through life and death for the people of Beining, they were willing to go to the northern barbarians alone.Once this matter is exposed, all their merits and honors will be completely destroyed. The gossips of others will destroy their pride and honor, and they will even be made fun of maliciously. I don't know how many slanders and attacks they will receive.Fang Lingjun was absolutely unwilling, and that was why she felt uneasy and under great pressure.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Feng Yu also knew that Fang Lingjun had listened to the advice. It was precisely because she realized this that she did not tell Xie Xun in detail what to do in the future, so she just let nature take its course.

"It's not Lan Ningzhen's fault, is it?" Feng Yu said softly. From what she knew about her second brother, her daughter was definitely not his. Even if she admitted it, she might not be. Maybe she did it to repay her kindness. , if it weren't for the Lan family's help, the second brother and Fang Chuning would have died in the Northern Barbarians. Lan Ningzhen's identity was given, and it didn't matter if her daughter could be the princess or the princess.

How to properly handle this complicated relationship depends on how the second brother arranges it.

Fang Lingjun's mood slowly calmed down under Feng Yu's comfort. Xiao Ruyi and Lan Mingzhu were also tired from playing and were brought back to the longevity palace by Dong Xue and Xia Zhu.

Lan Mingzhu is lively and smart, has the same temperament as Ruyi, and plays well. Xiao Ruyi also took Lan Ningzhen to ride a pony. After playing with her for two hours, she became her sister, who called her very affectionate.Lan Mingzhu also liked her younger brother very much. Dongxue told Feng Yu that the little girl Mingzhu protected her brother along the way. She was smart, kind, generous, and good-looking. Such a little girl was very lovable.

Fang Lingjun looked at those eyes and thought to herself, if her brother had a daughter, she would also have such beautiful eyes!

Did Xie Jue marry Lan Ningzhen because she looked similar to her brother?

Feng Yu quite likes this little girl and specially prepared a gift for her. This is different from the reward at the banquet. Knowing that Xie Jue will recognize the pearl, in the future she will be the little princess of Yanwang Palace, so Feng Yu will naturally give her a special gift. treatment.

Lan Mingzhu also thanked her and was taken back to rest by the palace servants.

"Does Ruyi like sister?"

"I like it, I like it!" Ruyi was very excited. He no longer needed to envy others, "I also have a sister. Can I play with her in the future?"

"Maybe." Feng Yu touched Ruyi's hair, which was wet with sweat. "I'm so sweaty after having so much fun. Go wash up and change clothes to avoid the wind and cold."

Dongxue also took Ruyi down to wash up, and Fang Lingjun said a little sarcastically, "King Yan is so lucky to have two children."

Feng Yu, "..."

She also feels so lucky!
In the side hall of Changqiu Palace, a palace maid came to invite Lan Ningzhen, saying that King Yan wanted to see her. Lan Ningzhen followed the palace maid to the pavilion in the imperial garden anxiously.

She originally thought that Xie Jue was the only one, but she didn't expect that Fang Chuning was also there. Lan Ningzhen felt a little more relaxed after seeing Fang Chuning. She had never gotten along with Xie Jue, but she had heard that Xie Jue had a cold temperament and was difficult to approach. Now Fang Chuning is also there. In the imperial garden, Lan Ningzhen couldn't help but feel a little relaxed. She had a quiet temperament and stepped forward to salute, "I've met my brother, I've met the prince."

Fang Chuning stood up, held her arm with one hand, and looked at her with a warm smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are doing well."

"Thank you for your concern, brother. Everything is fine with Lan Zhen, and I will always remember brother in my heart!" Lan Ningzhen responded softly, looking at Xie Jue carefully, and couldn't help but marvel in her heart. It was indeed as her father said, she is an amazing talent. A stunningly beautiful man, but his eyes were too cold, and he looked at her critically. His eyes fell thoughtfully on Fang Chuning's hand holding him, and his eyes made Lan Ningzhen feel cold all over.

Xie Jue asked, "Why did she call you brother?"

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