The next day, when Xie Xun woke up, he had long forgotten what he had talked about in his sleep. As an emperor, he had almost no holidays and had to get up very early to prepare for the morning court. Feng Yu was sleepy, so it would be good if she could get up and accompany him once in ten times. Most of the time, Xie Xun went to court. Hou Fengyu was still asleep and unconscious.When the eunuch came to wake him up today, Feng Yu also woke up. Rather than saying she was awake, it was better to say that Feng Yu had not slept all night.

Xie Xun looked at her tiredness with some distress, "Did something happen at the banquet last night? Did you stay up all night?"

"No, there are people staring at the banquet. What's the matter? It's because someone drank too much and kept making me unable to sleep." Feng Yu said angrily, yawning until tears welled up in her eyes. Xie Xun felt more and more distressed after hearing this, " It's just this once, and if I get drunk again, you'll drive me to the side hall to rest."

Feng Yu couldn't help laughing. After Xie Xun changed into the royal uniform, he turned around and hugged Feng Yu and kissed her, "Aunty, please catch up on your sleep. I'm going to court."

"Okay!" Feng Yu looked at his high-spirited appearance, and her heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. Even if she saw him countless times, or even seen him at his worst, Feng Yu would still be amazed by Xie Xun's eyes and face, and he After becoming the emperor, his face became more and more handsome. Such a handsome and romantic emperor should be the dream lover of many girls in the boudoir.

Back then, the young Marquis rode through the streets, and the buildings were full of red sleeves.

Teenage romance!

Now he is the Ninth Five-year-old, with the world in his hands and the power. His only regret is... Feng Yu gathered her thoughts, called Qiuxiang over, and said softly, "Take Dr. Zhou's prescription and refill the medicine, and continue every day." Come on with the Japanese fried rice."

Qiuxiang was confused and asked, "My dear, don't you take that medicine every day?"

Feng Yu said calmly, "The emperor has changed the prescription. You go to Zhang Lingzheng and tell him that it was my intention and ask him to keep it secret. He will not let others know."

Qiuxiang is loyal and loyal. She will do whatever Fengyu says. After arriving at the hospital, she will go to Zhang Lingzheng to prescribe medicine.

Feng Yu had been taking care of her body before she got married. Dr. Zhou was a master of gynecology and tried his best to help her take care of her body. Later, Xie Xun heard from an imperial doctor that those medicines were harmful to the body and that she was weak. Even if she was pregnant, The son had a narrow escape during delivery and secretly changed her medicine.

Now the medicine she drinks is only for regulating qi and blood. Zhang Lingzheng is a wonderful man. He has always been loyal to the Zhenbei Hou Mansion. Therefore, he knows that Xie Xun has changed the medicine and also knows that Xie Xun will not spread the harem. The audacious doctor Zhang took this medicine After telling Feng Yu what had happened, Feng Yu had an idea. Feng Yu was moved but also felt guilty. She didn't want to hurt Xie Xun's heart, so she just pretended that she didn't know.

Now she has changed her mind. She still wants to be pregnant with Xie Xun's heir. She wants Xie Xun to have his wish. Even though she knows there are many dangers, she still wants to take the risk.

Xie Xun has many eyes and ears in the palace, and it is difficult for his every move to escape his eyes. Fortunately, he trusts Feng Yu completely and will not stare at the people around her. Zhang Lingzheng has long been looking forward to the queen's pregnancy, let alone If you block her, you will only acquiesce or even help her hide it.

After the medicine was boiled, Qiu Xiang brought it to her to take. She kept this matter from Xie Xun, so she would not let Qiu Xiang talk too much. However, Qiu Xiang was uneasy and said, "Your Majesty, the Emperor will know about this sooner or later."

"It doesn't matter, just let nature take its course." Feng Yu said with a gentle smile, "I can't bear to let him have regrets. If others have it, Zhixu will also have it." (End of Chapter)

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