Dugu Hongying is from the Priest's House, so it is very appropriate for her to give advice to the Priest's House. Feng Yu's words are harsh, and she hopes that she can wake up. Beining has a vast land, rich resources, and a strong country, so there is no way that it will be threatened by the poison. , if this was used to blackmail the royal family, Xie Xun would kill them all at all costs. It would definitely not work in Beining for the priest to use the gods to control the northern barbarians.

Feng Yu had been poisoned by poison before, so she was very cautious when seeing Dugu Hongying this time. Zhang Lingzheng was waiting in the palace and would not let Dugu Hongying get close to her. It was impossible to harm her with poison.Dugu Hongying was extremely dissatisfied with Feng Yu's attitude, but did not contradict her. She meekly promised that Feng Yu would convince the high priest when she returned.

Feng Yu didn't think Dugu Hongying was such an easy person to talk to. She had completely changed from when they first met in Beijing. Her impression of Dugu Hongying back then was still that she was the little girl who followed Dugu Jing. She was extremely timid, but now she has changed so much that she is so determined and courageous that she can hardly recognize him.

Zhang Lingzheng checked all the utensils and took Feng Yu's pulse to confirm her safety. Feng Yu said, "The emperor and the prince have sent people to keep an eye on the priests. They are still asking for them. Unless it is a personal grudge, they will not be there." Dugu Hongying probably wouldn’t dare to cause trouble at such a critical moment, as she very much listens to what Dugu Jing and King Jingbei say.”

Zhang Lingzheng was cautious, and after making sure that Feng Yu was fine, he ordered someone to check her in the hospital, and Feng Yu returned to the palace to rest.The sun was setting in the west, and the sky was filled with sunset. The sky was very beautiful in the early spring evening. When Xie Xun returned to the palace, he saw Feng Yu sitting on the second floor of the side hall of Changshou Palace and looking at the scenery. This was because the side hall had been specially built with an extra floor. Otherwise, it was all... The square sky looks dull.Feng Yu likes to enjoy the scenery from high places. Whether it is watching the rain or enjoying the snow, she likes to sit on the second floor of the side hall.

"The weather is still a bit cold, don't get cold." Xie Xun saw her lying in front of the window sill in a thin spring dress and looking at the clouds. He smiled and took a double-breasted robe and put it on her.Feng Yu didn't feel cold at all, but Xie Xun was in good health. She was in good health now. She only got sick twice in the whole winter, and she was already very healthy.

There was a painting made by Feng Yu on the kotami table. It was painted with colorful clouds on the horizon. Xie Xun wanted to laugh when he saw it, but it did not dampen her enthusiasm. He took off his shoes and socks and came up to hug Feng Yu. He felt that all the fatigue of the past few days had disappeared. , he still liked holding Feng Yu like this very much, it was comfortable and warm. Feng Yu touched the side of his face distressedly, "Except for the Priest's Court, is the matter with the Northern Barbarians also over?"

Xie Xun closed his eyes slightly, resting his head on Feng Yu's shoulder, "Today I asked Dugu Jing to talk to him. This matter really has nothing to do with King Jingbei. It's because the high priest is too greedy, but it's just not easy to deal with. The high priest is in Beiman He has a great status in his heart, and if he is killed rashly, it will be hard for the millions of northern barbarian people on the border to feel at ease, and there will definitely be chaos, which will only slowly reduce the influence of the Priesthood."

"Dugu Hongying said the same thing. This is their belief and an idea that has been ingrained since childhood. It is difficult to change." Feng Yu said lightly, "As long as they don't use poison easily, it's hard for us to take action. Do you think the high priest will agree?" Is it the condition that second brother put forward?"

"That's the bottom line. You have to agree even if you don't agree. I won't bargain with them." Xie Xun hugged her and chuckled, "I have been so busy from the year before to now, and there is no rest. I really want to move to the garden. live."

It was the summer garden of the Imperial City. It was very beautifully built. Unlike the square palaces of the Imperial City, the environment in the garden was also very comfortable. However, if it were moved to the courtyard, it would be inconvenient to go to court every morning.

Feng Yu knew that he was exhausted, so she chuckled and said, "We will move there in the summer."

"That's what I plan to do!" Xie Xun chuckled and kissed her, "I still know what I mean."

Feng Yu smiled softly, Xie Xun smelled her again, frowned and said, "Why does it smell like medicine? Why do you feel uncomfortable?"

She just drank the medicine to regulate her body. Zhang Lingzheng and Dr. Zhou changed the prescription together. It has a stronger taste and is different from the medicine she usually drinks. Xie Xun has a sensitive nose and can tell the difference as soon as she smells it. Feng Yu pinches it with a chuckle. His nose, "A dog's nose, so smart. I'm in good health. It's just a daily regimen."

Xie Xun was relieved when he saw that her expression was as usual. When he talked about Xie Jue and Lan Ningzhen, "My second brother wrote a letter of separation to Lan Ningzhen, but there is nothing to do."

His tone was rather regretful. Feng Yu had expected it. Although Xie Xun had long hoped that his second brother would get married and have children, he knew it was an extravagant hope and had given up long ago.

The second brother of his family has been very determined since he was a child. As long as it is something he decides, he will not waver easily. They sensed the danger when they were hunting in Xiyan Mountain. The second brother ignored everyone's objections and decided to return to Ningzhou to move reinforcements, risking his life. Even if he was impeached for rebelling in the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, he had no hesitation. Now how could he really marry Lan Ningzhen when his heart belonged to him? Even if it was false, the second brother was afraid and didn't want to put on a show.

"What did the Lan family say?" Feng Yu was not worried about Lan Ningzhen. This was a big deal after all. She was just worried that the Lan family would have any complaints.

"Nothing happened. Fang Chuning went to negotiate, and the Lan family didn't ask for any compensation. The matter went so smoothly that I even wondered if they had reached some conditions in private that I didn't know about." Xie Xun snorted coldly, "Fox... "

The second brother's only chance to marry and have children was missed, and he would never have another chance in the future.

Feng Yu also knew who he was scolding, but Xie Xun only knew some fragmentary information and did not know the whole truth. Feng Yu couldn't bear that he would be severely hit if he found out. She still feels that her brother has unrequited love. Waiting for Lan Ningzhen to win back a victory, Xie Xun secretly scolded Xie Jue for being useless and letting such a good opportunity pass.

"How dare you scold me secretly."

"Do you think Mingzhu looks more like Fang Chuning than the second brother?"

Feng Yu secretly thought that if she wasn't her second brother's child, then she certainly wouldn't be like him. Feng Yu chuckled and said, "Mingzhu is born like Lan Ningzhen, don't be suspicious."

"I didn't say anything. The second brother naturally recognized her and put her on the jade plate. The bright pearl is the princess of my dynasty." For those who have heirs, a single seedling like Ruyi is too lonely. The Yuwen royal family still has clans to choose from. They are all of the Yuwen family's blood. Their Xie family is withering away.Hey, I hope Ruyi can bloom!

Feng Yu can see the distress in Xie Xun's eyes. In fact, he has always shown that he does not force children, but he does not force because she is not in good health. He is afraid of putting pressure on her. If she is healthy and can give birth, given Xie Xun's temperament I wish I could have seven or eight children.

Feng Yu didn't want to be upset about the issue of the heir, so she changed the subject, "After the high priest's matter is resolved, isn't the second brother going to Sangnan?"

"Sangnan sent another message, hoping that my second brother would go on a mission. Since it is so difficult to refuse, once the high priest's matter is settled, he will set off for Sangnan, and the commander will return to Jiangnan to guard the border. I want to accompany him to Sangnan. Nan, I’m really worried about him being alone.”

"Ying Yi is still in Sangnan. Except for Ying Si who will stay to protect Ruyi, everyone else will follow. My second brother went to Beiman and came back safely. You have to believe him." Feng Yu could only comfort him, and Xie Xun also Just saying that it is impossible for him to accompany Xie Jue. The royal family only has three branches. Ruyi is so small. If he dares to mention it, the courtiers will kill him.

"Second brother almost died in the snowy mountain. If it weren't for Fang Chuning... how could he have come back alive." Although Xie Xun didn't know the whole story, he could naturally guess a thing or two. The second brother had climbed back through the snowy mountain, not from their official position. When he walked away, his legs were almost frozen to death, and he almost had to have them amputated to save his life. If Fang Chuning hadn't risked his life to bring him back, he wouldn't have been able to survive the dangerous weather in the Tianshan Mountains and the pursuit of the northern barbarians.

"In that case, just let Fang Chuning go on the mission together." Feng Yu made suggestions and felt that Xie Xun was unfounded. Although the second brother is more like a weak scholar, he has also been on the battlefield. Without Xie Xun, Fang Chuning is so brave and good at fighting. But it's not that they don't have any fists and kicks. If many generals in Ningzhou really want to take action, it may not be their second brother.

"The second brother said that without Fang Chuning, are they having a cold war with Lan Ningzhen and Mingzhu?" Xie Xun was puzzled. Logically speaking, Fang Chuning should know about this, and it shouldn't have happened so late.

Feng Yu raised her eyebrows and poked his chest, "You are the emperor. You don't care whether the second brother wants it or not. Just ask Fang Chuning to follow the next decree. Even if the second brother is unhappy, his safety is the most important."

Xie Xun suddenly realized, "That makes sense!"

Xie Xunfeng acted vigorously and thought so in his heart, so he did it. The next morning, the matter of the high priest had not been settled yet. Xie Jue was going to send Sang Nan as an envoy in half a month. Xie Xun directly issued an order and ordered Fang Chuning to accompany him. Protect Xie Jue’s safety.

As soon as this decree came out, not only Commander Fang Chuning was surprised, Xie Jue also frowned in displeasure. He and Fang Chuning had already agreed that in order to avoid suspicion this time, Fang Chuning did not have to accompany him.

Xie Xun knew what he meant, so why did he still issue this decree, "Your Majesty, I will take the masters of Honglu Temple on an envoy, and they will be protected by the imperial army. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing will lead the team, and they will be safe. General Fang will accompany the commander. Guarding the border in the south of the Yangtze River, it is inconvenient to go on an envoy with me."

Fang Chuning's protection mission was indeed overqualified!

Xie Xun refuted Xie Jue at the court meeting for the first time and said calmly, "Sang Nan's situation is complicated. I'm worried about your safety. General Fang is accompanying you, so I can rest assured that the matter is settled!"

Xie Jue, "..."

There’s no room for rejection, it’s settled!

The emperor said eloquently that no one can resist the edict. Even if Xie Jue wanted to resist the edict, he would not do it in court. He would talk to Xie Xun privately, so he gave Xie Xun a light look.

Xie Xun pretended not to see it!
He is the emperor now, and the second brother cannot teach him casually like before!

Fang Chuning didn't show it on his face, but he was happy in his heart. For the first time, he felt that Xie Xun was really handsome and pleasing to the eye. This decree went into his heart.

"I obey the decree and will live up to the trust entrusted by the Holy One to protect King Yan's safe return!"

The marshal frowned slightly. This decree also disrupted his arrangement with Fang Chu Ning. However, the decree was already issued and King Yan had no objection, so the marshal could only give up.

Just one update today, I’ll work on the outline behind it

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