Mrs. Fang was not very happy with this marriage, and Feng Yu did not force it. She smiled and said, "Your Majesty does not dare to mess with the relationship. If Junjun and you are not willing, we will let this marriage go. As if we have not mentioned it, Madam does not want it." Take it to heart.”

Mrs. Fang knew that Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun had a very good relationship. They were not better than sisters, but a relationship that could depend on each other's lives. In the past, she only regarded Feng Yu as a girl who was raised to be delicate and docile.After Feng Yu left Beijing with Xie Xun, she realized that she had been wrong. She seemed weak, but she had an iron will and a very smart mind. Whether it was for love or power, she took every step very seriously. Wen Dang, she was almost given a marriage to the Northern Barbarians back then, but unexpectedly she was given a marriage to Xie Xun. Now that she is the queen, she also has a firm control over the finances. The courtiers privately said that Si Chen, a censor, also attacked Feng Yu in the Jinluan Palace. Xie Xun never took interference in government affairs seriously, and even reprimanded the censor for this. The money belongs to the queen, and she can use it as she wants.

Feng Yu could make Xie Xun trust her so much, not only because of her beauty, but Mrs. Fang also wanted to hear Feng Yu's opinion, "Mother, do you think Dugu Jing is a good husband?"

Feng Yu had actually thought about this problem for a long time. From the time she met Dugu Jing to a series of things that happened, Dugu Jing and Xie Xun were actually very similar. There were embarrassments and discords.But Dugu Jing's nature is not bad. Is it worth entrusting him with his life? She feels that Dugu Jing is very affectionate and righteous in terms of protecting his brothers and sisters with all his efforts. King Jingbei also sincerely plans for him. How can the brothers of the Royal Quan family have such a good relationship? Such a relationship shows that the two brothers are inseparable and have good temperaments.

If she has a daughter, she will choose to let her daughter and Dugu Jing spend some time together when choosing a son-in-law. If they can develop feelings, it is actually a good marriage.

When Mrs. Fang asked, she was a little worried. The Fang family controlled a hundred thousand troops in the south of the Yangtze River, and Dugu Jing also had to control the army. She had to consider the entanglements and ties of many relationships.

But secretly, she hopes that Junjun can find a good marriage.

"Madam, everyone has their own preferences when choosing a son-in-law, and everyone has their own preferences for carrots and vegetables. It doesn't matter what I think is a treasure in the eyes of others, or is it a straw in the eyes of others. In fact, it mainly depends on what you think." Feng. Yu is loyal to her heart and still hopes that Junjun will have smooth sailing. "I came to look for Madam, mainly to find out Madam's tone. If Madam is unwilling, don't talk about it with Junjun. If Madam thinks it's good, you can talk to Junjun." You and I will discuss it, no matter what, it’s best to see what you want.”

"What about Dugu Jing?" Mrs. Fang asked.

This is the point of the question. In fact, Dugu Jing knows very little about the women in Beining. The one he is most familiar with is Feng Yu, and in his eyes, most Beining women are as fragile as Feng Yu. Although they are stunning for a moment, they will make young people's hearts flutter. But it was fleeting. He admired and loved those women who could ride, shoot, and discuss swords with him.

He also knew that King Jingbei came to the palace to talk to Xie Xun about his marriage. When he talked about Lin Yunong, Dugu Jing flatly refused. But when it came to Fang Lingjun, he was not familiar with Fang Lingjun. After knowing that she was a military general, and her temperament was different from that of Beining The lady was different. She didn't refuse outright. The two of them had no emotional basis. He was not opposed to meeting and getting acquainted.

Mrs. Fang was thoughtful. Since Feng Yu came to talk to her about this matter, it meant that Xie Xun didn't mind Dugu Jing's marriage to the Fang family. Mrs. Fang also asked Xie Xun about his arrangements for Dugu Jing. She knew that Xie Xun had no intention of Dugu Jing's marriage. Jing had no grudges and would be entrusted with important tasks in the future. Mrs. Fang was particularly shocked. After returning home, she consulted with Marshal Fang.

The commander's perspective is completely opposite to that of his wife. If Xie Xun has no grudge against Dugu Jing and will entrust him with important tasks, he feels that Dugu Jing is a good choice.When he got together with his old troops outside, they were all military generals and they would inevitably talk about the generals of the Northern Barbarians, and they all knew their character.A daughter is better than her father, so Fang Lingjun must find a husband with a strong temperament.

Like her father and brother in the family, she has never liked the young master in Beijing. If Junjun is willing to contact and cultivate feelings, the commander-in-chief thinks it is good. Even Xiaoqi thinks it is good. Only Fang Chuning objects.

Fang Chuning objected because there was a messy and unspeakable embarrassment between him and Dugu Jing. The fact that he was Lan Ningzhen would be buried in his stomach for the rest of his life. If one day it was exposed, he would be embarrassed alone.

The commander-in-chief and his wife had different opinions, and the two sons also had different opinions. After several discussions, they still asked Fang Lingjun about this matter.

"Who, Dugu Jing?" Fang Lingjun shook her head wildly, "He looks so fierce!" Xiao Qi said with a smile, "He is very handsome."

"Ferocious!" Fang Lingjun has not forgotten the scene where Dugu Jing fought with Xie Zhang on the stage. It was really frightening. "I can't beat him."

"Why should you beat him? He won't beat you."

"What if?"

Everyone, "..."

After all, Fang Lingjun was not familiar with Dugu Jing, so the matter ended in a stalemate. Of course Feng Yu didn't force it, so Xie Xun had no choice but to choose Dugu Jing's daughter for marriage again. In fact, there was no particularly good candidate after all the selections.

He then told Dugu Jing to keep himself clean and not to approach women. Dugu Jing frowned, "Why?"

Although he has no heirs, he has been served by women for a long time. This is also normal in the Northern Barbarians. Xie Xun explained to him, "Although the famous Beining clan also has three wives and four concubines, the status of the wives and concubines is very different. The wife is the master. , the concubine is a slave, and the main wife has not passed the house. It is taboo to have a concubine in the house and give birth to concubine children. If there is someone in your backyard and they have children, the clan lady will not marry the legitimate daughter of the family to you."

Dugu Jing raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't care very much. Since Xie Xun said that, he would listen, but... Dugu Jing said displeasedly, "What about King Yan? He is unmarried, doesn't he also have a concubine's eldest son? "

"What kind of eldest son! My Ruyi is the upright eldest son!" Xie Xun gritted his teeth. Someone must be gossiping behind his back, otherwise Dugu Jing would not know, "Who is orchestrating Ruyi's behind the scenes?"

"Forgot, I heard about it!" Dugu Jing frowned, "What is the eldest son? King Yan's first wife is Lan Ningzhen, and I have never seen him get married. How can he become the eldest son after marrying a wife? The eldest son is also a pearl. Princess. You don’t care about King Yan, but you come to ask me not to have any children, haha!”

"You are different from the second brother. He doesn't want a wife. If you don't listen and you really want to have children, I won't grant you a marriage!" Xie Xunchou said beforehand.

Dugu Jing's focus is really different from others, "Why doesn't King Yan want a wife?"

"The second brother has two sons and a daughter, and he likes to be clean. He doesn't like to be controlled by others. There's nothing strange about not getting married." Xie Xun protected the second brother's face with an expressionless face.

"Ha!" Dugu Jing made it clear that he didn't believe it, but did not ask further questions. Xie Xun said, "The Fang family has mixed feelings about you. If I were you and wanted this marriage, why not take the initiative?" (End of Chapter)

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