After Princess Mingzhu and Ruyi got acquainted in the palace, Fengyu explained the situation to the master of the Imperial College and arranged for her to study in the Imperial Academy. Recently, Fengyu intended to let the nuns in the palace follow Mingzhu and teach her the etiquette and rules of the princess. Power, there were many clan lords and girls in the Imperial Academy, and they had been pampered since childhood. She was afraid that Mingzhu would be bullied, so she specifically asked Aunt Xi to teach her, and selected a few old men in the palace to serve her.

After the princess entered the Imperial College, Ruyi couldn't stay and was clamoring to go to the Imperial College to study. However, he was too young and had just learned Chinese characters. He couldn't keep up with the Imperial College courses. Ruyi didn't care. He was especially clingy to his sister and made excuses every day. Went to the Imperial College with Mingzhu. Mingzhu wanted to study. Ruyi used to just make trouble, and Ruyi agreed to separate from her sister with tears in her eyes.

Ruyi is at the age of enlightenment, and there are masters in the palace to teach him, and Xie Xun has trained him as a prince. Although he did not say it explicitly, it seems that the masters he assigned to Ruyi are all masters he trusts, and all of them can become emperors. division.Although others couldn't see it, Xie Jue and Feng Yu could see Xie Xun's plan.

Xie Jue didn't stop him and probably acquiesced.

In fact, Xie Jue did not want Ruyi to be the crown prince, as that position was too tiring. He would rather Ruyi be a general stationed at the border, or an idle prince in the clan.Stay away from the court and live a pure and stable life, but if Xie Xun and Feng Yu have no heirs, they can only live a hard life.

Feng Yu came to the academy every day. With her in charge, the princesses of the Jingbei royal family and the noble ladies of the Northern Barbarians were no longer bullied. Under the leadership of her and Fang Lingjun, some of the daughters of military generals were gradually willing to fight with them. Come and go, learn about riding and shooting.Fang Lingjun was already very popular. Whether they were young men or girls, most of them were good friends with Fang Lingjun. This solved Fengyu's worries.

This is lady diplomacy!
As long as the ladies and girls lived well in Kyoto, they could influence the men in the Northern Barbarians. Lin Yunong took the lead in isolating them and this scene never happened again.

Fang Lingjun also knew that Lin Yunong was banned at home, and the girls from the reprimanded clans did not dare to do it again. The academy and the Imperial College were very peaceful, and there were no more conflicts even if they shared the same riding and shooting range.

Feng Yu secretly asked Fang Lingjun, "You and Mrs. Fang have been guests at the Jingbei Prince's Mansion several times. Have you met Dugu Jing? Have you ever spoken to him? Do you have a close affinity with him?"

Feng Yu couldn't hold back her curiosity, so she finally asked. She endured it for many days. Princess Jingbei invited the Fang family's mother and daughter to her home three times. Mrs. Fang also returned the favor once and invited them to the Fang family's house without any hesitation.

Fang Lingjun spread her hands, "I saw it once, it was fierce!"

Her first impression of Dugu Jing was too hard to change. Feng Yu smiled and asked, "Have you talked in private?"

Fang Lingjun shook her head, "I always play with the princesses, and I haven't discussed marriage. Who can be alone with him!"

"...Okay!" Feng Yu thought to herself. She and Xie Xun had not discussed marriage back then, and they spent a lot of time together alone. If they didn't get along alone, how would they know if their personalities were compatible?

"You also want me to marry Dugu Jing?" Fang Lingjun asked.

"It doesn't matter what I think, it doesn't matter what you think." Feng Yu still said the same thing, "Your mother was not willing at first, but now she is willing to visit her as a guest. It seems she has changed her mind."

"Ayu, my brother doesn't seem to like Dugu Jing very much and has some opinions about him."

"You are getting married, but it is not your brother who is getting married. Don't care about him." Feng Yu lowered her voice, "Is he having a bad relationship and is he jealous of you?" Fang Lingjun said, "..."

Feng Yu was only busy gossiping about Fang Lingjun and Dugu Jing. She didn't expect that there was a fire in her backyard. She met Mrs. Lin the second she arrived at the academy that day.

When it comes to marriage, she also calls Mrs. Lin Second Aunt, and she often goes to the palace with Mrs. Lin.She is a typical clan wife, more lively and delicate than Mrs. Lin. As the second wife, she does not need to take care of the middle-aged wife, so she can be raised gracefully and luxuriously.Feng Yu has not announced that the ladies have entered the palace recently, and no one has handed a sign to see her. Knowing that she comes to the academy every day, if the ladies want to curry favor with her, they will almost all flock to the academy. Some express their loyalty and want to do something for her. The Queen and Mrs. Fang shared the burden and were willing to teach the Northern Barbarian women etiquette, culture, etc.

These people who fawned over her did not include the two ladies of the Lin family.

Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Lin were of noble birth and held their own status. Even though she was a queen, they were neither humble nor arrogant. This was true both in the previous dynasty and now, not to mention that the Lin family and the Xie family were still relatives.

Feng Yu was always polite to the two ladies of the Lin family.

"What does Second Aunt have to do with Auntie?" Feng Yu took care of Mrs. Lin's mood gently and kindly. She could sense that Mrs. Lin was a little nervous and guilty.

She is a junior, so naturally she will not embarrass her elders and take the initiative to ask.

In the side courtyard of the academy, only Qiuxiang was waiting on her, and everyone else was waiting outside the moon gate. Mrs. Lin knew that Qiuxiang had been serving Feng Yu since she was a child, and she was very tight-lipped. She felt relieved and said softly, "Your Majesty, I have been waiting for you recently. I heard rumors that the palace intends to choose a noble daughter to marry the Marquis of Wu'an, and both the emperor and the empress are interested in Yu Nong."

"Auntie, who did you hear this from? It's absolutely not the case. The Emperor has made his own decision on Marquis Wu'an's marriage. What he wants is for both parties to be in love. It's not sweet to force things. The Emperor will not decree a marriage at will, so don't worry, Auntie. If Yu Nong's cousin has no intention of being Marquis Wu'an, I promise that the emperor will not issue a decree to marry her." Feng Yu had a gentle voice and a smile. She became the queen, and this smile seemed to be frozen on her face, dignified and elegant. She is gentle and fits the image of the mother of the country in people's imagination.

Mrs. Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Feng Yu secretly thought that she didn't know where she heard the rumors. She was worried about her and was extremely afraid of marrying her daughter to Dugu Jing.

Feng Yu didn't understand. Apart from being a northern barbarian, Dugu Jing was actually a very good marriage partner. Now he was also the Marquis of Wu'an, with world-class martial arts skills, worthy of Lin Yunong.

Perhaps the Lin family was a scholarly family and resented such a marriage, and also looked down upon Dugu Jing's status as a barbarian from the north.

After Feng Yu explained, Mrs. Lin felt relieved and the matter should come to an end. However, Feng Yu couldn't help but feel her heart beat when she saw the difference in Mrs. Lin's expression. Could it be that she still had something to ask for?
"Second aunt, do you have anything you want to ask me?" Feng Yu once again stepped forward and handed over the words. She likes to use roundabout ways when speaking, but she has double standards and likes others to express her demands straightforwardly.

Mrs. Lin Er did not live up to Feng Yu's expectations. She knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily, "I do have an unkind request, please grant it!"

Feng Yu winked, and Qiu Xiang hurriedly stepped forward to help Second Madam Lin, "Second Madam Lin, you absolutely can't do it. If anything happens, we'll talk about it later. This is outside the palace, so there's no need to be polite." (End of Chapter)

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