Fang Lingjun stood up angrily, her eyes red from the pain of hurting her ribs. The severe pain almost penetrated her bones, making her unable to move for a moment. Feng Yu ran over to hold her up, "Junjun, does it hurt? Where is it?" It’s uncomfortable, where did he hit?”

Fang Lingjun's cold sweat fell down her temples, but she shook her head stubbornly, and after taking a breath, she slowly stood up straight. When Dugu Jing saw that it was Feng Yu, the fighting spirit in her body was slightly reduced. In his eyes, Feng Yu was just a girl. A weak woman who can kill with her fists.

"I lost!" Fang Lingjun's voice trembled with pain, but she didn't want to be looked down upon.

Dugu Jing said a little regretfully, "You have to admit defeat so quickly. None of the noble girls in Beining can fight. I thought you were as good as Fang Chuning."

Fang Lingjun's eyes widened and she almost fainted from anger. If she was as good at fighting as her brother, she would have gone to the battlefield to become a female general, and she would be a lady in the capital.

"What's wrong with you!"

"Why are you so good at scolding people and getting so angry? You can't afford to lose!" Dugu Jing didn't give her any mercy, and even continued to raise his fingers in an arrogant manner, "Come up here and keep beating until you are convinced!"

Feng Yu, "..."

Fang Lingjun originally couldn't remember Ji Ji's temper. She broke away from Feng Yu and was about to go on stage to continue fighting with Dugu Jing, but she couldn't beat Dugu Jing even though she tried her best. Dugu Jing didn't look like he would let her go. If anything happened, , Feng Yu was so upset that she hurriedly stopped her, "No matter what the beating, you are injured. I ordered the imperial doctor to see the injury first."

"Ah Yu, look at his face, he is humiliating me!" Fang Lingjun's eyes were red with anger.

Feng Yu knew Dugu Jing and said helplessly, "Maybe he doesn't mean that. Be good and go see the injury first."

Fang Lingjun's ribs were really hurting under her chest and abdomen, and the woman's place was very important, so there was no time to delay. Fang Lingjun was already sweating coldly from the pain, and her face was pale, so she had no choice but to listen to Feng Yu and see the imperial doctor.

The ladies who were watching the battle had a deeper understanding of the ferocious Dugu Jing, and they were all horrified. Fortunately, Dugu Jing's status was high enough and he was the Marquis of Wu'an, so the marriage could not be linked to them, otherwise they would all have avoided it.

Dugu Jing was still regretting that he could not continue competing with Fang Lingjun. Feng Yu suppressed her anger and Qiu Xiang was also very discerning and drove everyone away. Feng Yu invited Dugu Jing to have tea.Dugu Jing loves to drink. When he comes to the palace to see Xie Xun, he never drinks tea. He always drinks alcohol. However, Feng Yu doesn't like him. "Why did you start a fight with Jun Jun?"

"I heard that she is the most capable of fighting among the noble girls of the clan. My brother has always asked me to communicate with her more to enhance our understanding and relationship. I don't understand your Beining poems and songs, nor your Northern Barbarian culture. I just If you can compete with her in horseback shooting and boxing, if she loses in horseback shooting, then go to the ring and fight one more time." Dugu Jing took it for granted and didn't feel that he was wrong.

The King of Jingbei had already asked someone about Fang Lingjun. She had a good temper, was informal, and was very popular. She often competed with Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others for horse riding and shooting. Qiu Xie was the most outstanding among the girls in the clan. The noble girl held the riding and shooting competition. She often comes out on top at banquets.Dugu Jing thought to herself that if she often comes out on top, she must be good at riding, shooting and kung fu, and she is Fang Dashuai's daughter and Fang Chuning's sister.

Dugu Jing said very seriously, "For the sake of respect, I went all out to do my best." Feng Yu said, "..."

She had so much to say that she didn't even know where to start, "Who taught you to go all out when competing with women in the ring?"

"Of course you have to go all out in the ring competition. If it is fake, why go to the ring?" Dugu Jing retorted, "In the ring for us Northern Barbarians, there is no distinction between men and women, only strong and weak. When we enter the ring, we are all opponents. , we must go all out.”

"Yes, yes, yes, you are still fighting a life and death battle in the arena. If you want to punch Junjun to death, do you think the Marshal and Fang Chuning will ask you to pay with your life?"

"She is not made of paper, how could she be beaten to death?"

"That punch of yours is enough to kill someone." Feng Yu cursed several times in her heart for being reckless, and said sincerely, "Although noble girls from the Northern Barbarians are also good at riding and shooting, that's because among the six arts of us gentlemen, we all have riding skills. Women also study archery from an early age, but the girls in the boudoir are mostly needleworkers and focus on poetry and singing. Even if they like riding and archery, they are not like the generals who study every day on the battlefield, nor are they like the girls in your clan who have been practicing archery since childhood. On horseback, the girls of our clan have too many things to learn. Poems, songs, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is not easy to have an hour every day to practice riding and archery. When girls grow up, they have to get married and follow their mothers. Learn how to manage the middle class, take care of the family property, learn how to care for your husband and raise your children. Even if the clan women in Beining are excellent in kung fu, riding and shooting, compared with women, they are far from the female general in your heart. How many people can make you fight in the ring with all your strength? That punch of yours will hurt you for at least several days, Dugu Jing, you are not building friendship and improving understanding, you are making enemies!"

The differences in cultural customs are also huge!
When Dugu Jing heard this, his face was blank, and he actually felt a sense of relief, "I see. No wonder her riding and shooting skills are good, but her kung fu is just a show, and she can't even withstand my three moves."

Feng Yu, "..."

She struggled with her lips and tongue, but this is what Dugu Jing realized?
"I understand. I won't fight with her in the future." Dugu Jing said lightly, "I misunderstood and thought she could fight just as well as Fang Chuning."

Feng Yu looked like a teachable child and was very pleased, "If you hurt Junjun today, Mrs. Fang will definitely feel resentful. You must apologize properly."

Dugu Jing didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. After all, he had always believed that he had to go all out in the ring since he was a child. At the beginning, he and Lan Ningzhen also fought with each other with swords and fists. The Northern Barbarian men and women got along with each other and strengthened their relationship. , most of them also ride and shoot together, compete with each other, and make friends with each other through martial arts.But since Feng Yu said this, he also heard it in his heart.

Feng Yu said, "During this period, the princess and the princess are learning the etiquette of Beining. In my opinion, you should also learn it. This will be more conducive to how you get along with your future wife."

If he still shows the attitude of using force to make friends, this would be a big deal and everyone would be afraid of him.

"I can't read your poems and books."

It is even more impossible to play chess, calligraphy and painting. His hands are for wielding swords and guns, not for playing the piano and painting. Although Dugu Jing is a reckless man, he has his own opinions, "I was born to be a military general, and I stand among the mountains." Top. I am a gun used to kill enemies in battle, not a pen used to paint and write poems. If my future wife wants a romantic romance and cannot identify with the bloody blade, then she is not suitable for me." (End of this chapter.) )

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