After Xie Jue's itinerary was finalized and the affairs of the mission came to an end, he finally got away from the busy government affairs, took Mingzhu and Ruyi out of the palace, and planned to take them to a hot spring villa in the suburbs to rest for a few days.

Xie Xun was jealous and wanted to take Feng Yu with him. His second brother had to leave for several months, so he wanted to reunite with his family before leaving. But the embarrassing thing was that Xie Xun had to go to court early and the harem was clean, so Feng Yu had nothing to do. After leaving the palace, Xie Xun worked hard. He felt that it was too hard for him to work all night after he ascended the throne, so he took a three-day break and left the government affairs to the cabinet. Before Lin Heli stopped him, he took Feng Yu out of the palace. Go straight to the racecourse.

Lin Heli, "..."

Feng Yu felt that Xie Xun was a little too much. The consequences of annoying Lin Heli were the same as annoying Xie Jue. However, Xie Xun cared more about accompanying them and promised Lin Heli to give him ten days off when he got married. Although Lin Heli was a little annoyed, he No seizures either.Xie Xun was quite measured and brought Zhang Boxi and hundreds of other imperial guards with him, so there was no need to worry about safety.

In fact, if the emperor is not around, there will really be no problems with government affairs. Xie Jue, Lin Heli, and Xie Xun have made some reforms during the new dynasty. Government affairs are all under control. Unless it is a border emergency or a natural or man-made disaster, there is no need. Xie Xun must intervene, and the cabinet can handle it. When Xie Xun is in the palace, he will control all government affairs. If he is not there, the cabinet will help handle it, and the government affairs will not be chaotic.

Xie Jue just went with him!

Xie Xun has indeed been very busy since he ascended the throne. The Northern Barbarians surrendered and the New Deal was implemented. His wedding only took three days off, so he did need a long vacation.He was usually diligent enough, so when he gave up his responsibilities, although the cabinet complained, they were not in a hurry. Anyway, they could handle the emperor's willfulness for a few days, and he was not the kind of arrogant and lustful king.

When Mingzhu and Ruyi arrived at Zhuangzi, they ran away happily. Mingzhu was at an active age and rode his pony around the racecourse. Ruyi screamed and stamped his feet, calling for his sister to take him with him. He also Too young to ride a horse alone, Mingzhu was worthy of being a Northern Barbarian girl. She grabbed Ruyi and got on the horse, sat down in front of her and started running.

Dongxue and Xia Zhu were so frightened that they flew out of their wits, especially Mingzhu, who was riding fast and galloping. They were all afraid that Mingzhu would not catch Ruyi and knock him off his feet.

"Princess is too courageous. Come down quickly, come down quickly, slow down..." Dongxue and Xia Zhu chased behind them, really afraid that Ruyi would fall. Mingzhu was riding too fast and didn't hear their shouts. The guards next to him were also frightened, and two of them got on their horses and chased after him. If the horse lost control, they could still save people.

The colt had a gentle temper, and Mingzhu had been training it for a long time, but it didn't lose control. It was just Ruyi's first time riding a fast horse, and it was exciting and uncomfortable.

"Brother, is it fun?"

Ruyi felt that the stimulation was too much, so she rubbed her leg in grievance and cried out in pain. Mingzhu felt distressed, so she quickly turned over and dismounted, telling him to get off. Ruyi twisted her waist, feeling sore and sore.

Mingzhu knelt down and rubbed his thigh, "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, sister." Xiao Ruyi was not shy at all, "Sister, please teach me to ride a horse, I still want to ride."

Although it was exciting and a little painful, he calmed down and found it fun and not afraid at all.Dongxue and Xia Zhuke were scared to death, but they didn't dare to stop them. Feng Yu said that no matter what Ruyi wanted to do, don't stop him, and don't tell Ruyi what he can and can't do. Ruyi is still very young. The queen herself will know that now is the age when her nature is lively and unleashed, and her will comes first.

Mingzhu was smart and knew that the maids were worried, "There are many flowers on the hillside behind. Let's pick a bouquet of flowers to give to aunt. There are also many butterflies flying."

"Okay, okay, let's go catch butterflies."

Ruyi did not insist on riding a horse, Mingzhu took him to pick flowers and butterflies.

Xie Jue packed up and went to look for the children. Mingzhu and Ruyi had already picked a bouquet of flowers. Mingzhu still had a small red flower on his bun. Ruyi followed suit and put a pink hairpin on Mingzhu. Little flower, when he saw his father coming, he chose the most beautiful red flower and ran over.

"Daddy, daddy, I give this to you..." Ruyi's voice was soft and cute. Xie Jue couldn't help but smile and squat down. The shadow guard had just told him about Ruyi and Mingzhu riding horses.

After Ruyi was worthy of being a military commander, even if he rode a horse galloping for the first time, although he felt pain due to his squeamishness, he was not afraid at all. Xie Jue patted his head approvingly.

He was about to take the flower, but Ruyi wanted to put it on him. After Xie Jue noticed his son's intention, he stood up suddenly, Ruyi jumped into the air, holding the flower and looked at him in confusion, "Dad..."

Xie Jue refused to wear flowers in his hair, even if he was on Zhuangzi and no one else was watching.

"Daddy, don't you like it?" Ruyi's dark and bright eyes were full of expectation. Xie Jue saw Xie Xun coming over from the corner of his eye and said with a smile, "Go and put it on for my uncle."

"Okay..." Ruyi ran towards Xie Xun with short legs. Xie Xun laughed, opened his arms, picked up Ruyi, and Ruyi put a small flower in his bun.

"Uncle, you look good wearing flowers."

"Of course, my brother-in-law is so handsome that he looks even better wearing linen." Xie Xun winked at him and didn't mind being given a gaudy little flower by his nephew.

Xie Jue, "..."

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