Xie Jue waited until the team broke camp and set off but did not see Fang Chuning coming out. He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Did the commander discover something? When he faced his elders for the first time, he felt guilty and frightened. Xie Jue thought that he must not condone Fang Chuning's mischief in the upcoming trip. If he really wanted to break the pot, he would not condone it.

If the commander really sees something and makes some noise, the Jiangnan Army is also here. Fang Chuning will also be in charge of the Jiangnan Army in the future. He must not be allowed to make a fool of himself in the army. The future of the mission to Sangnan is uncertain, and there must be no Half a mistake.

Xie Jue was uneasy, and Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others were also in mixed moods. They didn't know where they had offended Xie Jue, so they were scolded. Zhang Boxing repeatedly asked Lin Xiao, "What did we say wrong?"

"Perhaps the prince and Fang Da broke up and have been separated for the rest of their lives, so he doesn't want us to mention it again and again?"

"We slept in the same tent along the way, and you told me we had a falling out?" Zhang Boxing frowned, "If we had a falling out, would we sleep together?"

"Go away, if you don't wash your feet, who wants to sleep with you?"

"How can you wash your feet every day in this wilderness? Wait...have we ever slept together?"

Lin Xiao, "..."

He and Zhang Boxing were separated even if they slept in the same tent.

"Okay, stop asking about the prince." Xie Jue's temper is different from Xie Xun's. Xie Xun can get along with them, but they don't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Xie Jue.

Xie Jue waited until night to set up camp, but did not see Fang Chuning come back. Fang Chuning's soldiers were all near him. He ordered his shadow guards to set up another tent next to him, and asked the second shadow guard to guard it. No matter what, he would not give in. Fang Chuning acted recklessly again. Fang Chuning and the Marshal had been talking for so long and no one was seen. Xie Jue would inevitably be a little anxious and planned to let Ying Liu go find out the news. However, on second thought, if the Marshal discovered it, it seemed that he wanted to spy on something and cause a misunderstanding. Okay, what if they are talking about Jiangnan military affairs?

"Master, there is a hot spring pool on the northern hillside. Do you want to take a bath?" Ying Liu inquired about the surrounding environment and came to thank Jue.

During the march, the conditions were simple and it was impossible to wash up every day. The shadow guards knew their master's habits, so they visited the surrounding environment as soon as they set up camp and discovered a natural hot spring. Every time they camped near a stream, it was convenient for washing and cooking. The soldiers would wash up in the nearby stream. Xie Jue would either wait until late at night when no one was around, or he would endure it and not wash in the stream with the soldiers.

Seeing that Fang Chuning had not returned, Xie Jue did not wait any longer and went to the natural hot spring pool on the hillside to wash up. The natural pool water is warm and comfortable. After soaking for a while, your whole body feels relaxed.

"I thought you would wait for me in the camp, but I didn't expect you to enjoy it here alone. Are you comfortable?" Fang Chuning's joking voice came from the side. Xie Jue was closing his eyes to rest, thinking about what Fang Chuning and the commander were talking about. Unexpectedly, he heard his voice and cursed his shadow guard in his heart, not even bothering to open his eyes.

Without opening his eyes, he heard a rustling sound. Fang Chuning took off his shoes, socks and clothes, and entered the hot spring wearing only a pair of underwear.

"Stay away from me." Xie Jue noticed the sound of water flowing, and his Adam's apple moved slightly. He restrained his voice to remind Fang Chuning to be careful.

"It's not like we haven't taken a bath in a hot spring before. Why are we so out of sight, husband?"

Xie Jue, "..."

The shadow guards guarding on the side wanted to pick out their own ears. They had already avoided sight when Fang Chuning came, and they would not look at anything inappropriate. Now they wanted to cover their ears and not listen to anything inappropriate. But they are shadow guards, and their eyes and The ears cannot be taken away from the master. It would be bad if someone is peeping nearby.

Ying Liu regretted very much why he let Fang Chuning go!


Listen, listen, why do you have the nerve to shout out!
When Fang Chuning was Lan Ningzhen, she was willing to call him husband. She kept it on her lips every day and would never give up until she called her husband dozens of times a day. She never thought that calling someone husband was a shameful thing.

"The shadow guards are all around, what are you talking about..." Xie Jue opened his eyes and was about to curse when he saw Fang Chuning standing opposite him, very close at hand. His bare upper body was wet with water vapor, and condensed water droplets dripped from his neck. Rolling down all the way, there are criss-cross scars on his strong and muscular chest. They are the medals and honors he earned from fighting on the battlefield. They do not look ugly at all, but add a bit of bloodthirsty handsomeness to his evil face. , weakening his overly handsome silhouette, and becoming as heroic as a major general.

On the tip of the moon, he fell hazily and gently into the hot spring pool. His eyebrows and eyes were bathed in water vapor and moonlight, tender and lingering. Xie Jue's heart skipped a beat, and the blood all over his body was boiling and tense. He instinctively hid back to avoid giving birth to anything. Embarrassment comes.

The shadow guard climbed down from the tree frantically, "Master, we are not here, you can do whatever you want!"

Xie Jue, "..." (End of chapter)

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