The conversation between Xie Jue and the Marshal broke up unhappily. Xie Jue had only recently had the idea of ​​Fang Chuning going to Zhongzhou. In the early days of Xie Jue's ascension to the throne, he had never thought about it. It was just that after the Northern Barbarians entered the pass, when he was studying the power relations between Ningzhou, the Twelve States, Zhongzhou, and Gyeonggi, he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​Fang Chuning going to Zhongzhou.

The Chen family has always been evil in Zhongzhou. He and Xie Xun don't care how loyal the Chen family is. A general who is not well-trained can be replaced by another person. There are so many generals in the Ningzhou clan, and he and Zhixu both have favorites. Candidate. But gradually, Xie Jue came up with the idea of ​​letting Fang Chuning go to Zhongzhou.

He knew that the commander-in-chief trained Fang Chuning for the Jiangnan Army. If Sangnan was recovered and the Jiangnan garrison was reduced, it would be meaningless for Fang Chuning to go to Jiangnan. If he wants to use his talents, he can only go to Zhongzhou. The Fang family's influence in Jiangnan must be weakened, so he needs to find another heir. Jiangnan is an economic center, not a military powerhouse. The new dynasty's strategy needs to be adjusted. He is ensuring that While Xie Xun's situation is stable, he also hopes that Fang Chuning can use his talents and not be buried.

The first time he tried to test the commander-in-chief ended unhappily, and Xie Jue was in a very calm mood. This was within his expectation. He knew he would be rejected, so he wanted to find the commander-in-chief, mainly to prepare him mentally.

If something happened between him and Fang Chuning in the future and the commander knew about it, he would be the chief culprit in the commander's mind, so maybe he wouldn't blame Fang Chuning.

Xie Jue himself didn't expect that his words would be misunderstood by the commander.

After he returned to the camp, he sent someone to find Fang Chuning and asked straight to the point, "You and Tingfeng had a conflict before and almost died without contact. Was it because he wanted to send you to garrison Zhongzhou?"

Fang Chuning was startled, "I want to go to Zhongzhou?"

Why doesn't he know?
  "You do not know?"

"What did the handsome father say when he met Tingfeng?" Fang Chuning asked suspiciously. He knew that Xie Jue had gone to see the handsome father. He didn't know what they talked about. He only knew that the handsome father had a bad look on his face when he came back. This was what Xiao Qi secretly told him. , asking him not to annoy his father and make a fuss again. Fang Chuning also thought that Tingfeng would not confess, so what could be discussed that would make his father angry? It turned out to be about his future, but Tingfeng never said that he wanted him to go to Zhongzhou.

When did he decide this?

"Tingfeng came to see me. He wanted you to garrison Zhongzhou after the mission returned, but my father refused!" The marshal directly informed Fang Chuning of the outcome.

Fang Chuning laughed, "This is my future. When you were making a decision, did anyone ask me for my opinion? Father, whether I go to Jiangnan or Zhongzhou, you have already decided. My wishes are so unimportant." ?”

"What! Do you still want to go to Zhongzhou?" The commander was furious, "You have to know what it means once you go to Zhongzhou. The rebellion in the Zhenbei Hou Mansion has only been a few years ago? The royal family has changed, wars are raging, and the government has just stabilized. There will be chaos again. Once you go to Zhongzhou, you will shatter the support that the Fang family has worked hard to build for decades and leave it to others to slaughter. If Tingfeng was willing to be slaughtered, he would not disobey orders and return to Ningzhou to bring in reinforcements. The former dynasty The lessons learned should be remembered by future generations and not make the same mistakes again!"

Fang Chuning was silent. He needed time to think about this matter, and Tingfeng was also very surprised as to why he told his handsome father without discussing it with him. With his handsome father like this, Tingfeng must have a tough attitude.

"I am not in a hurry to talk about this matter after the mission returns. I will go to Tingfeng to find out. No matter what, I believe in him and he will not harm me."

The commander was stunned, "Xie Tingfeng won't harm you, how can I harm you?" (End of Chapter)

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