Xie Jue woke up from the pain. He was covered in sweat. Fang Chuning was sleeping next to him. He had heard his moans a long time ago and got up to boil the medicine. The imperial doctor knew that Xie Jue's pain was excruciating and would wake him up even if he fell asleep, so he took the medicine specially. After cooking the pain-relieving decoction, Fang Chuning saw that he was asleep and did not ask him to wake up and drink it. It was already cold now. He put it on the stove and cooked it until it was warm, then brought it to Xie Jue to drink. Xie Jue's face turned pale. , was tortured by the pain and was very embarrassed. Although this kind of pain was bearable, it was too intensive and it was always difficult to endure, especially in the dead of night.

"Why are you sleeping in my room?"

"It's convenient to take care of you." Fang Chuning said, taking a hot towel to wipe his sweat. The decoction didn't take effect so quickly. "It's just after midnight, it's still early. Wait for the effect of the medicine to appear, and you can sleep for a while."

Xie Jue was no longer sleepy and rested on the soft pillow. Fang Chuning looked very tired. Xie Jue patted the place next to him and said, "Come here and sleep."

"You're not sleepy, I'll talk to you."

"Your eyes are bleeding, have you been staring at me all the time?" Xie Jue was comparing his feelings to others. One year, Fang Chuning was seriously injured, and he stayed up all night to take care of him. He didn't dare to close his eyes, for fear that he would wake up in pain and feel uncomfortable at night. No one spoke, or he couldn't even take a sip of hot water. He didn't dare to close his eyes, and he had a more secret thought at that time. Only when Fang Chuning was asleep did he dare to look at him so unscrupulously. .

Fang Chuning was exposed, but he was not embarrassed. After a while, he brought him hot water and asked, "Do you feel better?"

"The medicine has taken effect and the pain is gone."

"So fast? The medicine at the Imperial Hospital is really better than the military doctor." The painkilling decoction in the military camp would take at least half an hour to be effective. Fang Chuning saw that he was neither thirsty nor hungry, and was in good spirits, so she lay down next to him obediently. Come on, Xie Jue's medicine hasn't actually taken effect yet, but he just doesn't want Fang Chuning to endure it like this. He closes his eyes to rest, but he can clearly feel the burning gaze next to him.

"Fang Chuning, close your eyes!"

"How do you know I'm looking at you?"

Xie Jue secretly thought that a person's breath was so familiar that he could tell what state he was in without opening his eyes. Fang Chuning saw that he had not been sleepy for a long time and knew that Xie Jue wanted him to have a good rest. His heart felt slightly warm, even if his mouth Even after saying that this was the case for his whole life, he was always so soft-hearted. To be honest, Tingfeng had a really cold temperament.

He doesn't have many hobbies, nor does he particularly want to do anything. If it weren't for the influence of the men from the Zhenbei Hou Mansion from childhood, he wouldn't have such a strong feeling of protecting the people. He has no desires and no demands, as if the sky is falling. When he comes down, he can lie down and read leisurely, his emotions are not intense, and he seldom cares about anyone. The joys, anger, sorrows and joys of others have nothing to do with him. He is so cold to everything, but to him, since childhood When you are older, it is easy to become soft-hearted when you listen to the wind.

Therefore, he dared to push even further!

Fang Chuning's hand gently measured his waist for a moment, then said ambiguously, "Tingfeng, you have lost a lot of weight."

"Keep your hands away and don't touch them."

"Is there anything on your body that I can't touch?" The heat was swirling in Xie Jue's ears. Someone was deliberately teasing him because he was in pain and couldn't move. Xie Jue was angry but had no place to express it. It felt like retribution in this world.

"I remember when I was injured in Beiman, you teased me in the same way. You even used a ruler to measure it from beginning to end, once every three days, right?" Fang Chuning touched his waist, "Otherwise, I Let’s learn from each other.”


He endured the pain and endured Fang Chuning's harassment. Xie Jue closed his eyes and began to pretend to be dead. No matter what Xie Jue said, he pretended that he didn't hear anything.

Fang Chuning thought to herself, how cowardly!
  I miss the unbridled listening to the wind when I was in the Northern Barbarians. Because there was Fang Chuning in the room, the shadow guard had gone to rest early. Xie Jue endured his teasing until the medicine took effect. After the pain-relieving decoction took effect, the person became drowsy. After the pain weakened, he felt sleepy. Coming. When he was really sleepy, Fang Chuning became quiet. She looked at him silently and patted him gently, as if coaxing a child. Xie Jue soon fell into a dark and sweet dream.

Han Ziqi came to see Xie Jue early in the morning, but was stopped by Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing, "The prince is seriously injured and has not yet woken up."

"It's three o'clock in the morning, no matter how drowsy I am, it's time to wake up." Han Ziqi and Xie Jue are at the same level. He came to visit him. Xie Jue couldn't avoid it according to etiquette, but he really didn't want to greet Han Ziqi, so he sent Lin Xiao away Deal with Zhang Boxing.

Han Ziqi knew that Xie Jue was injured and was not pretending. The doctor from Shuilan City also came to see his injury. He could not move frequently in a short period of time, so they had to rest in Shuilan City for two days.

"Your Majesty, you still have nothing to argue with the patient. I hope you can sleep for a few more hours even when you are not feeling well."

"That's true, why didn't Fang Chuning come to see me, but you?" Han Ziqi raised his eyebrows, "You Beining's etiquette is really not very good."

This is indeed a bit rude.

Zhang Boxing said, "General Fang took care of the prince last night and did not get up today."

Han Ziqi secretly thought that according to the reports from the informants in the inn, Fang Chuning and Xie Jue slept in the same room. They personally decorated the inn, and Han Ziqi knew all the furnishings inside. Are they sleeping together?

Even if King Yan has a noble status, he is watched over by the imperial doctor when he is injured, and is guarded by his own soldiers. Why does he need Fang Chuning to take care of him personally?

How strange!
  No matter how good the relationship between Fang Chuning and Xie Jue is, Fang Chuning can't condescend to serve him as a servant, right? He had seen how arrogant those young men in Beining were, so he didn't quite believe that Fang Chuning could really achieve this level. Could it be that they were putting on a show for him? Why?

Han Ziqi couldn't figure it out. He couldn't see Xie Jue or Fang Chuning, so he simply waited in the post house. Fang Chuning had actually gotten up early. Xie Jue fell asleep after changing the dressing, and then he came to see Han Ziqi.

Han Ziqi warmly invited Fang Chuning to visit Shuilan City, "If you want to rest in Shuilan City, why not come with me to visit Shuilan City and experience the local customs and customs of our Sangnan."

Most of them came to Sangnan for the first time. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing had already been excited to visit Shuilan City. Han Ziqi suggested that they would naturally be happy.

Fang Chuning did not go with them. He had no interest in visiting the city and would rather stay with Xie Jue and wait for him to wake up.

Han Ziqi did not force himself and took Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and other people to visit Shuilan City.

After Xie Jue woke up, he said calmly, "Han Ziqi came to greet the delegation this time with a warm attitude. He was very arrogant when he was in Kyoto. Unexpectedly, he acted like a gentle young man in Sangnan. It seemed that we were rude."

"You are pretending to be good. He must be asking for something. Just wait. He can't wait for you to recover from your injuries and will definitely come to find you."

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