Xie Jue felt that Fang Chuning couldn't give him a good look. A good look would make him push for more. He blamed himself for being too indulgent. Han Ziqi was so eager to look at him, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

The weather in the south of the Yangtze River is unpredictable. It rained heavily in the afternoon, with thunder and lightning. The march was slow in the heavy rain. The heavy rain poured down for more than an hour. Fang Chuning and Han Ziqi discussed taking shelter in the valley. Marching in the heavy rain was not safe. In this case, they could not We went to the city as planned and had to sleep in the open air.

Although the heavy rain was violent, it came quickly and left simply. After the rain, a rainbow hung in the sky and the sun was fierce. Such changeable weather made both Fang Chuning and Xie Jue wonder.

Han Ziqi was more familiar with the terrain of Sangnan, so he simply camped in the valley for the night and waited for dawn before setting off. After all, the envoy's trip to the capital was not a rush march, and there was no need to travel under starry night.

The imperial doctor changed Xie Jue's medicine. The injury on his waist had improved and there was no longer so much pain. Xie Jue could move freely and no longer had to sit in a wheelchair every day. After changing the medicine, he casually asked Ying Er, "Where's Aning?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Chuning came in holding two fluffy little white rabbits, "Ting Feng, there is game to eat tonight."

The curtain of the tent was not lowered. Xie Jue saw Zhang Boxing's faint gaze behind Fang Chuning, as if he wanted to poke a hole in his back, "Are you trying to steal Zhang Boxing's rabbit?"

"Who said it was because he was too slow and I caught it based on my strength." Fang Chuning couldn't help but show off, "This rabbit looks really good."

His whole body is snow-white, he is fat and strong, his bony eyes are staring at Xie Jue and Fang Chuning, and he is actually quite docile.

"Fang Da, do you have to eat it? Rabbits are so cute and boring along the way. Give them to us!" Zhang Boxing almost cried. He and Fang Chuning found hares at the same time, so he thought about catching them and raising them for a few days. You can also keep him company along the way to the capital. Otherwise, the trip would be too boring, but Fang Chuning took action first. He said that Xie Jue was injured and needed to be replenished, and it happened to stew rabbit meat to replenish his body. Zhang Boxing begged to go all the way, but Fang Chuning was indifferent and returned. He said he would give him a bowl of meat after it was stewed.

"I will fight with anyone who dares to fight me for a rabbit today!" Fang Chuning snorted coldly, lowered the curtain, and blocked Zhang Boxing's resentful gaze. When they were the only ones left in the tent, Xie Jue said with a smile, "What are you teasing them for?"

"It's boring. Look at how cute it is. I'll keep you company on the road." Fang Chuning never thought of stewing the rabbit. He caught it to relieve Xie Jue's boredom. Although Xie Jue's injuries gradually recovered, riding in a carriage was boring. , the journey was bumpy and I couldn’t read or do anything. It was just right to have two little things to keep me entertained.

The hare is very timid and hid under the bed after being put in the tent. Xie Jue and Fang Chuning were not in a hurry and waited for them to come out after they became familiar with the environment. They had raised foxes before and although their habits were different, they were very fond of furry animals. One hand.

Xie Jue was also happy when he saw the cute and fat little rabbit. This trip could indeed relieve his boredom.

But Zhang Boxing was squatting on the mountainside of the valley with a sad face. Lin Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, "Two little rabbits, what about that? If you want, I will accompany you to hunt two more deep in the valley. Rabbits are animals in groups. There must be many hares in the valley."

"I just like those two!"

Lin Xiao laughed and said mockingly, "They look exactly the same, mostly snow-white and round. You can't even tell the male from the female, yet you still want those two. I'm going to catch two of them now. Can you recognize them?"

Zhang Boxing, "..."

He was just depressed, "How can it be the same? Such a cute rabbit will turn into rabbit meat in no time!"

He was angry because Fang Chuning wanted to stew them.

"Have you never eaten rabbit meat?"

"No, I never eat rabbit meat. You are my brother, but you don't even know this!" Zhang Boxing is very principled. He doesn't eat rabbits, dogs, or the meat of many animals. He usually doesn't eat rabbit meat. I also like these furry creatures. I have dozens of night cats at home. When spring comes, the night cats go into estrus and scream very loudly. Lin Xiao was lucky enough to experience it once. It was really a nightmare. He couldn't sleep well all night, but he just couldn't. Take advice, keep night cats every year, and keep more and more of them.

"The prince is injured. It's normal for Fang Da to catch two hares to recuperate him. Why are you angry? It's better to stay out of sight. Don't lose your temper. It's outrageous!" Lin Xiao said angrily.

"You are as hard-hearted as Fang Da!" Zhang Boxing complained and angrily hit Lin Xiao's feet with a small stone. Lin Xiao jumped away, "I want to catch you two more. Since I am hard-hearted, then you Just sulk alone here, I'll choke you to death!" Han Ziqi watched the generals quarreling over the two little rabbits, and it was an eye-opener. "Are the generals in Beining so indifferent to superiority and inferiority?"

Not to mention the two little rabbits caught in the wild, they were raised by you. If Xie Jue wants to eat them to replenish his body, it is also your honor. They are just two game animals. As for a quarrel?

Han Li said, "Your Majesty, according to my observation, this Little General Zhang has no heart, is extremely simple, and is the easiest to talk to. If you can get along well with him and build a relationship, maybe you can open a hole?"

"Yes, you are right. I am worried that there is no chance. You can find someone to catch two hares. Since he wants them, we will give them to him to satisfy his wish."


When the shadow guard reported it to Xie Jue, Xie Jue was shocked, "Two hares are going to bribe our Ningzhou cavalry general. How did he rise to power this time? No wonder he was beaten so badly by Zhixu back then."

Fang Chuning was also happy. He and Zhang Boxing were joking, but he was also sure that Zhang Boxing would not do anything detrimental to them for the sake of the two rabbits, let alone speak outright.

"What I'm more confused about is that if he wants to pry Zhang Boxing's mouth, it's not like catching two rabbits to suit him. He wants to drink with him every day. One day he will get drunk and talk drunkenly. Why bother?"

The two little hares had quietly poked their heads out, exploring everywhere and becoming bolder. Fang Chuning was teasing them with a handful of wheat.

There was smoke in the military camp. Xie Jue's meal was cooked separately and delivered relatively quickly. Ying Er took the meal and brought it in and placed it on the desk. They even brought Fang Chuning's share.

Xie Jue had just eaten the wild fruits brought by Fang Chuning and was not hungry at all. The meal was set aside. Ying Yi's carrier pigeon had just arrived, and Xie Jue was watching the message from Ying Yi.

Fang Chuning stood up and walked to his side, "Is Ying Yi in the capital?"

"Yeah!" Xie Jue nodded. After knowing his life experience, he sent Ying Yi to Sangnan. "It's hard for him to live alone in the capital."

"Did you send him to the palace? Or is he just in the capital?"

"In the palace!"

"You are really capable, and you can really mess around!" Fang Chuning admired sincerely, "Where did the Marquis find the shadow guards for you back then? All of them are so capable."

It’s all for local guests!

Xie Jue laughed and burned the note. He turned around and saw two little rabbits eating his meal. Fang Chuning also followed his gaze and laughed even more. He knew that Xie Jue would not touch these things again. Meal.

"Ying Er, come in and take the food out and change the table!"


Ying Er came in, put a few dishes on the plate and was about to take them out, when the two little rabbits that had stolen the meal suddenly fell to the ground, whimpered and screamed, twitched a few times and then lost movement.

Fang Chuning's smile disappeared completely in an instant, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, followed by a surge of anger and inspiration, this meal is poisonous. (End of chapter)

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