Chapter 80

On the first day Xie Xun took office as Jingduwei, he took the children of the aristocratic family to have fun in the Peony Building all night long, and his romantic affairs flew all over the capital like wings.

Everyone said that the young master had become a useless person, and he was no longer the brave young general he was back then.

Peony Tower is Feng Yu's property, Feng Yu has heard about it, so it is not surprising, she is more worried about the snow disaster in Kyoto, as she expected, there was hail that night, and it became more and more intense.Several houses in Fengfu were damaged by hail.Feng Yu stayed up all night, and when she woke up, she brought someone to Sanheng Street.Seeing the snow and damaged houses along the way, Feng Yu's heart sank slightly. Kyoto was severely affected, and this year's snowstorm was particularly heavy.Jing Zhaoyin sent people to make up for the omissions early in the morning, but Jingduwei was nowhere to be seen. These things were supposed to be handled by them, and they never saw anyone.

Sanheng Street is at the junction of the south and east of the city. It is two wealthy neighborhoods. With the help of Jing Zhaoyin and the Imperial Army, the north of the city must be in chaos.

Feng's family has a weaving and dyeing workshop and a tea factory in Liuheng District in the north of the city, and the next street is the houses of ordinary people. Feng Yu knows that area better.Most of the men in the family joined the army, many of them were orphans and widows at home, and the female relatives worked in the weaving and dyeing workshop to subsidize their families on weekdays. They suffered the most when encountering natural disasters.

"Zhang Da, the people from the Escort Bureau are all going to Liuheng Street. I will ask the people from the Chamber of Commerce to count the supplies first."

"Yes!" Zhang Da took the order and left.

Chunlu was a little disappointed and said, "Why didn't the young master take up the post of Commander of the Kyoto Guard?"

"Chunlu, don't pin your hopes on others, besides..." Feng Yu was depressed, "Young Master has the position and difficulties of Young Master."

Fengyu didn't expect that Xie Xun would take over as the commander of the Kyoto Guard. This is a hot potato. Chunlu said a very vivid metaphor, "Isn't this your son to manage a group of hooligans?"

Yes, in the eyes of the common people, Jingdu Wei is just a bunch of hooligans, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, not daring to compete with the rich and powerful, but dare to fight the common people.In Feng Yu's eyes, Jingdu Wei is a hooligan in official robes, holding a certificate to work.Any businessman who opened the door to do business has suffered from Jingdu Wei's losses.

The imperial court also thought of ways to rectify and suppress, but with little effect.Kyoto Guard is difficult to manage, and the brutality has its own special reasons.In addition to Lin Xie, Li Zhangfang, Zhou Cai, the seven great families of Yanyang, there are many princes and earls.The descendants of the descendants are like Lin Heli, Fang Chuning, and the three brothers of the Xie family, who are both civil and military, and it is rare to see them with stunning talents.

Promising ones, such as Lin Sheng, entered the Forbidden Army to practice and climb up slowly.Or go to the imperial examination honestly and get a half-job.The aristocratic family attaches great importance to the cultivation of descendants, and is well aware of the fact that the prosperity of a family requires continuous accumulation. Many families have a training system of survival of the fittest.

The children and grandchildren who were abandoned by the patriarchs had rough tempers and no real skills.Can only rely on the family, sit and eat.Therefore, they will throw these abandoned children into the Kyoto guard.

Most of the guards in the capital are civilians. This group of sons are raised in the bustling capital, eating delicacies from mountains and seas, using silk and satin, and sleeping in brocade nests. Even if they are not as good as their peers in the family, they still think highly of themselves. In a class of its own.They are stubborn by nature and do not want to make progress, and the atmosphere of Jingdu Wei gradually changed.

The civilians in Jingdu Weili have the support of the princes of the family, just like the people at the bottom have power in their hands, and their desire for power is inflated and charming.They didn't dare to offend the dignitaries, but civilians and merchants were not so polite. If something happened, they would have the support of the children of the aristocratic family to calm it down.

This team was a mixed bag, and gradually became difficult to manage, becoming the most despised team in the Kyoto Garrison.

Fengyu won't provoke Jingdu Wei, the shopkeepers will make good connections, and the money Feng Yu gives to Jingdu Wei a year is not small. Wei is also invisible.Feng Yu thought to herself, this team should be managed properly.

The Wei Yamen of Jingdu is in the west of the city, and the Zhenbeihou Mansion is in the east of the city, and the location is relatively remote. Xie Xun will bring Fei Ying, and Nuan Yang will pass through Liuheng Street in the north of the city.During the night there was hail, and the houses were destroyed.In the east of the city there was the imperial army, and people from the Ministry of Industry and Jing Zhaoyin were repairing it, but in the north of the city, a group of women and old people gathered in the street to mourn.

The imperial army, the Ministry of Industry, and Jing Zhaoyin did not send anyone, and there was no one in Jingdu Wei due to such a heavy snowstorm.

The two old men staggered in the snow carrying the tiles, slipped and fell into the snow. Seeing this, Xie Xun dismounted quickly, and Fei Ying and Nuan Yang followed Xie Xun to help the old people.

"Slow down, old man, did you hurt yourself?" Xie Xun helped him up. The old man was nearly seventy years old, with gray temples, and his dry and rough hands were bruised and purple from the cold, full of chilblains.Xie Xun was wearing the official uniform of the commander of the Kyoto Guard. The old man was terrified and thanked him repeatedly. Xie Xun checked his bones, but luckily he was not injured.

But the calf was full of old wounds. Xie Xun had seen many veterans with such scars on their bodies. This was a veteran and a military household.

A large basket of tiles was too heavy, and it was very difficult for the old couple to carry it. Xie Xun asked Fei Ying and Nuan Yang to help lift it. The old couple lived in the west of Liuheng District in the north of the city.

Nuan Yang is lively, smiling, and immature. Gradually, the old man felt relieved. Nuan Yang asked, "Old man, where is your son? How can you make your husband and wife move such heavy tiles?"

"I went to Ningzhou to kill the enemy. There is no news for two years, and I don't know whether it is dead or alive." The old man's voice was particularly broken and pale in the snowstorm.

Xie Xun froze, the old man is a military household.After being seriously injured and left the battlefield, the eldest son took over. After the eldest son died, the second son took over. Now only the youngest son is left, also in Ningzhou.

This is the case with military households. There must be a male in the family to serve.Zhenbeihou Xie Yuan's eight elder brothers all died on the battlefield, and he is also the youngest son of the old Zhenbeihou.

The more you go in, the more desolate it is, because it is a poverty-stricken area, with dense houses, collapsed and damaged, women and children begging helplessly, children crying loudly, and screaming for cold.

There were few men, and they all repaired the houses. Children aged seven or eight climbed on the roofs to help repair them, but there were too many collapsed houses in this area, and countless residents were injured by beams and stones.

Nuan Yang chatted with the old man and learned that most of Liuheng Street are traffickers and farmers. In recent years, the tax has become heavier. In order to make a living, most of the men in the family join the army and rely on the meager military salary to support their families.Therefore, there are many women, children, children and the elderly in this area. They are helpless in case of natural disasters. After the houses collapse, they can only wait for repairs.

"Didn't the imperial army, the Ministry of Industry and the Kyoto Guard send anyone to repair it?" Nuan Yang asked in surprise, the imperial army was all over the street in the east of the city, and they were all helping.

"The life of the poor is like a piece of grass, and the three-year snowstorm, no one cares about us except the girl." The eyes of the old man turned red, "We are thankful that the Jingdu guards don't come to cause trouble."

Nuan Yang, "..."

 Added more updates today, girls, remember to leave a message, 100 more updates! !
(End of this chapter)

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