Fang Chuning lay on the roof admiring the moonlight. The moon was round as his hometown. Within a few days of coming to Peony City, he missed Kyoto and Ningzhou. In fact, he missed Ningzhou even more. The happiest and most tortured days in his life were all In Ningzhou. He saw his brothers died in the battlefield, and was filled with grief. He had a new love, and suddenly found that his preference for a person had changed qualitatively. It was not a brotherly relationship, and he realized it later.

He would be sweet and joyful because of Xie Jue's smile, running like a fierce horse on the grassland, he would also have trouble sleeping and eating because of Xie Jue's anger, and even feel guilty and uneasy because of his dodge. Words are painful and sweet at the same time. I wish that time would go slower, and occasionally I would have the illusion of eternity.

He buried the love in his heart early because of his identity and secular concepts. Xie Jue also planned to never interact with him again. They were comrades and brothers. But after they came to Sangnan, Sangnan told them that it was nothing. Not moved?

The wine pot gradually bottomed out, and Zhang Boxing and Lin Xiao also climbed up. They each brought two bottles of wine, "Fang Da, what's the point of drinking alone? You have to drink together to have the best taste."

"Just in time, I'm short of wine."

"I only need wine, but I don't need company!" Zhang Boxing threw a bottle of wine over with a smile. Fang Chuning raised his hand to borrow it with a hearty smile, "I need it!"

The two found a seat and sat down, drinking happily with Fang Chuning. Lin Xiao said, "Their Sangnan's wine is not strong enough, the sweetness is too strong."

These people are all used to drinking strong liquor from the North, and now they all despise the liquor from Kyoto for not being strong enough. Naturally, they will despise Sangnan's liquor. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing searched for several kinds of liquor before they found one they were satisfied with, which was specially supplied to the envoys. group.

Fang Chuning drank all kinds of wine. He would also drink with his mother and sister at home, so he didn't care. Zhang Boxing also happily talked about what he saw in the palace tonight. The two of them were also very disdainful of King Sangnan's behavior. This group of clan princes all had the same idea. They all felt that it was beneath the status of King Sangnan to let the princess dance. Although Zhang Boxing thought the princess was as beautiful as a flower, he also sympathized with the fact that the princess's status in Sangnan was not high. The eldest princess had a high status, so she was Because she is the only royal heir.

If she were the princess of Beining, she would be able to do whatever she wanted. Today's Princess Pearl was a bit shy at first, but now she has been raised to be a bit domineering. As long as people have confidence, they will have a temper.

"If we can't be a family anyway, why care about their behavior!" Fang Chuning said, "Sangnan is like a small country. The status of women is originally low. King Sangnan has many sons and doesn't care about the princesses. Those older princesses He used to marry local officials in various cities, but now he is just doing the same thing again."

"Tsk tsk... I have also seen the royal family's intelligence. He is really capable of giving birth. It would be great if our emperor could be so open-minded, with groups of princes and princesses."

Fang Chuning, "..."

Lin Xiao, "..."

Afraid of the sudden silence in the air, Zhang Boxing looked at the expressions of the two people who were confused and asked blankly, "What did I say wrong?"

"Do you dare to say this in front of the emperor?" Fang Chuning asked curiously. He knew that Xie Xun had a good relationship with Zhang Boxing and Lin Xiao. Otherwise, he would not have followed Xie Xun to leave Kyoto and cut off from the family.

"Of course I don't dare, but seeing how prosperous the Sangnan royal family is, I'm also envious. The Northern Barbarian royal family is also very prosperous!" Zhang Boxing said, "I'm just envious, and I'm not stupid. Of course I won't do it in front of The emperor and the queen spoke in front of each other."

But Zhang Boxing subconsciously felt that the emperor would definitely draft a draft in a few years, and the royal heirs would prosper sooner or later.

Lin Xiao said, "I have warned you a long time ago to be careful with your words and deeds. You are always so outspoken and you will get into trouble one day. Even if the emperor and empress are not in Sangnan, what you said just now will be eaten by you if the prince listens to it." We can't just walk around." Fang Chuning also nodded, "After all, Tingfeng only recognizes the queen as a sibling. If the emperor really wants to draft a talent show and pisses off the queen, guess who he will beat up?"

Feng Yu's status is unshakable. In addition to Xie Xun's preference, she also has Xie Jue's approval. She is recognized by all the business houses in the world. This weight is extraordinary and comparable. Not to mention that Xie Xun recognized her as the only one. If Ai Chi wants to snub her and choose the harem, it won't be easy if she doesn't nod.

Zhang Boxing slapped himself in the mouth and after a few sips of wine, the atmosphere became more relaxed. Lin Xiao said, "I hope the peace talks will end soon and we can go home soon."

"Why go home early? Can you still get used to staying in Beijing?" Fang Chuning asked.

If they are used to staying in Ningzhou, it will be difficult for them to stay in Beijing for a long time.

Although Zhang Boxing was taught not to speak openly, he was not so polite to Lin Xiao. He said coquettishly, "His mother has arranged a marriage for him and she is anxious to go home and get married."

Fang Chuning was extremely surprised, "Real or false?"

Lin Xiao felt a little embarrassed and glared at Zhang Boxing. Are you talking too much?

"Well, my mother is anxious to arrange my marriage."

"Have you met the girl?"

"Never!" Lin Xiao shook his head. Originally, they were going to meet each other. If the mission hadn't been about to leave, Lin Xiao would most likely have seen each other at home and decided to get married as soon as possible. After his elder brother passed away, although he had a nephew, his status was embarrassing and he was afraid of having no future in the future. His father had long been dismissed from his subordinates and was not reused. His sister also had old grudges with the queen. Even though times had changed, Lin Yuyan was still I have never been to the palace. For Lin Xiao's sake, Feng Yu didn't dwell on the past, and also hinted that Lin Xiao would not pursue the case, but she was absolutely unwilling to see Lin Yuyan, so Lin Xiao would not let Lin Yuyan enter the palace, even if Lin Yuyan After getting married, she clamored to enter the palace. After all, it was an honor and she could gain a firm foothold in her husband's family. Lin Xiao did not agree.

Mrs. Lin was anxious for Lin Xiao to start a family and start a career, just hoping that he could hold on to the family tree.

The group of young men who left Beijing with Xie Xun are now of age to start families and start businesses. Returning to Beijing this year is even more popular. Fang Chuning knows that Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing are both popular, and everyone in his family has considered Zhang Boxing, but it is a pity that they don't like each other very well.

Zhang Boxing is more wanton and flamboyant than Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao is very stable after experiencing Lin Sheng. He puts family first in everything and has long lost the spirit he had back then. Now when getting married, he also considers marriage and weighs the pros and cons.

Fang Chuning said, "Even so, you still need to find the person you like. You must not meet the person a few times and make a hasty marriage if you think it is good. Marriage is a lifelong matter. Once you make a decision, it will last a lifetime."

"I know, thank you Fangda for your concern."

"Fang Da, then why don't you get engaged? You are older than us... oh, it hurts..." Before Zhang Boxing could finish his words, Lin Xiao pinched his waist, causing his whole face to wrinkle in pain. .

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