The next day at the peace talks, Xie Jue submitted his credentials to King Sangnan and formally negotiated peace with King Sangnan, Han Ziqi, the third prince, the high priest and others. Xie Jue is the main negotiator, assisted by Fang Chuning and Master Gu.

The high priest looked at Xie Jue, who was opposite Zhilan Yushu, with extremely complicated eyes. Sang Nan's negotiation room was arranged in the palace. The layout was similar to that of Beining. The two parties sat face to face at the negotiation table, more than ten feet apart. The atmosphere was not relaxed. The high priest said, "Before the peace talks, I want to confirm one thing with His Highness King Yan. Is His Highness King Yan the son of the eldest princess? I have checked the letter and it is indeed written by the princess. There is also a princess." With the seal, all the elders of the Priest House agree with His Highness’s identity, His Highness is the son of the eldest princess, I wonder what you two are thinking?”

King Sangnan laughed and said, "Gu has always acknowledged the identity of His Highness King Yan, but he was just worried that the Priesthood would be suspicious. Now that everyone who knew about it has passed away, it is really difficult to get a witness."

"Dead objects can also be evidence. Our priesthood recognizes His Highness's identity." The high priest said slowly. He was unwilling to admit something at the banquet, but he relaxed before the negotiation.

King Sangnan was naturally happy. Although he didn't know why the high priest changed his mind, the interests were the same as his, so it saved him a lot of trouble. King Sangnan looked at Xie Jue, "Where is His Highness King Yan?"

"I am the son of the Marquis of Zhenbei. According to my mother's Lin family, I am the biological brother of the Beining Emperor. As for whether my biological mother is Princess Sangnan, it is not important to me, and I will not have any influence on this peace negotiation. Please rest assured." Xie Jue glanced at the high priest and King Sangnan, and his tone was quite calm.

His identity was decided by the high priest and King Sangnan.

Fang Chuning said, "This is not a good time to recognize relatives, let's talk about serious matters."

"General Fang is right, let's get started!"

The high priest hesitated to speak, but did not stop him. Xie Jue said, "Sang Nan took the initiative to invade the twelve states of Beining, causing serious economic losses and casualties to our side. Therefore, Beining will claim silver, medicinal materials, food, etc. from Sang Nan." , this is the list, please see King Sangnan and the high priest."

An official came over and handed the list to King Sangnan and the high priest. King Sangnan was ready to pay huge compensation, but he still took a breath after seeing Xie Jue's list. This is no longer what a lion can describe. It is simply a robbery by bandits, intending to make them lose their wealth. According to the amount of compensation Beining is claiming, the Sangnan royal family cannot afford it.

King Sangnan's voice became a little lower, and he started to do his best, "This... this... Your Majesty, this amount of compensation is too much. It is my Sangnan's treasury expenditure for three years. As a prince, you should know, The treasury surplus is only enough to cover one year's expenses, and it will be replenished through collections in the coming year. Such a huge amount is really unaffordable for us."

While he was being miserable, he was cursing in his mind. Back then, Yu Wenchao didn't claim so much money from Beiman. Why did they claim so much money after months of fighting?

Xie Jue said lightly, "I walked all the way from Shuilan City to Peony City, deliberately slowing down my pace. Firstly, I wanted to appreciate the great rivers and mountains of Sangnan, and secondly, I wanted to feel the prosperity of Sangnan. The people of Sangnan Life is rich and luxurious, ten times better than that of Kyoto in Beining. Is this a large amount of compensation? I don't think so. Wherever the war went, Beining needs to be rebuilt and repaired, and Sang Nan is responsible for the soldiers injured in the battlefield. For the rest of their lives, they were unable to farm or make a living due to disability. How should such losses be calculated? How should we calculate the serious injuries and bed rest? Sangnan is so rich, it is not difficult to compensate for this small amount. "

Han Ziqi also saw the list and was stunned, "Your Majesty, one million gold and ten million silver are too much. Our treasury has not had such a surplus for five years. Can we talk again? We are willing to give Sang Nan the treasury for five years." income."

This is the limit of what Sang Nan can compensate!

What is the difference between this and robbery? The conditions are so harsh. Knowing that Sangnan’s gold and silver were all exchanged with Beining. There is not a million taels of gold in Sangnan. This is absolutely a fantasy. Xie Xun is forcing Can they just surrender?

Master Gu originally wanted to say that the Sangnan people had no sincerity at all and were unwilling to compensate for this little gold and silver. Who knew that after Han Ziqi said the amount, all his words were choked in his throat!


When did the prince secretly add a million taels of gold?

That's all. They also increased the amount of silver tenfold. This really seemed like they were here to rob. "Peace talks are not bargaining. We don't know how much your national treasury earns per year. This compensation is the minimum amount set by the emperor and the cabinet. If the negotiation is too low, it will be difficult for me to explain." Xie Jue was lukewarm. , Open your eyes and tell lies.

Han Ziqi really wanted to yell!

To meet Xie Jue's gold and silver compensation, it would take ten years of Sang Nan's national strength.

"Of course, you can also pay it off in batches. Beining going long will allow you to pay it off within five years." Xie Jue's words gave King Sangnan and Han Ziqi some breathing space.

The high priest didn't know the price of tea, rice, oil, and salt, but he knew from the looks on the faces of King Sang Nan and Han Ziqi that the conditions must be harsh. He didn't understand political affairs, so he couldn't speak. Fang Chuning and others were watching a show. Lord Gu didn't know what Xie Jue planned, so he didn't say anything.

"Pay it off within five years. The conditions are very harsh...can ten years be enough?" King Sangnan asked tentatively.

"No!" Xie Jue rejected it. King Sangnan felt very desperate. Xie Jue was definitely trying to embarrass them and force them to surrender.

Xie Jue didn't mention the surrender. "There seems to be no problem with food and medicinal materials. Beining probably knows how productive Sang Nan is. We don't ask for much. We only need half of yours within five years."

King Sang Nan almost spit out his blood. What do you mean half is enough? This is equivalent to forcing them to pass on war compensation to the people.

The only way to pass this on to the people is to increase taxes.

The people of Sangnan have been accustomed to a good life over the years, with light taxes and abundant food harvests. Therefore, the population continues to rise and is prosperous. If taxes are increased, the people will inevitably complain, which will eventually lead to various turmoils, intensified conflicts, and peace in Sangnan. can not see. Increasing taxes is the only way to satisfy Bac Ninh's compensation.

Han Ziqi and King Sangnan looked at each other, "Besides gold and silver compensation, are there any other conditions?"

"Of course!" Xie Jue smiled. The peace talks were mainly about money. Besides money, they were also about resources. "In addition to gold and silver compensation, we in Beining also want six cities on the southern border of Sang!"

To cede territory and pay compensation is a shame for a defeated country.

The first two conditions for the peace talks hit King Sangnan and Han Ziqi hard in the face.

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