In the post house, Xie Jue and Fang Chuning were playing chess in front of the window. It was rainy in the south of the Yangtze River. It started to rain lightly today. Xie Jue and Fang Chuning did not go out, so they played chess and made tea in the post house. There was a wire mesh on the stove. In addition to making tea, , there are also roasted sweet potatoes and fruits, which are sweet and fragrant, and have a unique flavor in such rainy weather.

Since the two of them held hands and returned to the post house that day, everyone in the Ningzhou Cavalry suddenly became more stable. Most of the soldiers Fang Chuning chose to accompany him this time were young men between 15 and 21 years old. All of them are lively, smart and energetic. After arriving in Sangnan, they almost always take turns as guards. During their breaks, they like to go to Peony City for a walk. Whether it is playing or eating, they are all good at it. Otherwise, they compete in the post house, which is lively every day. , they often get into verbal conflicts, but now they are all honest, and thousands of pairs of eyes are staring at Xie Jue and Fang Chuning, as if they are looking for a flower.

Xie Jue had never heard them talking behind his back, but he knew that rumors were spreading. However, Fang Chuning acted like a normal person and went his own way. He even stayed in his room generously at night and couldn't get rid of him no matter what.

No shame!

He simply gave up arguing, and now no one else would believe him.

Zhang Boxing and several soldiers gathered around the stove to make tea, but he was absent-minded. The rain outside seemed like his mood. He still doesn't believe that Fang Chuning and Xie Jue have such a relationship.

Lin Xiao got angry when he saw him like that, "I realized it later!"

"You already knew, why didn't you tell me?"

Fang Chuning's deputy general Zhou Buyan stayed in the capital this time and did not accompany him. Otherwise, he would have laughed at these soldiers for being so slow to react.

"If you think about it carefully, Fang Da and the prince are indeed too close. Zeyu and I grew up together, signed up to join the army together, killed enemies together, ate and slept together, but we were never inseparable like this, nor were we holding hands like this... "He actually reached for his companion's hand, clasping their fingers together. Both of them had goosebumps all over their bodies and hurriedly shook it off, "It's creepy."

Zhang Boxing had a dull face. Yes, he and Lin Xiao would eat and sleep together. They would sleep in a tent and drink a bowl of soup while building roads. No one disliked the other, but they were not so close.

"Actually, I have noticed for a long time that Fang Da is placed among the men..." He gave a thumbs up, "He is definitely the number one, but there is never a woman around him. He hangs around the prince every day and greets everyone with a smile. , but whoever dares to say anything about the prince will immediately fall out. We were short of food during that time and drank porridge every day. After patrolling the camp, he would fish in the Shaling River and cook soup for the prince. If this is a son's filial piety to his father, , if this is a husband to his wife, that is deep love, and this requires brothers... Brothers really can't do it, whether they like to eat or not, isn't that how the prince treats the emperor? It's different here at Fangda. "

"It's more than that. When Fang Da has no military duties, he will take the prince to climb mountains. They are alone and often stay up all night. It's scary to think about it. It turns out that they have been having an affair for a long time."

Lin Xiao kicked him, "You don't want your life!"

"Bah, bah, bah, there are just a few of us, what are we afraid of!" This group of people are not all the original Kyoto guards. Some of them are older and have joined the army long ago and have followed Fang Chuning for many years.

"No wonder Fang Dafeng is handsome and has an outstanding family background, but he has not talked about marriage."

"The prince did not get engaged. He just got married when he was a guest in the Northern Barbarians. That was completely helpless. Now he has no princess he wants, but he has never mentioned the matter of marriage, and the emperor did not dare to grant the marriage. It turns out that they Chen Cang has been in secret for a long time."

"Fang Da is so brave. He dares to covet the prince. How dare he? I don't even dare to take another look."

"The prince is also very kind to Fang Da. In the past, I only had a little patience with the Marquis in the tent. Fang Da was so... He was joking and laughing, but he was different from others. The emperor even got into a temper because of this when he first arrived at the military camp. He was specifically focused on Fang Da because he was not happy that the prince was so gentle to Fang Da."

"It's over, it's over. If the emperor finds out, will Fang Dahu be..." He made a gesture of wiping his neck with a look of horror, "The emperor must be mad."

Lin Xiao thought about Xie Xun's temperament and realized that it was really possible! Zhang Boxing said with neither sadness nor happiness, "What if the emperor already knew about it?"

"That's impossible. If the emperor knew about it, his temperament would be extremely different. How could he ask Fang Da to go on an envoy with the prince by name?"

Everyone can imagine the scene of Xie Xun chasing Fang Chuning with a knife, which is really scary.

"How can you hide this? Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing are still the emperor's confidants. Do you dare to hide it from the emperor after returning to Beijing?"

Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing looked at each other. They really didn't dare. They really wanted to hide it. After Xie Xun learned about it from others, they couldn't bear it. Now it's a problem whether to tell Xie Xun about it or not. Therefore, Lin Xiao did not write to Xie Xun in the past two days. If he really wanted to tell Xie Xun, he was afraid that he would come directly to Sang Nan and kill Fang Chuning, and he would not even care about the peace talks.

But if you don't say it, how can you keep it hidden?

Prince, you are confused, why do you want to indulge Fang Da?

"It's just holding hands. Lin Xiao and I are also holding hands. Whoever said it must have something. Anyway, if the emperor asks, we don't know anything." Zhang Boxing was a rare clever person. Lin Xiao also felt that he couldn't refute it. Xie Xun believed it or not, then It's Xie Xun's business, and they can't offend anyone.

Fang Chuning and Xie Jue didn't care at all about the discussions in the army. Xie Jue was just worried about the commander's reaction when he knew about it. He hoped that this matter could be delayed a little longer!

"Tingfeng, you got distracted, it's your turn."

Xie Jue was absent-minded and made a bad move that he couldn't even save. His way of survival was blocked by Fang Chuning. Originally, he and Fang Chuning were in a 4-6 draw. It was difficult to recover from a wrong move, let alone such an important chess move.

"You are so uneasy that you have lost three games today." Fang Chuning raised his head and said jokingly, "Even if my father knows about it, what can he do? He is at the border, and we have to face him after we return from Sangnan. You Why worry about something so far away?”

"Is it far away?" Xie Jue snorted coldly, "Sang Nan's side will be over within a month at most."

"Even if my father is angry, he will only settle accounts with me. It doesn't matter. Growing up, how many times have I been beaten by him? He doesn't dare to do anything to you. How can he beat me to death?" Fang Chuning looked dead. Pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

"He will really beat you to death!"

"I have a gold medal to avoid death!" Fang Chuning blinked, "The emperor will not allow it."

"Zhixu will protect you, you are overthinking it!" Xie Jue sneered, Zhixu would only give the commander a thicker whip when he beat Fang Chuning.

"Then it depends on how much affection Tingfeng has for me. The more affection Tingfeng has for me, the more the emperor will protect me." Fang Chuning said shamelessly, "It depends on your performance."

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