When Han Ziqi saw the corpses all over the ground, he knew that this was going to be difficult. The Beining delegation specially brought 5,000 Ningzhou cavalry. They did not have an advantage in numbers, but they were powerful in combat. Coupled with the reinforcement of troops by the Marshal and Dugu Jing at the border, almost all of Sang Nan's 200,000 troops are in the border city. There are only forbidden troops in Mudan City, and the number of the forbidden troops is only a little over 10,000. They are no match for the Ningzhou Iron Cavalry. They just rely on their numbers. The advantage allowed them to surround and kill three hundred Ningzhou cavalrymen. Even if all three hundred Ningzhou cavalrymen were killed, the Imperial Army would suffer heavy losses.

Zhang Boxing and Lin Xiao brought thousands more Ningzhou cavalry into the palace. They were bound to die. When Han Ziqi knew that the matter was irreversible, he immediately returned to the palace and arranged for the concubines and princesses to leave the palace through a secret passage. He also sent people to detain all the priests in the palace. The people surrendered to Xie Jue, and the high priest and everyone in the priesthood did not escape. They were all in the temple in the palace.

When Zhang Boxing and Lin Xiao sent troops to surround the temple, Han Ziqi had also sent troops to surround the temple. Han Ziqi had long lost the confidence and calmness he had when he was the heir apparent. "General Lin, General Zhang, the high priest in the palace planned the self-immolation of my father. We have nothing to do with the Sangnan royal family. He wants to drag the entire Sangnan royal family to be buried with him. Please believe us. The royal family will no longer rebel after they sign the surrender document. The imperial army has long since rebelled. I found that the situation has gotten out of control and has surrounded them. , please make your decision, His Highness King Yan. We brothers were unaware of this matter from beginning to end."

The Chaoyang Palace not far away had collapsed long ago. If the kerosene had not been poured in advance, the fire would never have spread so violently, burning the centuries-old wood into ashes. When Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing saw the corpses of the Chaoyang Palace brothers, they wanted to kill everyone in the Sangnan royal family and bury them with them. Now, they could reveal it with just an understatement without knowing it. It was too naive.

"You can keep talking to the prince about this!" Lin Xiao looked at him indifferently.

Fang Da was nowhere to be seen. The prince was heartbroken and would not let these people go.

The fire in Chaoyang Palace was extinguished after half an hour, and the palace people who did not escape from the palace also helped put out the fire. Xie Jue had been standing outside Chaoyang Palace waiting. Some members of the Ningzhou Cavalry have separated the bodies of both sides and counted the casualties. Almost all of the 300 Ningzhou Cavalry who entered the palace to protect them were buried. Only about 20 people were seriously injured. I wonder if they can survive. The military doctors were already trying their best to treat them, but some of them were probably in danger. Lin Xiao sent people to occupy the pharmacy in the palace. No matter how rare the medicine was, all the medicines that could be used were given to the soldiers.

After the fire was extinguished, the corpses were charred and difficult to identify. Indeed, more than 20 people were swept into the fire scene and could not escape. The bones were difficult to identify, but the nameplates on the soldiers were intact in the fire. Ningzhou cavalrymen, from the commander to the pawns, all have their own identity nameplates. They are made of a piece of black iron and most of the soldiers wear them on their chests. This is for identification. On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, or the corpse has no bones left, and it is all identified by the nameplate.

The soldiers looked for nameplates in the fire scene, and they found more than a dozen nameplates of the Ningzhou Cavalry. They identified them one by one. When they saw one of them, the soldier in charge of checking the nameplates was slightly startled. That was the nameplate of the prince. Why did it fall on it? In the fire scene?

"Whose is it?" Xie Jue asked softly. Although the fire was extinguished, the surroundings were still extremely hot. The soldiers were sweating profusely. The soldier holding the identity card had already been sweating. Now the cold wind blows, and his spine is even colder. , he quickly arrived in front of Xie Jue and respectfully returned Xie Jue's identity card to him, "Your Majesty, it's yours..."

Xie Jue's whole body was stiff, obviously due to the heat wave, but his blood seemed to have frozen into ice in the northern barbarian winter. He raised his hand to take the small... identity plate that would only fall from the soldiers when they died. .

The iron identity tag was poured with water, and the remaining warmth was like human body temperature. The identity tag was hung on a small silver necklace and hung on the chest. It had slid on his chest in the dead of night, and he had bitten this small piece of iron when he was in love. It was their most obscure emotional catharsis and blending in the dark.

This is the identity badge worn on Fang Chuning's body.

And Fang Chuning's piece was on his chest, closest to his heart, soaked in his breath and body temperature.

"Where did you pick it up?" Xie Jue heard his calm voice. Although his heart had long been desolate and blood flowed like a river, in front of the soldiers, he was still the unfailing His Majesty the King Yan. the backbone of.

The soldiers picked up the nameplates in the hall and put them all together. In fact, they were not sure where they picked them up. Xie Jue glanced at the burned corpses in the hall. People always like to say when they make vows, even if you are burned to ashes, I will still recognize you. But in fact, it didn't need to be burned to ashes. It would be difficult to identify the corpse after it was burned to ashes in the fire. He had no idea which one was Fang Chuning. Xie Jue slowly walked to a charred corpse and forced himself to identify it. Was it him?

The clothes on his body had been burned long ago, and his body was charred, as black as charcoal. His face was only in the shape of a skull. It was hard to imagine that his face, which was charming and graceful in life, would look like this after death.

No, not him!

Absolutely not!

Xie Jue couldn't hear the shouts of the soldiers in his ears, so he walked to a corpse that looked obviously longer than the others.

Aning, is that you?

Were you seriously injured, were you thrown into the fire, or were you caught in the flames? Did it hurt when the fire burned you? Does it hurt when the thick smoke rolls into your throat?

No, this is not you!

If he wants to see a person in life, he wants to see a corpse. What he wants to see is a complete corpse, not a charred corpse like this. He doesn't admit it. As long as he doesn't admit it, Aning will live.

Xie Jue resolutely turned around and slowly walked out of the Chaoyang Palace step by step. This palace did not bury his general. Even if his identity card fell into the fire, he was not in this Chaoyang Palace.

"Bury the bones in the Chaoyang Palace properly." Xie Jue whispered. There were also Ningzhou cavalry among these scorched corpses. Since they couldn't be distinguished carefully, they should all be buried properly.

"Yes!" The soldiers responded in a low voice, and Xie Jue walked up to Ying Yi, "How about Xiao Liu?"

"Military doctors are still treating him, but the situation is not good." Yingyi's voice was hoarse. The sudden situation in Sangnan Palace was unexpected by everyone. The tragedy was irreversible. Fortunately, the master was safe and sound, and they fulfilled their mission.

Do not!

His master was not safe. The moon-white robe was covered with blood. He was horrified to find that the blood on Xie Jue's waist and abdomen had not solidified. Ying Yi suddenly raised his hand to cover his waist and abdomen. His tentacles were wet, and Xie Jue's waist was wet. He was stabbed in the abdomen and the blood flowed endlessly. No one noticed him because his body was covered in blood.

"Come here, military doctor, call the military doctor quickly, the prince is injured!"

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