Chapter 85 Love
Xie Xun looked at her incredulously, and then covered up a gaffe, she was obviously not right.The woman's painful voice came, and Feng Yu tugged on the cloak in pain, like a drowning person who was helpless and desperate, could only drown, her eyes were flushed, and she couldn't tell whether it was fear or hatred.

Xie Xun realized something, and raised his hand to cover her ears. Feng Yu struggled like a trapped animal, and was held firmly in his arms by him, blocking the woman's screams with his hands, "Feng Yu, don't be afraid!"

The little Hou Ye's hands were hot and generous, calm and powerful, blocking the hustle and bustle and tragedy for her.

Feng Yu gradually calmed down in his arms, Xie Xun thought to himself, has Feng Yu ever seen a woman give birth?Even if you have seen it, you will not be afraid of it.

It was the first time that Xie Xun saw real fear and fragility in Feng Yu's eyes.

Her emotions gradually calmed down. She held Xie Xun's wrist and pulled his hand away. Xie Xun looked at her pale face and firmly covered her ears, "Since you are afraid, don't listen."

"What I'm afraid of is not a woman giving birth." Feng Yu firmly pulled his hand away, "Covering your ears is just deceiving yourself and others."

"Would you like to talk about it?" Xie Xun trapped her between the wall and his chest in a gesture of absolute protection, "Speak out, maybe you won't be afraid."

"I don't want to!" Hearing the shrill cry, Feng Yu refused Xie Xun's prying eyes.

"Okay!" She didn't want to, and he didn't ask, and stepped back a safe distance, Feng Yu's slack eyes focused, and she woke up completely, she laughed, "Am I in a mess?"

"No matter how embarrassed you look, I have seen it."

Feng Yu wiped the rain and tears from her face, and sighed helplessly, "Young Lord, you are really annoying."

In the dim woodshed, Xie Xun's amorous peach eyes were stained with a three-point smile, "Miss San, you are really heartless."

Feng Yu closed her eyes, tears dripped on the back of her hands, and when she looked up at Xie Xun, she cried and laughed, pitiful and crazy, "You're right, I have no heart."

The violent wind and rain ravaged the earth, whistling, as if the dilapidated window was about to be torn apart in the next second, Xie Xun's eyes were deep and cold, as if in pain and anger.

"Girl, girl..." Qiu Xiang's voice approached from far away, Xie Xun opened the door of the firewood room, when Qiu Xiang came to find Feng Yu was soaked, she was so frightened that her face paled, and she almost fell when she ran over , grabbing Feng Yu's hand, "Girl, why are you in the rain? My God, why are your hands so cold? Why are you crying? Is it frostbite?"

Qiuxiang only had Fengyu in her eyes, and she ignored Xie Xun standing beside her. She quickly untied Fengyu's cloak, took off her own cloak and wrapped it around Fengyu. She stamped her feet in the cold, but her breath warmed Fengyu. Seeing Xie Xun from the corner of his eye, he was a little confused, "Hey, young master, why are you here?"

Xie Xun, "..."

Feng Yu, "..."

Both of them looked very delicate, Qiuxiang patted her head and said angrily, "Girl, Sister Liu is not doing well, Aunt Yang asked you to make up your mind."

The fetal position was abnormal and the pregnant woman had dystocia. The husband of Mrs. Liu went hunting in the mountains half a year ago and fell off a cliff and died.There are no relatives in the family, and her mother's family is in Gaoping County. Aunt Yang and several aunts have experience and know the danger, so they can only let Fengyu make up her mind.

Feng Yu heard Mrs. Liu's screams, the rain wet her temples, she was like a piece of fragile glass, her lips trembled but she couldn't speak a word, Xie Xun's indifferent and calm voice came from behind, "Lord Bao."

Aunt Yang looked at Feng Yu hesitantly. To this group of women, Feng Yu's words were more effective than the young master. Feng Yu took a deep breath and said softly, "Listen to the young master, Mr. Bao."

"Okay!" Aunt Yang walked in quickly, Fengyu felt drowsy, she just felt a splitting headache, she wanted to cover her ears, but there were too many things in the courtyard to allow distraction, Lin Xiao stood outside the second entrance door, separated by jade. Lian looked at her with dim eyes.

Mrs. Liu and the child were on everyone's nerves. Qiuxiang brought a charcoal basin to warm Fengyu, took off her hairpin, and wiped Fengyu's drenched hair.Xin'er brought Feng Yu's medicine over, "Girl, I've taken the medicine."

Fengyu gulped down the medicine. After Qiuxiang dried her hair, she rubbed her hands to check Fengyu's body temperature. She felt hot, "Girl, you've got a fever."

"It's okay, I can hold on." Feng Yu had just been drenched in the rain, so she was bound to get hot.Qiuxiang knew that she couldn't go back tonight, so she secretly kept antipyretics in case Fengyu got a fever, and turned around to decoct the medicines.

As the rain gradually subsided, Xie Xun went out to let Jingdu Wei continue to repair. The western area was basically repaired. Feng Yu gave him a map, which marked the priority areas for repair.It was getting dark, and Jingdu Wei basically drank a bowl of hot porridge to rest his stomach.In the team, some children from aristocratic families couldn't bear the severe cold and wanted to leave.Even if they knew that Xie Xun had killed four people today, they didn't want to continue working here. They were never willing to do this kind of hard and tiring work.

Lin Xiao said, "Young Master has seen more than 800 Jingdu guards today, and there will not be any more than you."

Kyoto Wei, "..."

More than 800 people, all seen and expelled?

The Jingdu Wei in the team who were clamoring to go home were all silenced. They were not so shocked when they heard that Xie Xun had killed four people. They didn't rob money, but they couldn't stand the bad weather.

Lin Xiao had already climbed up to the eaves first to repair it, and the people below were terrified, and no one dared to leave.If they were expelled from Kyoto Guard, where else could they go?
When the rain and snow hit his face, Zhang Boxing wiped it carelessly, and was flushed from the cold. He raised his voice and said, "Young master has courage and means. We are about to become outcasts of the family. If we try hard, we may be able to kill one." Bloodline."

He followed Lin Xiao closely, and directed his brothers to help with the repairs, his voice was loud but clear, "Brothers, we are the Kyoto Guard, and it is our duty to protect the people's lives and work in peace and contentment. Before dawn, we must return them to shelter from the wind." Rain's house, can it be done!"

"Yes!" Jingduwei's voice pierced through the wind and snow, and Xie Xun could hear it clearly in the courtyard.

Zhang Boxing's words speak to the hearts of this group of children from aristocratic families. Who wants to live in a daze in life? It's just that there is no hope. Now that Jingdu Wei has Xie Xun in charge, he is a decisive little prince. Who dares to say that they Your future is finalized?

They were suffering from cold and starvation in the wind and snow, why not Xie Xun, they still had a sip of hot tea and a bowl of hot porridge to eat, and the north of the city was orderly under his command and dispatch.With only a change of master, Jingdu Wei has a completely new look. Would they rather be feared and hated by the people, or would they like to be praised and admired by the people like today?
Once they figured it out, the guards of Kyoto were full of energy and continued to repair it despite the severe cold and snow.

(End of this chapter)

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