Zhang Lingzheng's diagnosis of Ximai was a bit unexpected. Fengyu's body was indeed difficult to conceive. Although she had been secretly treating her, the results were not great. Moreover, because she had been weak since childhood, her body could not withstand the pain of pregnancy. Even if she is pregnant, she may not be able to keep it. Xie Xun is obviously very happy, but the doctors in the imperial hospital look at each other. No one dares to pour cold water on Xie Xun at this time. After all, this is the child that the empress has been looking forward to for a long time. If the fetus cannot be saved, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be a next time.

Doctor Liu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and murmured to himself, "I told you that I didn't diagnose you wrong. Your Majesty is really auspicious."

Zhang Lingzheng wondered secretly, what does this have to do with the auspicious person and heavenly appearance?

After Xie Xun settled Feng Yu, he came out. None of the imperial doctors dared to leave. Xie Xun obviously knew Feng Yu's physical condition. He didn't dare to have too much hope in the first place. Although he was excited now, he was also very worried.

He led the imperial doctors to the side hall, but specifically asked Eunuch Liu to move the maids away so that Qiuxiang, Chunlu and others would not hear their conversation.

After Xie Xun sat down, he ordered tea to be served. It was obviously a long questioning.

"Is my mother's pregnancy in danger?" Xie Xun asked.

Zhang Lingzheng actually understood Xie Xun's thoughts very well. No matter what, Feng Yu was the most important thing in his heart, and the child was secondary. But for Taiyuan Hospital, the heir was naturally more important.

The doctors of the Imperial Hospital are all carefully selected to enter the palace. Medical idiots like Imperial Doctor Liu are relatively rare, most of them are human beings. No one wants to get into trouble with the emperor at this time, and no one dares to say that Feng Yu will be bad.

Zhang Lingzheng thought carefully about his words and said, "Your Majesty's pregnancy is still short, and we can't tell the signs of her pregnancy for the time being. The first three months of a woman's pregnancy are particularly important. We can't make a judgment until the signs of the fetus are stable."

"In other words, if the first three months are stable, the pregnancy will be safe for the queen?" Xie Xun only picked what he liked to hear.

Zhang Lingzheng didn't dare to say that. If something went wrong, wouldn't Xie Xun have to go to Taiyuan Hospital for surgery? Zhang Lingzheng said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty is blessed by heaven, and we at Taiyuan Hospital will do our best to protect your empress." With Long Si. If the Emperor wants us to guarantee that the Queen will give birth smoothly, we dare not promise it at present. Ten months of pregnancy is a long time, and no one can predict what changes will happen during the period. We can only do our best..."

"Zhang Lingzheng, don't talk to me about these useless things. You know what I want to ask. Is the risk of this pregnancy high?" The imperial doctor and others knew that they were in a low position, so they remained silent.

Zhang Lingzheng sighed, "Yes, it is not easy for the empress to get pregnant, and her constitution is cold. Even if she is pregnant, it will be difficult to keep the baby. We can only try our best to keep it."

Not only is it difficult to keep, but even if she can keep October smoothly, childbirth is also a big difficulty for Fengyu. Many healthy and strong women have not survived the death gate of childbirth.

Xie Xun's heart sank, feeling suffocated inexplicably. He recalled Feng Yu's fear and helplessness when he saw the woman giving birth in the snowstorm. Feng Yu was extremely scared at that time. She was afraid of giving birth. She was afraid of giving birth. Others are afraid of being like that when they give birth. They keep vomiting and it's their turn. How can they not be afraid?

After Xie Xun was overjoyed, he also thought about Feng Yu's physical condition, and felt very uncomfortable and distressed.

To be honest, according to the standards of a royal wife in the capital, Feng Yu was obviously unqualified. She was too weak and sick to have an heir. When Xie Xun wanted to marry Feng Yu, Mrs. Hou asked him to think clearly. If he married Feng Yu, It would be difficult for Feng Yu to take on the responsibilities of the clan's eldest wife, as she had to be prepared to share the responsibility with her.

Propagating heirs is the most important thing for a clan wife! "The Imperial Hospital must do its best to protect the Queen and the child. If there is anything wrong with the Queen, tell me immediately. Remember, the Queen is the first priority. If the child threatens her health, I would rather not have it. Remember ?" Xie Xun said in a deep voice. He was very happy to learn that Feng Yu was pregnant, but he also had to consider whether Feng Yu was suitable for childbirth and whether she could survive it.

The imperial doctors bowed their heads in silence. This was obviously different from the rules of the Yuwen Dynasty. In the Yuwen Dynasty, there were many women in the harem, and the most important thing was the heirs, never the concubines. If they could only choose one of the two during childbirth, the emperor would usually choose Children will not choose concubines, even if they are queens, concubines will risk their lives to give birth to children.

"Yes!" Everyone obeyed the order.

Xie Xun said, "Everyone in the Tai Hospital should remember this. Don't tell the queen. It doesn't matter what she says. Everything depends on me. Every time you diagnose the pulse, you must send me a pulse report."


Xie Xun had many things to tell them, but no words could explain his worries, "Zhang Lingzheng, just concentrate on taking care of the mother-in-law. You don't need to take care of the affairs in the city, leave them to others."


Just leaving it to Zhang Lingzheng didn't worry Xie Xun. He sent someone out of the palace to find Doctor Zhou. Doctor Zhou was a master of gynecology and often delivered babies to women. He had taken care of Feng Yu's body since she was a child. Xie Xun trusted him more and ordered Zhang Boxi to After leaving the palace, he took Dr. Zhou into the palace. During this period, he served Feng Yu in the palace.

Xie Xun announced the good news in the early morning court. Although it was not suitable to make it public since she had not been seated for three months, there were always people in the court using Feng Yu's infertility as an excuse to ask Xie Xun to be drafted, and Xie Xun was also very annoyed. Although he was the emperor with real power and didn't need to care what these officials said, he would feel irritated if he talked too much.

The Queen is pregnant, which is a great joy, and everyone from the government to the public congratulates her.

The Feng family also received the news soon. The old lady and Su Yuejiao handed the sign to the palace. Feng Yu sent Qiu Xiang to pick her up at the palace gate. When she woke up, she also knew that she was pregnant. She was so surprised and surprised that she had not had time to recover. , I didn’t expect Xie Xun to announce it in court.

The longevity palace was even more joyful. Feng Yu gave the whole palace a great reward. All the servants and eunuchs who served in the palace were rewarded. The palace was filled with joy. Feng Yu had just drank the anti-fetal medicine when the old lady and Su Yuejiao came. Doctor Zhou was also invited into the palace to look after Fengyu with Zhang Lingzheng. Fengyu felt that Xie Xun was making a fuss. Her pulse was still very weak. Doctor Zhou said that the fetus was not yet a month old and there were many variables. Fengyu's health was not stable. Okay, so I have to stay in bed to nurse the fetus. I can't go to the ground for more than three months and can only lie still.

The old lady said earnestly, "Don't be annoyed. Listen to the doctor. The first three months are the most important. You should also avoid food, sleep more and eat more. Even if you have no appetite, you should eat more for the sake of your child and keep your body bones strong." , Only when your child is healthy can you be careless.”

Feng Yu took her grandmother's hand and said with a gentle smile, "Grandma, my granddaughter knows, don't worry, there are so many people in the palace watching over her, nothing will happen to her."

Although Su Yuejiao was also happy, she was more worried because Fengyu was not Fengshu and did not have such a healthy body. She was really afraid that Fengyu would not be able to survive the birth.

She didn't want to see Feng Yu pregnant. At that time, Dr. Zhou said that it would be difficult for Feng Yu to get pregnant. She was worried that Feng Yu would be attacked by courtiers in the future, but she breathed a sigh of relief. After all, safety was the most important thing.

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