In order to atone for his sins, Han Ziqi actively searched for the remnants of the Priests' Court. He asked almost everyone related to the Priests' Court for questioning, but found nothing.

Gradually, Han Ziqi also felt that his lies were about to be exposed, so he tried not to get in front of Xie Jue, fearing that Xie Jue would ask him about Fang Chuning again. They almost turned Peony City upside down, but they could not find Fang Chuning. , and his portraits are plastered all over the streets and alleys of Sang Nan. If someone discovers Fang Chuning, it is impossible to hide it, because the price given by Sang Nan is extremely high. As long as there are clues, at least a lifetime of gold, silver and jewelry will be provided, and he will have no worries about food and clothing.

But autumn passed quietly, and Fang Lingjun's abdomen gradually swelled, and her fetal condition was stable. After three months of morning sickness, she can now eat and sleep, her body is getting healthier, and her face is rosy. Although there is no news about Fang Chuning, she can still eat and sleep. There was a glimmer of hope, and Fang Lingjun became a little more cheerful.

Xie Jue promised Ruyi that he would return to Beijing at the end of the year. Autumn passed quietly, and the weather in Sangnan gradually turned colder. It was time for him to return to Beijing.

He also had a hunch that Fang Chuning was not in Sangnan.

A full half a year has passed, and Fang Chuning's injuries must have recovered. With his strength, he cannot be willing to be trapped in prison, unless he is imprisoned in a place where the heavens and the earth do not respond, or the injury never improves. He was looking for him in Sangnan so brazenly. If he was in Sangnan, how could he hide him? Who took him away and hid him, and what on earth was he going to do? Xie Jue gradually eliminated the high priest.

Although Han Ziqi told him that it was the high priest who took Fang Chuning away.

But the high priest is dead, and everyone related to the Priesthood has inquired. No one knows the whereabouts of Fang Chuning, and they have denied that they have ever been in contact with Fang Chuning.

If the high priest really took Fang Chuning away, he would have been buried in the fire long ago. If Fang Chuning was still alive, the other party would definitely use this bargaining chip to come to him to negotiate terms. He waited patiently in Sangnan for several months, but there was no one When she came to negotiate terms with him, Fang Chuning seemed to disappear out of thin air. For some reason, Xie Jue became calmer and more confident.

As long as a person lives in the world, he will not disappear out of thin air. As long as he has value, he will be used to negotiate conditions with him. If there is neither, there must be a monster when something goes wrong.

Unless he's really dead.

But in Xie Jue's heart, he always reasoned everything based on the fact that Fang Chuning was still alive, so there was no option for Fang Chuning to be dead.

The situation in Sangnan is stable. After a period of chaos during the implementation of the New Deal, it has now calmed down. The officials sent by Xie Xun to Sangnan are all in place. The major cities are guarded by both civil and military personnel. They will not relax their vigilance in the past five years. Wait until Sangnan Only when officials truly belong to Beijing and report on their duties will Xie Xun consider whether to change Sang Nan's governance model. Otherwise, it will remain like this.

Dugu Jing and Fang Lingjun originally thought that Xie Jue would celebrate the New Year in Peony City, but just after the beginning of winter, Xie Jue said goodbye to Dugu Jing and Fang Lingjun. He was going back to Kyoto. As for whether he would return to Peony City, Xie Jue did not say clearly, and Fang Lingjun did not see him. Xie Jue, it was Dugu Jing who met him.

After seeing off Xie Jue, Dugu Jing returned to the backyard. Fang Lingjun was taking a walk with the support of her maid Qiangwei. She was nearly five months pregnant, her energy had just recovered, and there was some color on her face. Following the doctor's instructions, she was taking a walk every day. After walking in the courtyard for half an hour, Qiangwei saw Dugu Jing coming and left on the pretext of going to the kitchen to prepare snacks for her. Dugu Jing came over to help her walk, and Fang Lingjun asked, "Leaving so soon?"

"I have nothing to say to him. I'm just saying goodbye politely. It's okay to send someone to say it. It's probably for your sake. Who knows you won't see him either." Dugu Jing has heard this in the past six months. There are so many rumors about Xie Jue and Fang Chuning, their love stories are almost becoming a drama in Peony City. Although they obviously didn't dare to arrange the opera, there were some troupes who were secretly cheating on Chen Cang and alluding to their operas. Fang Lingjun almost smashed the troupe once after hearing this.

He had heard rumors so many times that he almost believed them to be true, but Dugu Jing was different from others. He believed from the bottom of his heart that Xie Jue and Fang Chuning were brothers. It was Sang Nan who deliberately orchestrated this romantic affair with dirty eyes and sinister hearts. , he also advised Fang Lingjun not to take it to heart, it must be fake.

Fang Lingjun, who knew the inside story, said, "..."

It was true. Almost half of the people in Ningzhou Cavalry believed it to be true. Dugu Jing still thought it was a lie. Naturally, Fang Lingjun would not tell him about her brother's privacy, so she simply avoided talking about it, but she didn't want to see Xie Jue.

She complained about Xie Jue in her heart, and she felt pity for him. She complained about him because Fang Chuning's life and death were unknown. She had too many regrets. She felt pity for him because Xie Jue was now persistently looking for his brother who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and his reputation was damaged. Being attacked by too many rumors.

He was clearly Ji Feng Lang Yue's son, but he was rumored to be a lecherous and violent devil. His reputation was polarizing. Fang Lingjun was in a complicated mood and simply avoided seeing Xie Jue. She could not face Xie Jue calmly.

Even though she knew that if her brother was here, he would definitely hope that she could get along well with Xie Jue.

"I'm not familiar with him, and I have nothing to say." Fang Lingjun held Dugu Jing's hand and couldn't help but mocked, "He's not looking for his brother anymore? He gave up so soon? His brother means nothing to him. important."

"Peony City has been turned upside down. If people are not there, they may not be in Peony City." Dugu Jing rarely said something fair for Xie Jue, "He is wasting time in Peony City. It is better to try his luck elsewhere. After all, He is really conscientious. Even if he is looking for Fang Chuning, he has been implementing the New Deal. Without him, the New Deal in Sangnan would be a waste of time. It is almost the end of the year and it is time for him to return to Kyoto."

Fang Lingjun also wanted to go to Kyoto, but she would not go back. The Marshal brought Mrs. Fang and Xiaoqi to Jiangnan, and she had no attachment to the capital. She is pregnant and it is inconvenient to travel far. She may have to wait until the baby is born and the baby is on its feet before she can leave Peony City. If she returns to Beining, she will also go to Jiangnan. From now on, she and Ayu will be together less and more apart.

"There's something very strange to me!"

"what's up?"

Dugujing hesitated to speak, and Fang Lingjun was curious. Her husband was a fast-talking man, and his thoughts were written on his face. It was difficult to hide them, and he would not let her guess. Therefore, Fang Lingjun was honest with him after they got married. Wait, you won't deceive. Deception is a taboo for the Northern Barbarians. Fang Lingjun will not do it, and Dugu Jing will naturally not lie to her.

"Your brother's life and death are unknown, and the family held a funeral, which was regarded as acknowledgment of his death. However, Xie Jue clearly found clues in Peony City. He went to Peony City to look for people with great fanfare. His father-in-law and mother-in-law were not in a hurry, and they didn't hear anything. They sent people to look for her, but it didn't seem to matter at all. Was Fang Chuning picked up by your family?" (End of Chapter)

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