When Xie Jue arrived in Yangzhou, it happened to be the first snow of the year in Yangzhou.

The snow is falling and thousands of miles are covered with ice. When you wake up one night, you will be covered with silver makeup. The lake is sparkling and the green trees on both sides are covered with white frost. It is so beautiful. Winter and spring are different scenery.

Xie Jue opened the window to enjoy the scenery. He liked the snow scene. He liked the snow when he was in Ningzhou. Blizzards can bury all the blood, killings and corpses. The chaotic battlefield instantly turned into thousands of miles of frozen ice fields, clean and transparent, as if There had never been a war, and the snow in Yangzhou was much gentler than that in Ningzhou. This was the first time he saw the snow scene in Jiangnan.

There is a folk saying that auspicious snow heralds a good year. If the first snowfall is so heavy, the coming year will be smooth. Xie Jue is also looking forward to good weather in Beining.

This time when he returned to Beijing from Peony City, he only brought the Shadow Guards with him, not the three thousand soldiers and horses. Those soldiers and horses were all left in Mudan City and under the jurisdiction of Dugu Jing. They were originally intended to be taken to Peony City, so he and the Shadow Guards and others He returned to Beijing lightly, and the journey was very secretive along the way. He didn't have to pass through Yangzhou, and the shadow guard didn't know why Xie Jue was wandering around Yangzhou.

Yangzhou City is the territory of the Fang family, which is only half a day's walk from the military camp in the south of the Yangtze River. The government office is a cousin of the Fang family. Mrs. Fang's mother, the Yang family, is the largest clan in Yangzhou City, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and most of the children in the family are rich. To make a living, some are officials and some are in business.

Yangzhou City is also the richest city in Beining besides Kyoto.

The shadow guards couldn't ask Xie Jue why he stayed in Yangzhou, and they didn't dare to ask. Because of the heavy snow, Xie Jue didn't leave the inn.

The shadow guard said, "Master, we have arrived in Yangzhou. Do you want to say hello to the commander?"

"No need!" Xie Jue sat in front of the window and looked at the snowy scene, "He may not want to see me."

The Shadow Guard thought to himself, why stay here if you don't want to visit?

The Fang family moved to Yangzhou and will settle in Yangzhou in the future. If Fang Chuning were alive, the commander would not make such a decision. Kyoto is their foundation. As long as the courtiers are unwilling to leave Kyoto, leaving means that He left the core of power and gradually became alienated. Xie Jue did not explain, but looked a little sad in the distance. When he left Yangzhou, he left both Ying 1 and 2 in Yangzhou and returned to Beijing alone.

There are only four of his shadow guards left, Shadow Four is left with Ruyi, and Shadow Six is ​​still recuperating. This time, only Yi and Er followed him when he went to Sangnan, and now Yi and Er are left in Yangzhou.

Xie Jue was alone except during the period of the Northern Barbarians, and rarely left the care of the shadow guards. Ying Yi was actually a little worried and wanted to escort him back to Kyoto and then back to Yangzhou.

Xie Jue asked expressionlessly, "Without you, will I starve to death in the wild?"

Ying Yi didn't dare to reply, but he said in his heart that he couldn't tell.

You are a clean person and a picky eater. If you go on the road alone, you will starve to death without us, so you will find food by yourself. But the order is too big, even if you are worried, there is nothing you can do.

In Kyoto, Ruyi is waiting for her father to come home. Fengyu's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and she will probably give birth in March. The imperial doctor is working hard to keep the baby safe, hoping that it will mature and bear fruit soon, so that everyone will not be worried, Mingzhu He Ruyi was also sensible and tried to disturb Fengyu as little as possible while raising the fetus. In the past six months, Fengyu had been hiding in the Longevity Palace to raise the fetus, and rarely saw anyone except her family.

"Can the second brother make it in time for the New Year?" Feng Yu was also a little worried. She won't be hosting this year's palace banquet. The Chief of Ceremonies will prepare it. She can just take a look and stamp it. The New Year is only five days away and the second brother hasn't arrived home yet. "As you wish, They all look forward to it."

"Second brother said he would come back at the end of the year, and he will come back on time. Don't worry." (End of Chapter)

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