"He's so ugly!" Xie Xun stared at his infant son who had not yet opened his eyes, feeling extremely disgusted.

Xie Jue pondered, "...a little bit."

When Ruyi was born, she was white and tender, with big, round eyes, cute and round eyes, black and thick hair, and a loud cry. But the little prince's skin was red, wrinkled, and a little dark, his hair was a little dry and sparse, his cry was as weak as a newborn kitten, and he looked like he hadn't been raised well enough. Xie Xun was worried and worried. Disliked, Xie Jue also knew that there should be no comparison, but since he had held the newborn Ruyi, he could not avoid memories, so there was a comparison.

"Is he really the child of Ayu and I? Ayu and I are so good-looking, how can we give birth to an ugly thing? In the future, apart from granting a marriage, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a wife."

Xie Jue, "..."

You're thinking too far ahead.

Zhang Lingzheng could no longer listen. Several imperial doctors were checking the physical condition of the newborn prince. Hearing that the emperor and prince were so disgusted, they dared not speak out in anger. Only Zhang Lingzheng dared to say, "Your Majesty, prince, the newborn baby is In this way, if it changes one day, it will look better in a few days.”

Xie Xun spread his hands, hoping that his son would be fairer and tenderer in a few days. Xie Jue asked, "Ruyi can open his eyes right after he is born. Why can't he? Is there anything wrong with him?"

"Some children open their eyes quickly, and some open their eyes slowly. This is normal. Don't worry, Your Majesty. Although the little prince is a little frail, he is fine. He must be carefully cared for during these three months, eat enough and sleep well, and avoid wind and cold. I wish you the best. My colleagues at Taiyuan Hospital will do their best to protect the prince from growing up safely."

These three months are the most important period. As long as they get through it safely, they can relax a little. In fact, children must be cared for very carefully before they are ten years old. There is a hurdle at three years old, a hurdle at seven years old, and a hurdle at ten years old. Take your time. Feng Yu is in frail health, and the prince is naturally frail as well, so she needs to be looked after more carefully.

Perhaps because Xie Xun has regarded Ruyi as his own son in the past few years, he is not as excited as he was when he became a father for the first time, and seems much calmer. Zhang Lingzheng wonders to himself whether the emperor dislikes the prince because he is ugly, so if The Queen knows this and is afraid she will be sad.

Feng Yu slept for a whole day and night. When she woke up, she only felt that her lower body was numb with pain. She felt pain even if she moved even a little. When she woke up, Qiuxiang and Chunlu came to take care of her. Feng Yu tried to stand up, but she frowned in pain. Qiu Xiang hurriedly came over to help her. Feng Yu leaned against Qiu Xiang with difficulty, "Is the child healthy?"

"You are very healthy. Don't worry, my dear. He is a prince."

"Really?" Feng Yu was a little happy. She felt less pressure because he was a prince. "The imperial doctor clearly said he was a princess."

Feng Yu breathed a sigh of relief. She was a little sick and had no appetite, but she wanted to see her child. Grandma Chang had already chosen a nanny and brought the nanny's child into the palace to share with the princes. In order to prevent the nanny from having evil intentions, we chose three nannies to take turns serving him.

When Xie Xun knew that Feng Yu had woken up, he gently held the child to see her, "Ayu, come and see our son. He looks very special."

Feng Yu knew that "special" was not a good word when she heard it. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still surprised, "He is so young, why is his skin so red?"

"The imperial doctor said it's normal and will fade away in a few days. He looks like you." Xie Xun said happily. Feng Yu, "..."

She was pretty sure she didn't look like this.

Feng Yu didn't dislike children as much as Xie Xun. She always felt that the piece of flesh she had fallen off was cute no matter how she looked at it. Her heart was soft and her eyes were sore. She became a mother. Giving birth to children had been her dream in her life. What I didn't dare to think about has now come true, and I feel so emotional inside.

Xie Xun wiped her eyes and said softly, "The imperial doctor said you shouldn't shed tears during confinement, as it will hurt your eyes."

"I'm not crying, I'm so happy." Feng Yu also obeyed and held back her tears, "It's so good, I feel as unreal as a dream."

"Then hit me." Xie Xun stretched out his face, and Feng Yu noticed the red marks on his face. "What's wrong with your face?"

"The kitten scratched it."

Feng Yu also recalled the scene when Xie Xun insisted on accompanying her before giving birth and was driven away by her. Her face turned red. She was also in a very embarrassed state now and did not want Xie Xun to see it. Even though she had lit incense, she could still smell it. Sensing a faint smell of blood and something unpleasant, Feng Yu later became embarrassed and urged Xie Xun to leave.

Xie Xun, "..."

Ayu is so generous!

Although Feng Yu does not nurse the child, she likes the feeling of having the child by her side very much. The wet nurse will always hold the child over after feeding. Feng Yu accompanies the child to sleep and looks at the child's sleeping face. She only feels that the future life is full of joy and expectation. .

The little prince gradually grew up under the meticulous care of the imperial physician and wet nurse. As expected, the red skin faded away and became white, tender and soft. He had a pair of eyes that looked exactly like Feng Yu. After he gradually became healthy, he was full of energy, able to eat and sleep. She cried loudly, and she got seriously ill when she was not yet full term. Fortunately, the imperial doctors had superb medical skills, and there was no danger. Feng Yu also knew that the child's vitality was fragile, so she was very cautious. Even her family members handed a sign to the palace to visit, but Feng Yu pushed back. , and then come in after the full moon.

Feng Yu had been raising her for half a month, but she still felt uncomfortable. The weather was gradually getting hotter, and it was not comfortable to sit during confinement. Xie Xun was considerate of her hard work and always returned to the palace early. The two of them would play with the child when they had nothing to do. They discussed naming the child, and the little prince was named Xingxing. This was a name that Feng Yu and Xie Xun had chosen very early on. Both men and women could call her Xing Xing, but Xie Xun thought she was a princess at the time, so the name was more princess-like.

The name has not yet been chosen, and Xie Xun chose several names that he thought were good. It was difficult for the two of them to choose, so they simply let the children draw lots. In the end, Xing Xing chose Xie Yu, and the final decision was made.

Although Feng Yu complained at a young age and preferred the name she chose, she had no choice but to give up when her son caught the name. The two of them discussed the name alone for several days, cautiously and cautiously. They both wanted a name that was nice and easy to remember. The little prince's full moon ceremony was lively and grand. It was the most grand event since Xie Xundeng ascended the throne besides the wedding. It was a happy event, Xie Xun granted amnesty to the whole world, and after the full moon ceremony, there were three days of flowing water banquets, and the entire capital participated in this grand event.

After the full moon of Xingxing, Xing Jue was in good health, and Xie Jue also said goodbye to Feng Yu, who was about to go on a long journey again. Ruyi became more mature after the New Year, and gradually became able to accept the fact that his father often traveled far away. Nowadays, he mostly lives in the palace with Princess Mingzhu. Especially after the birth of the little prince, Ruyi will gradually be separated from the prince. This is the consensus of the courtiers. Before Xie Xun has made a decision, the current situation has pushed Ruyi to stay away. In the palace, even if Xie Xun and Feng Yu desperately want Ruyi and Mingzhu to live in the palace, they cannot be too willful for the sake of Ruyi.

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