In Fang Chuning's barren memory, he had never had such close contact with anyone. The beauties at Green Willow Villa were indeed as beautiful as flowers, knowledgeable and knowledgeable, but Fang Chuning only thought of them as a group of fun and lively girls. He liked them, but He would also keep a distance from them. He was not the kind of young master who was always merciful. The touch was very strange. The man held him with peace of mind, as if he had been familiar with such movements for a long time. His hot breath penetrated through a thin layer of The clothes were hot on his skin, and Fang Chuning suddenly felt dizzy. This was too intimate.

"Xie Tingfeng, let me go!"

After all, this person still likes a man and treats him as a substitute? How unbecoming is this? He is a very traditional man and will never accept such intimacy.

But Xie Jue was drunk and didn't know the personnel, and there was no way to know Fang Chuning's thoughts. Fang Chuning wanted to push him away, but in the end he didn't make a move. He tried his best to comfort himself. For the sake of his daughter Hong, he would not Arguing with Xie Tingfeng, after all, he wanted to deceive the second daughter Hong from Xie Tingfeng. The shopkeeper couldn't stand him, but he didn't dare to disobey him. It was no problem after all.

For the first time, he felt that the distance between Green Willow Villa and Yangzhou City was so far. After walking for so long and not arriving yet, his abdomen felt like it was burning. Why was Xie Tingfeng's breath so hot?

He couldn't help but look down at Xie Jue. His cheeks were red after drinking. Xie Jue was more beautiful than usual, and his appearance was extraordinary. Fang Chuning had never seen a better-born man than Xie Jue, with luxuriant forests and bamboos, and jade trees facing the wind. Such adjectives It seems to be specially used to describe him. He is frail but not thin, and has an extraordinary temperament. He seems to be born into a rich or noble family.

"You are really disappointing. You have no future in having a secret love with such a face!" Fang Chuning couldn't help scolding him. After all, in his understanding, His Highness King Yan and Fang Chuning were in love, and almost caused a war because of Fang Chuning. Xie Tingfeng is wishful thinking, Luohua is ruthless and unrequitedly in love with Fang Chuning.

"If he likes men, why doesn't he like you? In addition to his high position and power, how can His Highness, King Yan, be better than you? Although you have a bad temper and weird temperament, you are born like this and have captivated the hearts of many men and women, and you still have a secret love for him. , forget about secret love, but your sweetheart actually likes someone else. If you don't live up to your expectations, it must be that you have secretly had a crush on him for many years and never expressed your love, or that His Highness the King Yan is not a good person and takes love away from you, forcing you to separate from your sweetheart, so you That’s why I’m in such pain and can’t accept it!” Fang Chuning had already imagined a sadomasochistic love triangle in his mind. He must have seen too many love stories in the storybook and couldn’t help but put it on him.

"Everyone is dead. You should also express your condolences. Don't harm others, especially don't harm me. I am an innocent wealthy businessman with only one child in the family. In the future, I will carry on the family line and keep the lintel bare." Fang Chuning lowered his eyes to look at him, but He restrained himself from touching her, "Just give up, I won't like you either."

Green Willow Villa.

Xie Jue woke up, it was already dusk, his belly was empty, the window sill was wide open, the garden was full of roses, and the fragrance was fragrant. He could vaguely hear the chirping of cicadas in the distance. Xie Jue had a headache after drinking, and his stomach was burning. He stood up and took a few sips of herbal tea, but the burning sensation was still very obvious. He would definitely not touch alcohol again next time, and even if he did, he couldn't get drunk.

He pushed the door open and came out. The maid in the courtyard was cleaning. Xie Jue never forgot her sight and remembered that she was the maid of Green Willow Villa. The maid was wearing a green dress and was very fresh and pretty. She smiled and saluted Xie Jue, "Mr. Xie Did you sleep well?"

"Not bad." Xie Jue replied lukewarmly.

The maid didn't mind either, "My young master has prepared dinner in the flower hall. Please thank him for moving over."

"Please lead the way."

The maid led Xie Jue all the way to the flower hall. Green Willow Villa, with clear water, green trees, and Qiongtai pavilions, was exquisite everywhere. It was a good place to recuperate and relax. There were maids standing and peeking along the way, and Xie Jue had long been used to others. Without paying attention, Fang Chuning was waiting for Xie Jue in the flower hall, counting the time for Xie Jue to wake up.

The days in Jiangnan are longer than those in Kyoto, especially in spring and summer, when the sunset has already set and the sky is dim. If Kyoto had already lit up the lights, the remaining light can still be seen in the green mountains and green waters of Jiangnan.

"Beauty, I don't know your taste, so I can only prepare a table of my favorite food. You treat me to a drink, and I treat you to dinner. This is...repayment." Fang Chuning wanted to say that we don't owe each other anything, but then I think it's too deliberate. This beauty is a smart person at first glance. She knows the elegant meaning when she hears the piano. There is no need to explain it too clearly. Xie Jue had no expression on his face and said calmly, "I'm in a state of intoxication when I'm drunk. Please take care of me, Mr. Fang."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say..." Fang Chuning didn't know what he was thinking of. He waved his hands awkwardly and then realized, "It's okay when you're drunk. You're just sleeping soundly and you haven't done anything weird. Don't worry."

"?" Xie Jue looked confused. He knew that he would fall asleep after drinking. Both Fang Chuning and Xie Xun said that he had no bad habits and should not do anything. They were being polite just now. After all, Fang Chuning had lost his memory. He got acquainted again, and belatedly wanted to leave a good impression on Fang Chuning, but he didn't know if it was too late.

Fang Chuning prepared nine dishes and one soup, all of which were Jiangnan dishes. He had been recuperating from his injuries for most of the year, and now he still has taboos and cannot eat anything too spicy. Drinking occasionally is considered indulgent. The dishes on this table are more like what Xie Jue likes. Fang Chuning, like Xie Xun, prefers big fish and meat, and also likes heavy-tasting food.

Fang Chuning saw that Xie Jue's face was not good, and guessed that he felt uncomfortable after being drunk, so he served Xie Jue a bowl of beef soup, which warmed the stomach and was easy to digest. Xie Jue couldn't help but glance at him. Some people even have amnesia. Some things were like instinctive memories. Fang Chuning didn't even realize that he cared so much and took care of him, which made Xie Jue somewhat hopeful.

"When does the beauty plan to return to Beijing?" Fang Chuning thought, his eviction order should be obvious, and he did not want to have too much contact with Xie Jue.

Xie Jue seemed not to understand and said calmly, "I plan to live in Jiangnan for a while."

"Oh, the scenery in Jiangnan is infinitely beautiful, indeed..." Fang Chuning paused, "Then where do you live?"

"Green Willow Villa is so big, there must be a place for me, right?"


Fang Chuning instantly felt that the food no longer tasted good.

"A jar of daughter's red wine can't pay for several days of room rent?"

"The city of Yangzhou is so big and there are inns everywhere. You can just find one. Your brocade robe is so finely made that ordinary people might not be able to afford it even if they save for three years. You can just buy an inn. Why bother to squeeze in with me?" In the wilderness.”

Damn it, this beauty is really obsessed with him.

He would rather die than obey!

"On my way to Jiangnan, I was robbed by bandits and separated from my servants. Now I am penniless."

Fang Chuning was stunned, "?"

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