When Ruyi was seven years old, she was already very steady and sensible, quite like Xie Jue's youth. From her crying, fussy, and coquettish temperament as a child, she gradually became calm and steady, becoming more and more like Xie Jue. Children in Prince Yan's Mansion are all precocious, even Ruyi, who grew up in the palms of Xie Jue and Xie Xun's hands, is no exception and is sensible early on.

The North Ning dynasty was stable, the crown prince was established early, and the foundation was solid. Xie Jue had already resigned from the real power. In the past few years, he and Fang Chuning traveled around the world to rectify the government, and were rarely in the capital. Mingzhu and Ruyi, who stayed in the capital, gradually became the backbone of the palace. They also understood the relationship between their father and Fang Chuning from the gossips of others. When they heard others talking about their father, Ruyi had argued with them, fought with them, and cried bitterly. , also complained. Gradually, he also understood why his father and Uncle Fang were not often in Beijing. He also gradually lost the squeamishness he had as a child and did not dare to make mistakes. The matter between his father and Uncle Fang has been criticized for several years, and Ruyi and Mingzhu have become more and more worried. Be careful, if their etiquette, rules and conduct are criticized again, all consequences will be borne by Xie Jue and Fang Chuning. In such an environment, even the nobles of Tianhuang gradually become calmer.

Ruyi is diligent and diligent, possessing both literary and military skills. He never lags behind others and vows to be a prince of the royal family who cannot be faulted by anyone. Xie Xun and Feng Yu saw this and felt very distressed. They often summoned Mingzhu and Ruyi into the palace. Even if Xie Jue is not in the capital, no one dares to bully Mingzhu and Ruyi. Even if Mingzhu and Ruyi are cautious and polite, they will not compete with others. Xie Xun and Feng Yu almost held the tiger skin as a banner behind them. The children of the clan are all human spirits and they dare not really cause trouble.

Xie Jue and Fang Chuning left Beijing in March. In mid-June, Mingzhu and Ruyi received Xie Jue's family letter and returned to Beijing at the end of the month. Both siblings knew their father's habit. He usually left Beijing for half a year and returned to Beijing in September to spend the New Year with them before leaving. He and Fang Chuning were not just traveling around, they were inspecting and rectifying various places in Beining. The official atmosphere in Zhongzhou and Jiangnan has improved a lot in recent years. Especially in Zhongzhou and the Twelve States, the rebellion of the Northern Barbarians has long been stabilized. In each state capital, there are also Northern Barbarian officials specially selected by Xie Jue to stabilize the local people, and their political achievements are outstanding and satisfactory. Even though he is young, he is proud of him.

Just after mid-June, Ruyi heard the news that Marquis Wu'an returned to Beijing to report on his duties, accompanied by his wife and children. He heard from Mrs. Fang that Marquis Wu'an would be transferred back to Kyoto and would no longer be stationed in Sangnan. The imperial court would send military generals to garrison in Sangnan. Ruyi also knew why her father and Uncle Fang had to return to Beijing early. On the third day after Wu'an Hou and his wife returned to Beijing, Mrs. Hou sent a message to the palace, inviting Mingzhu and Ruyi to come and get together.

Mingzhu prepared a gift and brought Ruyi as a guest.

Xie Jue and Fang Chuning took Mingzhu and Ruyi out to Beijing for several months in the past two years, and also went to Sangnan. The two siblings lived in Wu'an Hou's house for half a month, and they liked the two chubby children of Wu'an Hou's family very much. After two years of not seeing each other, the little chubby babies have all grown up, strong and strong, and are taller than other children of the same age. Moreover, Mrs. Wu'anhou has given birth to a pair of twins, who are still in their infancy. Mingzhu and Ruyi both brought gifts for the children. Mrs. Wu Anhou only invited the two siblings and Mrs. Fang. It was a small family banquet. Xie Jue and Fang Chuning were still on their way back to Beijing, so they had a small gathering in Beijing. . The twins also got into an argument over the different gifts brought by Mingzhu and Ruyi. They fought hard and were beaten until their noses were bruised and swollen. Marquis Wu'an and his wife ignored them and let them fight for it. Mingzhu actually apologized and would have brought two identical gifts if he had known better.

Seeing Mingzhu's guilt, Mrs. Wu'an hurriedly said, "Mingzhu, don't worry about them. Last time Dalang got a puppy, and Erlang also clamored for the same one. After half a day of fussing, he also beat him for half a day, but he refused. If they have to be raised together, if they have to have one each, then no one should raise them at all, his father will not let them go, and he will be honest when he comes home and gets a few slaps each."

The twins and the clan sons have very different temperaments. They are extremely good-looking and have inherited the advantages of Wu'an Hou and his wife. Their facial features are deeper and more spiritual than those of the clan sons, but they are not as rough and arrogant as the northern barbarians. They are strong and soft at the same time. Extraordinarily beautiful. They had a really hot temper and would get into fights if they disagreed. Mrs. Hou tried to control them at first, but then she let them go. They were far away in Sangnan and had no one to restrain them, and their temper was even more domineering. Ruyi played with them for a while, and her temper They are all more lively.

Although Fang Chuning and Xie Jue did not have a wedding or a marriage certificate, the Fang family and the Yanwang Mansion were all related as relatives. This was a tacit understanding between the two families. When the two were not in the capital, Mrs. Fang would often invite Mingzhu and Ruyi to take care of them. A young child. Mingzhu and Ruyi are also used to this kind of life. Even if others have gossip, they have long ignored it and no longer take it to heart.

After the twins returned to Beijing, Ruyi had playmates, and Ruyi had quite a few playmates. Children from different clans interacted not only with similar temperaments, but also with the interests involved behind them. As the crown prince, Ruyi would be friends with most of the clan's children. Ruyi had a good temperament and had many playmates of the same age. Compared to His Highness the Prince, who was like a demon king, the Prince Yan was so popular.

The twins lived in Sangnan all year round and were not familiar with Beijing. As the elder brother, Ruyi often took them to play with them after they returned to Beijing. Many of the children mingled together.

Xie Jue and Fang Chuning returned to Beijing and returned to their respective homes. Ruyi and Mingzhu received the news early and were waiting for him at the door. Although Ruyi was not as attached to Xie Jue as when she was a child, you can see that her father was still smiling and extremely happy. Ruyi was even more happy to learn that Xie Jue was returning to Beijing this time and would not leave Beijing in a short time. Ruyi still liked to tell all kinds of interesting things to Xie Jue, so as soon as Xie Jue returned to Beijing, he knew that when Madam Wu'an Hou brought the twins to the palace to meet the emperor, the twins and His Highness the Crown Prince got into a fight over throwing a pot. His Royal Highness the Prince is also a master with a bad temper. The three children of the same age would get into fights when they disagreed when they were playing together. At first, it was Da Lang and the prince who were fighting, and Er Lang would naturally help his elder brother. Fortunately, the three-year-old child was not very strong, and except for a small scratch, it was not serious. Marquis Wu An did not dare to bring her sons in again. Palace.

The prince knew that his brother was playing with the twins, and he was so angry that he ignored him for three days.

Xie Jue would not interfere in the children's play. When Ruyi was three years old, she would play with cats and dogs. She had a hot temper, but became more restrained when she grew up. Therefore, Xie Xun and Feng Yu were too restrained by Xing Xing. It is also a good thing for the twins to return to Beijing. With children of the same age playing together, the stars will not be so attached to Ruyi.

Xingxing is too attached to his brother, so Ruyi often goes to the palace. Although he also likes his younger brother, he is a few years older than his brother. He is very busy with schoolwork and is not suitable for frequent visits to the palace. He also has his own circle of friends. Xingxing had made several noises about coming to live in the palace. With twins with similar temperaments, Ruyi didn't need to bring his younger brother.

Moreover, Ruyi is too sensible and knows that his younger brother is the prince, so he always gives in intentionally or unintentionally. Xie Jue knows the inevitable result when the children grow up and become sensible. He still hopes that Ruyi can be more comfortable and not be too aggrieved.

Fang Chuning came to the palace at night, and Xie Jue told him about Fang Lingjun's child fighting with Xingxing. Fang Chuning chuckled and said, "Junjun was all frightened, especially the prince who was beaten to death by Da Lang Erlang. As soon as they returned home I was beaten ten times by Dugu Jing, and I’m afraid I won’t dare to do it again in the future.”

"In this case, they may not want to play with the stars in the future, right?"

Fang Chuning spread his hands and said, "There is nothing I can do. I can only beat him Ruyi. If he doesn't get beaten, whoever goes home will get slapped."

Xie Jue originally thought about letting the twins play with Xingxing, but if Ruyi could relax, his hope was shattered, and his precious son would be affected.

"Based on my understanding of Zhixu, I'm afraid I will choose them as companion readers for Xingxing."

"Ha...that would be fun." (End of chapter)

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