After the sick and weak beauty flirted, the king of war and God of War fell

Chapter 15 Want to Change the Route · The Colors Don't Match

Chapter 15 Want to Change the Route · The Colors Don't Match

He Lingyao was very uncomfortable with Luo Jingyao's soft knife. After all, it was not like this before. She was the one talking, Luo Jingyao nodded or agreed, when did Luo Jingyao change?
He Lingyao couldn't remember for a while.

"With my aunt here, my cousin's etiquette and rules are naturally excellent." He Lingyao said weakly.

This made Luo Jingyao couldn't help but take a look, she remembered that He Lingyao used to take a hearty route.

When did you change course?Want to be a little white flower?

This dress is a little green today!
"You also said that I'm not in good health, and I can't learn from a good teacher." So, if I did something wrong, it must have nothing to do with her mother, and it has nothing to do with it.

Luo Mingwu coughed while clutching her handkerchief, she was really afraid that she would accidentally laugh out loud.

"Cousin is suffering from a cold?" He Lingyao felt that Luo Jingyao's heart and mouth were pierced today, and she temporarily avoided the limelight.Hearing Luo Mingwu's cough by chance, he hurriedly shifted the battle line and cared about his cousin.

"If it's cousin, forget it, as long as you're happy." After Luo Mingwu finished speaking, she took two steps forward, closely following Mrs. Guogong.

He Lingyao gritted her teeth, don't think she didn't hear it.



Mrs. Guogong and Mrs. Wu Anhou greeted each other and went to the palace together.

"This is my niece." Mrs. Wu Anhou looked at Luo Jingyao and said.

Luo Jingyao smiled without showing her teeth and slightly brushed her body to salute.

"You have sharp eyes. This is exactly what you saw when my daughter Xisanhe was one year old." But later, her daughter's health was extremely poor, and she dared not let others see her daughter, for fear that a little wind would make her feel uncomfortable. profit.

"Does Yao'er still know Aunt Qi?" Mrs. Wu Anhou was about the same height as Mrs. Duke, with a bright and cheerful personality. She was stable and rich in purple clothes.

"What are you talking about? I haven't seen this for many years. Yao'er remembered you when she was a little older?" Mrs. Guo is not as majestic as she was in the Duke's mansion, but now she is much more approachable.

"Didn't I just say it! Next time, don't you remember it! Isn't it Yao'er?"

"Aunt Qi said so."

"Look!" Mrs. Marquis of Wu'an said to Mrs. Guogong in shock.

Mrs. Guo gave a helpless look.

This shows how good the relationship between the two is.

"This is a good sister who grew up with my mother and ran horses together. You are called Auntie, and she is also Mrs. Wu'anhou." Mrs. Guo introduced to her daughter.

"Daughter remember." Luo Jingyao nodded obediently.

"I'm Yue Jinhua, can I call you Yao'er?"

Mrs. Marquis Wu'an, who was walking ahead and hadn't had time to introduce her daughter, almost fell down, and Mrs. Guogong helped her up funny.

"Of course, my name is Luo Jingyao, and this is my mother." Luo Jingyao hasn't met such an interesting person for a long time. Her thoughts are simple and clear, and she can see through them at a glance. As long as she has the right appetite to get along with such a person, she will Easy.

As soon as Luo Jingyao's words came out, Mrs. Guogong winked at Mrs. Wu'anhou, meaning you see, my family is also like this.

He Lingyao looked at Luo Jingyao eagerly, wishing that Luo Jingyao could introduce her to her, this is the girl from Marquis Wu'an's family!
These are all contacts. If she can get along with someone of this status, she will rise in the future.

Luo Mingwu didn't have any idea. The girls who got along with Luo Jingyao might not necessarily be able to get along with her. According to her father's rank, she also had a few friends, but they were not qualified to come Those who participated in the Empress's Spring Banquet, if they followed the specifications of the Duke's Mansion, and she was not up to the mark, she would not go forward.

After all, it sounds nice that she is the young lady of the Duke's Mansion, but no one knows that she is the daughter of the second room of the Duke's Mansion.

People must be self-aware, so that they will not be tired, and worrying too much will cause troubles instead.

During the time they were walking to the Queen's Palace, Luo Jingyao and Yue Jinhua had gotten along very well.

Luo Jingyao maintained her crooked persona, she had to slow down to take a few breaths when she walked, and wiped off the sweat from running the Phoenix Art.

But Yue Jinhua was the exact opposite of Luo Jingyao, she was just a little pepper with a hot temper, two years older than her, and she was already familiar with Xiao Yaoer, or sister Yaoer.

The only thing is that Yue Jinhua felt a little disgusted with her body, so she just muttered a few words, and said that after returning home, she would find all kinds of supplements to replenish her body, and she was still waiting for her to ride a horse together.

After all, my father is a military general, and my mother is also a sassy woman capable of both literature and martial arts.

After arriving at the Queen's Jingren Palace, they followed the maids who led them in to meet the Queen.

Along the way, Luo Jingyao also had a general impression of the luxury of the palace, so it can be seen that the emperor is a person who likes to enjoy himself.

To be honest, Luo Jingyao was quite curious about the queen at this time.

When she saluted and stood up, Luo Jingyao quietly glanced at the queen sitting above her.

Because when a group of them came in, they could feel that there were not many people inside.

When saluting with lowered eyes, you can still see the colorful skirt come into view.

As a result, she raised her eyes slightly, but she didn't expect that it was full of people.

Could this be the concubines in the emperor's Sangong and Liuyuan?It's so cool to be an emperor, right?There are so many beauties for him to choose from, waiting for his luck!If you are happy, have fun, do things, and if you are unhappy, you will either be demoted or thrown into limbo, or even worse, you may have to add a touch of red to the deep palace.

Just looking at the appearance of the queen, it is absolutely impossible to tell that she is already in her 40s and is the mother of a prince in her 20s.

Not only do they have to salute the queen, but they also have to salute to the imperial concubine, concubine Jing, concubine Hui, concubine Duan, concubine Zhuang, concubine Leng, etc... all those who can be ranked have to salute once.

"Show ladies." The queen's voice was not gentle. As the lord of the first palace and the emperor's first wife, her voice was majestic. With princes and daughters by her side, she never had to bow down to please the emperor. , at the right opportunity, she will also persuade the emperor.

"Thank you, ma'am!" Everyone thanked.

"Which one is the daughter of Lord Zhen Guo!" The queen sat on it, glanced down and asked, those eyes that have experienced the baptism of the back house and the harem are not for everyone to look at each other.

The Duke's wife immediately stood up and bowed to the empress and empress: "Mr. Gu and the little girl have seen the empress, and the empress is Jin'an."

The Duke's wife who had just sat down stood up again.

Luo Jingyao obediently just stood behind her own mother, trying to be a weak and well-behaved sick child.

After all, it is well known that Duke Zhen and his wife love their only daughter so much that they are afraid of falling when they hold it in their hands, and they are afraid of melting if they hold it in their mouths. Under such circumstances, it is conceivable that Luo Jingyao's rules are not good. complete.

And that's what someone wants to see.

"Madam, sit down quickly. I have never heard of her name but not her appearance. Today is just right, and I will also meet my future daughter-in-law." The empress said jokingly.

Everyone below has their own thoughts.

Mrs. Wu'an Hou's mother and daughter were worried, but there was nothing they could do.

They never mentioned it all the way, but they knew that the Duke's Mansion was not satisfied with this marriage.

I didn't expect the empress to be so impatient as soon as I met the empress today.

After looking at her daughter worriedly, Mrs. Guo took her seat. Although Luo Jingyao was sick and weak, she stood in the center of the hall, although she was thin, she was as tough as a bamboo.

It's just that the bamboo tried its best to restrain her youth.

"Come on, come close to Ben Gong and let Ben Gong take a closer look." Empress Empress waved to Luo Jingyao.

Luo Jingyao moved lightly with lotus steps, walked in front of the queen, bowed again, lowered her jaw slightly, and lowered her eyebrows to please her eyes.

After all, it's not surprising that there are many people.

And she never forgot to pretend to be a cat.

"At the beginning, she is very handsome, and she has grown up, but she is a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the country and the city, with a meek and humble temperament. No wonder the emperor has been praising her in front of this palace, but..."

The queen's voice stopped!Some of the crowd tightened their hearts, some smiled, and some even fought.

"Give marriage to Lao Jiu, do you feel wronged?" The queen stared at the expression on Luo Jingyao's face for a moment.

At this time, this kind of person looked at Luo Jingyao again. After all, it is well known that the Ninth Prince An Wang is not only disabled, but his face is also disfigured. No heirs.

Marrying a broken body and being wronged, and not being able to have a child of her own, I don't know if this delicate and crooked daughter of the Duke's Mansion can bear this kind of grievance and torture.

If you are not careful, I am afraid that the girl from the government's mansion will go ahead of King An.

"The little girl doesn't feel wronged. Although the little girl has never met King An, the little girl has heard a lot about King An's deeds in protecting his family and the country. He is a hero, and the little girl is willing to marry him." Even if she has thousands of words to praise King An's vocabulary, do they really want to hear her praise King An so much?Since she is not willing to listen, what she does is a waste of time!
"If you can think like this, it can be seen that your fate is destined, good boy, play with it! In the future, if you have time, go to the palace to accompany me more often." The gold inlaid jade bracelet was taken off and put on Luo Jingyao's wrist.

Luo Jingyao quickly looked at Mrs. Guogong, and after Mrs. Guogong nodded, she thanked her generously and sat behind Mrs. Guogong.

Listening to the ladies and ladies complimenting the queen and the concubines, Luo Jingyao also gained insight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, follow me to the Palace of Fanghua to make tea and listen to speeches. All the girls can go to Taoyuan for a walk. The scenery at the end of spring is also unique."

The queen got up and took all the wives to the Fanghua Palace. The Duke's wife took a step behind and whispered a few more words in her daughter's ear. After leaving Gu Yu and Bai Lu behind, she went with Mrs. Wu'anhou.

Luo Jingyao and Yue Jinhua followed the girls to the banquet venue.

Luo Jingyao felt that today's spring banquet felt like a blind date banquet.

The ladies and the girls have separate parties.

After Luo Jingyao walked to Taoyuan, the peach blossoms and begonias in front of her eyes lit up. Since it was called Taoyuan, most of them should be peach blossoms.It's just that not far away, many flowers are competing to bloom, as if they know that today most of the boys and girls will come to appreciate it.

Just like today's girls going to a banquet, the crowd competes for beauty.

It is most appropriate to use "Beauties Gathering in the Garden with Different Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" to describe it.

There are scattered tables and chairs in the peach garden, covered with light green tablecloths, with peach branches in vases, with buds in bud or flowers that have bloomed enthusiastically.

Three or two exquisite crystal cups glow with colorful and dazzling luster under the sunlight shining through the branches.

The wine bottle is as pink and tender as peach blossoms, and the delicate jade dishes contain delicious cakes in the shape of flowers or leaves.

There are even one or two books, or chessboards, or musical instruments on some tables.

There are also tea sets, but no wine...

For everyone to do whatever they want.

In fact, what Luo Jingyao didn't know was that all the girls here were all seen by the male guests on the other side of the arch, but they were far away from each other, and there were peach trees and peach branches faintly visible, so they couldn't see clearly.

Everyone understands the meaning of today's queen, but the only one who doesn't understand is probably Luo Jingyao, Luo Mingwu and He Lingyao.

"Can we make tea and talk about it?" Yue Jinhua was eager to try.

"Yes." Luo Jingyao sat on the other side.

There were only two round stools at this table. After Luo Jingyao and Yue Jinhua sat down, Luo Mingwu and He Lingyao who followed them had nowhere to go.

You can only go to a location not far from the other side.

"Cousin can adapt to the situation today." Luo Jingyao said lightly, only Luo Mingwu and Yue Jinhua, who were a step behind, heard it.

Luo Mingwu paused, she didn't know why, she wanted to ask clearly, but Luo Jingyao had already lowered her head to put the chess piece, her slender jade fingers were round and finely powdered, holding a crystal clear jade chess piece on it, it was really pretty.

Pretend to be a ghost!


Luo Mingwu frowned, and after sitting down, he picked up the book at hand to read, but his heart, which was able to calm down in the past, couldn't calm down today.

She felt subconsciously nervous when Luo Jingyao said that.

Take a look at He Lingyao's nimbly like an elf among the flowers, shuttling among the peach branches, greeting all the girls, not knowing what he was talking about, it was weird to watch.

After all, family status is very important.

Not all people care about family status, but most people only care about family status.

He Lingyao obviously does not belong to the same group as others, and it is not easy to blend in, as they are very exclusive.

After thinking about it, I got up and walked around.

Luo Jingyao took the time to glance at Luo Mingwu's back, hoping she would listen!


Luo Jingyao stopped her wild thinking, she didn't tell people's fate easily, let alone her kinship relationship, so she never told her parents' and elder brothers' fortunes, not even the girls in her yard.

There are secrets that must not be revealed, but sometimes she can clearly see it, but she can't say it, as if covering her mouth.

She also asked her master and elders, they just laughed, and stopped talking after saying that she was different from others.

It wasn't until after she became the young lord that she went to read Zu Zhizhi that she realized that although they were in this category, they hadn't entered the profession. It's different, there are no five disadvantages and three shortcomings, but sometimes you can't say what you want to say, this should also be a kind of protection for her.

(End of this chapter)

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