Chapter 23

Qingxuan gritted his teeth and looked at Luo Jingyao, he will be your husband from now on, can you stop being so cruel, let's see you squeeze out a big bruise from my master's leg.

Luo Jingyao: "..." Your fart is already purple, do you still need her to squeeze it?

Luo Jingyao really saw blood slowly coming out of a pinhole on Wang An's knee, so she couldn't help but frowned again.

After bandaging with good gold sore medicine.

"I have a medicine, colorless and tasteless, do you dare to use it?" She didn't dare to save it.

Wang An raised his eyes to see the seriousness and sincerity in the little girl's eyes, and he could see to the end with his clear eyes: "There's no reason to dare." He was never afraid of death.

"For the sake of your trust in me, I will definitely help you." Luo Jingyao poured two drops of the liquid medicine in the small porcelain bottle into the teacup, diluted it with warm water, and when Qingxuan was so nervous that he was panting heavily Give it to King An.

King an didn't doubt that he was there, so he drank it all in one gulp.

He savored it carefully, and when he drank it into his mouth, it was indeed like plain water, but the aftertaste was sweet. I don't know if it was because of his carelessness or something, but he always felt that the heat spread from his throat to his stomach all the way to his whole body.

"Go ahead and rest, I should go back." After finishing speaking, Luo Jingyao put the two porcelain bottles into her arms, actually putting them into the space.

"Qingxuan sent Wangfei back." Wang An kept calling Luo Jingyao Wangfei who hadn't passed the door.

Luo Jingyao pretended not to hear it.

"You don't need to send it home, just open the door for me." After finishing speaking, under the eyes of Wang An and Qingxuan, she put the hidden talisman on her body again, and she disappeared out of thin air. Surprised eyes, Luo Jingyao couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Qingxuan's eyes widened directly, his face full of horror.

"Little Qingxuan guard, are you afraid of ghosts?" As soon as Luo Jingyao said this, Qingxuan's body, which was visible to the naked eye, trembled. Show a smile.

It was almost midnight when Luo Jingyao returned to the mansion, so she handed over the poisonous blood porcelain bottle in her hand to the small system, and asked it to ask its friends to analyze it for help. What kind of poison is this?After he needed some herbs for detoxification, he tossed away the already ecstatic little system, and then lay down on the bed to meet Duke Zhou.

After yesterday's rectification, the old lady, Luo Jinhui and He Lingyao finally calmed down. He Lingyao and Luo Jinhui still have to copy the filial piety scriptures today, because they were scared by Luo Jingyao last night, and they didn't have the heart to copy them. Naturally, they couldn't finish it. .

However, the old lady took Luo Jingyao, Luo Mingwu, He Lingyao, and Luo Jinhui to worship at Tianmen Temple on the grounds that the time was not going well.

Luo Mingwu finally had no fever this morning, and he woke up, but his face was pale and terrified, and he didn't even come out of the house. Firstly, he was not in good health, and secondly, it was naturally because of fear.

No one knows what she is afraid of!
Chu was so worried that she didn't fall asleep all night, her eyes were dark blue, and she asked her daughter what happened in the palace?Otherwise, if you just fall into the water, you won't be talking nonsense all night.

"Mother, it's okay, nothing happened." Luo Mingwu lowered her eyes, recalling in her mind that when she went to the gazebo alone to sit down, she unexpectedly ran into the emperor. She had never met the emperor, but the person serving her was called His Long Live Lord, who can be called Long Live Lord, is not someone else except the emperor.

Thinking of the emperor's undisguised eyes, Luo Mingwu's heart trembled, her pale face became even more pale.

Fortunately, she remembered what Luo Jingyao had said to her, allowing her to act accordingly, and immediately pretended to accidentally fall into the lake, and shouted for help, otherwise she might be taken in by the emperor on the day she was in the palace.

She would not marry someone older than her father, even if he was the emperor.

Don't talk about marrying into the palace. If she committed herself to the emperor that day, she might not even get the status of a beauty, and even make it difficult for the uncle. Even though she is the second room girl of the Duke's Mansion, she has He also took on the three words of the Duke's Mansion. If he married into the palace as the Duke's Mansion, at least there would still be a concubine.

But she doesn't want to do all of this, let alone the kind who has no name or status.

Although she envied Luo Jingyao since she was a child, she has a very clear understanding of herself and her plans for the future. She doesn't say to find someone with a high position and a prominent family background, at least she wants to find someone who has a mutual promise of fate for life.

"Okay, okay, don't tell me your mother and don't ask, as long as you are safe and well." Although Chu's temper is impatient, she likes to fight with the Duke's wife when she doesn't want to understand, but after she figured it out, her mind became more sober. Very transparent.

"Mother, I'm a few years older than Yao'er...I..." Luo Mingwu was too shy to speak about her marriage. She was afraid of sudden changes, so she held back her shyness and said halfway before she couldn't open her mouth.

"That's right, Yao'er has already been promised to King An. Logically speaking, you are the older one and should get married before Yao'er." Does the Chu family envy Luo Jingyao's marriage to the royal family?She was envious, but she wasn't jealous. She was even a little worried now. Everyone knew what Wang An was doing now!Can Luo Jingyao be happy after marrying her?Not to mention it's royal.

"Mother..." Luo Mingwu hesitated to speak, he still didn't understand his daughter's thoughts at this time, the Chu family was really a mother for nothing.

"Minger, why?" She didn't understand.

Luo Mingwu lowered her head again and stopped talking. Her pale face shocked Chu. She had never seen her daughter like this before. If this face was on Luo Jingyao, she would not be surprised, but it was on her own daughter. , why does she feel so awkward!Her daughter has been in good health since she was a child, and even if she is infected with a cold, she will be cured after eating and resisting it.

"I'm going to ask your aunt to pay more attention, and mother will also ask more questions for you." The heart in Chu's chest was beating, making her flustered.

There must be a reason for her daughter to say so. It is not too late to put this matter on the agenda first, and then ask why.

"Lie down and rest obediently. In two days, the old lady will take you to Tianmen Temple to offer incense. You also go to relax. Mother will go to your aunt to discuss something." When Chu said this, her breath was a little rough , the hands in the armholes trembled slightly.

"Thank you mother, I'll take another day off, and tomorrow you'll be able to see me alive and kicking again." Luo Mingwu smiled to reassure her mother.

"Okay, okay, I know, the doctor checked it specially before, the body is fine, just a little cold, it will be fine after a period of time, don't worry about the future life, there is nothing wrong." After finishing speaking, Chu hurried to the Liuguang courtyard , because she was thinking about something, she almost tripped over the threshold, which surprised Mrs. Guo for a moment.

Her younger brother and sister have always been arrogant and unwilling to admit defeat. When has she ever seen such a flustered time?However, she was also surprised to find that the Chu family would not follow Luo Jinhui, the old lady, and others to mock her and find fault with her recently.

This is good, she can have a lot of leisure, although it can't hurt her, it is annoying.

"Sister-in-law." Mrs. Chu bowed and saluted.

This made Mrs. Guo even more puzzled. Didn't she just "hum" when she saw her before?

Did she suddenly "grow up" in the past twenty years after marrying into the Duke's Mansion?
"Siblings are here at this time, but what's the matter? Sit down and talk." Mrs. Guo asked the maids to serve tea.

Mrs. Chu sat at the bottom awkwardly, watching Mrs. Guo flipping through the ledger with one hand and making plans with the other, she felt a little uncomfortable. She was reckless today. If she had known earlier, she would not have come here in such a hurry. Here you come, Mrs. Duke usually doesn't meet anyone except the manager in the study.

"Siblings drink tea and have some snacks first, and I'll be done with it right away." Mrs. Guo said to Mrs. Chu, her hands kept moving, and that skillful and quick-witted, decades-old accountant would have to say A voice of admiration.

This is also one of the reasons why the old lady was even more dissatisfied. She thought that the general's tiger girl only knew how to dance knives and wield sticks, but she didn't expect that the housekeeper was also skilled, and even the four books and five classics were handy. Are you angry?

Seeing Mrs. Guo's swiftness in settling accounts, the Chu family is envious. Mrs. Guo is in charge of the entire Duke's mansion and her dowry private property, while she only cares about her own dowry and sometimes can't calculate it.

Speaking of the dowry, she thought of discussing with her husband, maybe let them take care of the family property that should be divided by the second house, so that when they take over, the old lady will not move it all to her daughter and granddaughter.She is not happy to use their money to support other people's families.

"Okay, tell me, you came here in such a hurry, but what happened?" As long as the Chu family doesn't make trouble, she can be calm. She took a sip of the ginseng tea brought by someone. Since she was emotionally uncomfortable last time, her son and daughter have been telling the people around her to give her how much ginseng tea and nourishing soup to drink every day. Worrying about trivial and careless things to the point of losing money.

Thinking of the thoughtfulness and filial piety of her children, a sweet smile appeared on the face of Mrs. Guogong.

"Sister-in-law..." Mrs. Chu looked at the maids in the room.

The Duke's wife immediately understood that although the people around her were able to help, the Chu family was the second wife's wife after all, and if there was anything she didn't want anyone other than herself to know, she would naturally be satisfied.

With a wave of her hand, Lan Gu went down with the servants who were serving her, and she followed her to stand outside the door to guard.

"Now you can talk." Don't delay her looking for her daughter to have a look at the rouge and gouache her daughter made.

"Sister-in-law, I just want to know what happened on the day Ming'er went to the palace?" Chu's whole body leaned forward because of nervous tension, staring closely at the Duke's wife.

Mrs. Guo took another sip of tea and lowered her eyes to think. It seemed that something happened that she didn't know about.

But she told Chu Shi everything she knew.

Mrs. Chu frowned, there must be something hidden about this matter, but Mrs. Duke and the girls are not together, so Mrs. Mrs. Guo may not know what happened tomorrow.

This made her even more suspicious.

"What's wrong with Ming Wu?" After falling into the water, what else?She also asked, because she accidentally fell into the water, because there was no servant girl with her, even her daughter's servant girl was brought by her to apologise the queen, after all, her daughter has always been in poor health.And the maid in the gazebo was not there because she went to change the tea, so she couldn't find out.

"Sister-in-law, to be honest, don't take me as a joke. I always feel that tomorrow is something on my mind." Mrs. Chu is very aware of the character of Mrs. Guogong. She has a very tight mouth and will not go around talking about what she has experienced , or something someone told her, so she was very relieved, and she didn't realize that she was more at ease with the Duke's wife than with her husband.

Mrs. Duke frowned, she remembered that the Queen wanted Luo Mingwu to stay in the palace to recuperate, although what she said was true, but she always felt that something was wrong, could it be here?
"After Ming Wu fell into the water and was rescued, she rested in the queen's side hall. The empress, with her grace, specially asked Ming Wu to recuperate in the palace until her body recovered. Afterwards, she would send someone to send Ming Wu back to the mansion, but I did not agree. Ming Wu Wu also doesn’t want to bring it in the palace.”

Following the words of the Duke's wife, the Chu family became more and more excited, but what she was excited was not because Luo Ming danced to the queen's eyes, but whether there was something she didn't know about it?
"Sister-in-law, what should I do now? Tomorrow, she is very flustered. I can see that she is nervous and frightened. She even..." Chu was choked up and unable to speak, her throat felt like a choke The walnut was so painful and hard, tears fell from his eyes, he turned sideways and pressed the corners of his eyes with a xiu handkerchief.

She didn't know why, she used to be tit-for-tat with the Duke's wife, but when something happened, the Duke's wife could always make up their minds for them.

This feeling is very reassuring and warm.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, every time she confronts Mrs. Guogong, Mrs. Guogong looks at her like a vexatious child, and she doesn't bother to talk to her.

In fact, she didn't know that Mrs. Guo thought she was stupid. She felt that she was a stick hammer, Luo Jinhui's dog's leg, and she was a fool who beat her everywhere, so she didn't care about it like a fool.

Chu: Sister-in-law, are you polite?
But the Chu family didn't know!
"Even how? I can only know if you tell me. If you don't tell me you let me guess, I can't guess it, and I don't have time to play guessing games. Also, since you have doubts, you have given him the second uncle Have you ever said that?"

"No sister-in-law, my husband only wants to make Ming Wu climb high, but I don't want Ming Wu to live so tiringly, as long as she likes Ming Wu and lives well." She will not interfere too much with her children's affairs. , Intrigues are too tiring.The backyard of the Duke's Mansion is clean. If her daughter is married to the kind of concubines and wives in the backyard, will the daughter live a life, or guard against this and that every day?

Mrs. Chu raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise at Mrs. Chu's words. She knew that Mrs. Chu loved her children, but she never knew that Mrs. Chu, who wanted to be strong, could be so sensible?Will think of this step for my daughter.She is also a qualified mother.

(End of this chapter)

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