Chapter 25

"That's right, can't men go to Tianmen Temple? Or did I remember wrongly? Tianmen Temple is now a nun's temple?" Luo Qingzhi also said that he had no feelings for this cousin who had a duplicity in appearance.

"My younger brother has never heard of it either." Luo Jingzhou added.

He Lingyao was so angry that he was half dead, but he couldn't stop the four brothers from following on horseback.

Feeling depressed, he threw down the curtain.

He exchanged glances with Luo Jinhui, signaling them to play by ear. If they miss today, they may not have a chance in the future. There should be a time to get married in this marriage.

The old lady's eyes signaled them to be calm.

Although the old lady knew that her daughter and granddaughter wanted to punish Luo Jingyao, she didn't know that the mother and daughter wanted to take Luo Jingyao's heart and soul. If they succeeded, they would be disabled if they didn't die.

The old lady's carriage is full of calculations, while Luo Jingyao's carriage has a book of stories, miscellaneous notes or the Four Books and Five Classics. There is an exquisite low table in the middle, on which there are all kinds of tea and snacks, and the little bed is even more soft. As soon as Luo Jingyao got on the carriage, she tilted her head up and closed her eyes to rest, because the small system was so enthusiastic, and she introduced its Tongzi friend to her. She was not the system, she couldn't see it, so she could only pretend to understand it. Ah", like a mute.

When she woke up, she was already at the foot of Tianmen Mountain.

Looking at the high steps, Luo Mingwu's legs softened first: "Compared with Tianmen Temple, Huguo Temple has more incense and is closer, why don't we go to Huguo Temple, grandma?" At the foot of Huguo Temple, the old lady To show sincerity, you are ready to go up on foot. The one hundred and eight steps imply one hundred and eight troubles, and it is said that one step will eliminate one trouble.

"Because Huguo Temple is full of incense, there are too many people praying and making wishes. How can the Buddha take care of all of them? This place is very good." The old lady had one set of theories.

"Grandmother, with our juniors here, how can I let you go up on foot? We each share a little, which not only expresses our junior's filial piety to you, but also expresses our respect to the Buddha for you." He Lingyao knows how to read his face the most. Seeing the flicker of displeasure on the old lady's brow, she knew that the old lady didn't want to climb the 108 steps by herself.

But yes, the old ladies and daughters of that family went up in person, they were not carried up by sliding poles, or else they were in a carriage until they reached the gate of the temple. After all, there is a flat and spacious road dedicated to carriages or sedan chairs. use.

But she knew that the old lady definitely did this because she wanted to teach Luo Jingyao a lesson. After all, the old lady's body must be much better than Luo Jingyao's!

But it was also to vent their anger for their mother and daughter. If Luo Jingzhou and the others didn't come today, they would definitely let Luo Jingyao go up, but now that someone is protecting them, it is not easy to embarrass Luo Jingyao.

"My cousin's words are different. My cousin doesn't agree with this approach. Whatever you want is what you want, how can it be replaced by a human being? Such a difficulty cannot be overcome. Why did the Buddha give his mercy to a person who can't even walk this step? What about the people who can't go up? There are many people who kneel at one step and kowtow at three steps to pray." Luo Jingyao said, and pointed to the people who had already climbed half of the steps for everyone.

Compared with Huguo Temple, Tianmen Temple is more than a little richer. Most of the people went to Huguo Temple, but there were very few people here, and the nearby people went there.

The old lady brought them here today, but she felt like she stood out from the crowd.

The old lady who originally wanted Luo Jingkong and her siblings to walk up the 108 steps instead of her turned black again, and the blades flickered in her eyes, as if she was about to chop her and her siblings into pieces.

She knew that little bitch Luo Jingyao was their mother and daughter's nemesis.She just had a long mouth.

"It's my cousin's fault. Originally, my cousin thought that we would be juniors. It doesn't matter if we walk the 108 steps instead of my grandmother. After all, we are a family of direct relatives, and my grandmother came to pray for us all to be safe, happy and smooth in our official career. Since my cousin doesn't want to, then I'm talking too much." He Lingyao looked like she didn't expect to talk too much.

"Cousin has always been an example of filial piety among the few of us. If you replace the old lady, you should be more sincere. The old lady can achieve whatever she asks." Since you want to take the steps of the old lady so much, then you alone It's fine if you don't want to go, why pull us?We don't have to come to Tianmen Temple.

He Lingyao's face turned pale when he heard this, and his eyes were cold.

The Luo Jingkong brothers stood behind Luo Jingyao, looking at the sky and the ground at her sister, but they didn't look at the three people with ugly faces on the opposite side.

They also think that what the younger sister said is right, who is so filial that they can even worship Buddha and ask God instead?Besides, they don't think that the old lady is really compassionate, and she must have come to this barren Tianmen Temple for other purposes.

"What my cousin said is actually not unreasonable. My cousin is so sincere. You should do it for me to show your grandmother's kindness in nurturing you for so many years. Maybe even the Bodhisattva will be moved by your filial piety and become your grandmother. It’s what you want.” After eating and using the Duke’s Mansion for so many years, it’s not too much to put in such a little effort, after all, it was the old lady who raised her with the gold and silver from the Duke’s Mansion. big.

"Ming Wu, what are you talking about?" The old lady never thought that her granddaughter would turn to Luo Jingyao, a little bitch.

"Granddaughter is impolite, I hope grandma will forgive her." Luo Mingwu apologized in a very sensible way.

"Did my cousin just say that one kneels at one step and kowtows at three steps to show her sincerity?" He Lingyao was about to dig a hole for Luo Jingyao.

Luo Jingyao counterattacked as if she didn't understand: "That depends on what you want!"

"In this way, it is indeed a show of sincerity. Then there is no need for grandma and mother to accompany our juniors. Both of you are not in good health. You should just take a carriage to Shanmen Temple and wait for us. Today we will accompany our cousin for a step. One kneeling, three steps and one kowtow to Tianmen Temple to show sincerity."

As soon as He Lingyao gritted her teeth, she hurt one thousand enemies and self-destructed eight hundred. She also wanted to drag Luo Jingyao to kneel and kowtow. She didn't believe that her body was healthy, and she couldn't survive a sick child.

Luo Jingyao secretly rolled her eyes, and looked at He Lingyao in surprise: "My cousin is wrong, what I said was what I want, and I have neither what I want nor what I want, otherwise I don't need to be like this , whether I walk up the steps or take a carriage, I only want to add a sum of sesame oil money for Tianmen Temple. As for what I want? I acted and sincerely, and the Buddha will naturally satisfy my small point Wish, well, good luck, Cousin Pig. Cousin will go in a carriage with brothers. Cousin must show sincerity instead of the old woman and auntie, kneel down and walk up the steps with three steps. "

She was sure that He Lingyao was just talking and would not act.

As for how to address Luo Jinhui, she used to be called Aunt Luo Jinhui when she was a child, but she was disliked for being a sick child and a rich man, so she didn't give her a good look, but ridiculed her.

But this was all experienced by little Luo Jingyao, "she" didn't tell her parents, and she even forgot.

After Luo Jingyao finished speaking, she ignored He Lingyao and the old lady, and pulled her brothers away. Luo Jingkong and the others listened to her sister's words, and got on the horse. Luo Mingwu also followed closely, keeping her head down. She got into Luo Jingyao's carriage.

Smiling at Luo Jingyao, she didn't want to climb the steps. They donated so much sesame oil to the Huguo Temple every year, and it wasn't as much as the old lady did today. They must be allowed to walk up the 108 steps.

After Luo Jingyao and the others left, only the old lady and the others were left cursing Luo Jingyao and the others for being evil and unfilial to their descendants, but they did not walk up the 108 steps as He Lingyao said, but instead got into the carriage. He went up the mountain in a horse-drawn carriage.

Lifting up the curtains of the carriage and seeing the carriage marked by the Duke's Mansion, Luo Jingyao curled her lips, just saying respectfully, as for what they wanted to come to Tianmen Temple, only they know, it's best Just don't dance in front of her.

Luo Jingzhou pursed her lips in disgust, winked at her brothers, and motioned them to look back, she was so disgusted that she slapped her own face, and she didn't know what the fuss was about.

After a while, we arrived at the gate of Tianmen Temple.The host brought a disciple to greet him, and watched the old lady greet the host.

The temple of Tianmen Temple is smaller than that of Huguo Temple. There are several tall and emerald green linden trees in the courtyard. The curling smoke rises from the incense burner, making this slightly deserted temple more hazy, and the bells are melodious. , adding solemnity to this temple, the gods and Buddhas with benevolent eyebrows and benevolent eyes, looking down on everyone, made Luo Jingyao, a modern person, wonder, can they really relieve the suffering of the people?
So why didn't any of them fulfill the wish?
Following the old lady's incense, more sesame oil money was added.

They were then led into the wing for a rest, the male guests and the female guests were not in the same yard.

The old lady didn't say when they would go down the mountain, Luo Jingyao asked Bai Lu and Gu Yu to prepare an extra change of clothes, just in case.

"Miss, I saw this temple. Although it is a little barren, but fortunately the air is fresh and the trees on the back mountain are even more lush. Looking down from the pavilion on the top of the mountain, you can see the small mountains." Bai Lu said with a smile. See and hear.

"Miss, you haven't gone up yet, but you've swam all over." Gu Yu rolled his eyes pretending to be disgusted and said, stretching out his fingers and tapping on Bai Lu's forehead.

"Isn't this servant going to see which side has the best scenery for the young lady? Since we are here, we have to take a look around. It is not in vain. The young lady doesn't go out very often. This time I must take it with me. Miss, take a good look." Bai Luli was blunt, and Gu Yu gritted his teeth angrily.

Luo Jingyao had a smile on her face, she always went to find out where Bai Lu went, she was Luo Jingyao's ear teller PHS.

"Then after I change my clothes, let's go to the top of the mountain to have a look, and you go and call your brothers together." Luo Jingyao instructed Bai Lu.

"Cousin, are you going out?"

As soon as Luo Jingyao came out, He Lingyao saw it. Luo Jingyao wondered if He Lingyao had been staring at her?How else would you know she was going out?Although they were in the same courtyard, they were one behind the other, not lined up or facing each other.

"It's not easy to go out, I want to go around." Luo Jingyao was practicing Tai Chi, wanting to hear what He Lingyao wanted to do.

"Then I'll accompany my cousin!" He Lingyao's eyes lit up, and he walked over immediately.

"My cousin has something to do as long as you do." I don't want to go out with you.

"I happen to have nothing to do. Grandmother and mother are also tired. They are resting in the wing room. If I have nothing to do, I will go for a walk with you. What's the difference between the scenery of Tianmen Temple and Huguo Temple?" He Lingyao didn't seem to have any Understand generally.

"They are all gods and Buddhas, so what's the difference?" No excuses were made.

"Yes, then let's go for a walk in the back mountain."

"That's fine, but I've always been in poor health, and I walk slowly, don't worry about it, cousin." Luo Jingyao gave Bai Lu a wink, indicating that she should not call her brothers for the time being, but she wanted to play with He Lingyao.

"Of course not, you are my cousin, and I can't dislike anyone if I dislike you! Since we two sisters go out for a walk, don't take the maid with you, it will get in the way." How can she deal with Luo Jingyao and Luo Jingyao with the maid? ?
A strange look flashed across Luo Jingyao's face. Could it be that she was so purposeful that she would really treat her as a mindless person and would obey her, He Lingyao?
"Excuse me, cousin, I've always been in poor health, so I can't live without them." Without you, it's impossible to be without them.

"Isn't it me? I might as well be interested in you?" He Lingyao said unhappily.

Luo Jingyao comforted Bai Lu and Gu Yu, and thought to herself, you are not as good as them, they are sincere to her, and He Lingyao is not even good enough for hypocrisy, who should she trust more than hatchback? ?Isn't this obvious?Still need to speak out?

"Cousin is both the master and the guest, how can I trouble you?"

Hearing Luo Jingyao's words of being a guest, He Lingyao's teeth itch with hatred. When she gets Luo Jingyao's good luck, who is the master?She is too envious of Luo Jingyao's luck, she has been ill for so many years and nothing happened, and she is more pleasing, but as soon as she goes out, everyone only sees Luo Jingyao, but luckily her health is getting worse and she can't go out up.

"Okay, that cousin is also at ease."

Just when Luo Jingyao thought it was over, He Lingyao made another mess.

"I didn't bring a maid with me when I went out. It's windy on the top of the mountain, and the clothes I wear are thin. Cousin, can you tell the girl next to you to go to my wing to pick up a cloak? I think my cousin is also relatively thin, so I will pick it up for you too." One piece? If you don’t have it, you can use mine first.”

"Miss Biao, why don't you turn back? The maidservants have to take care of the young lady, so they can't let go." They are really worried. Every time the young lady gets along with He Lingyao alone, the young lady will always get seriously ill. They are maids. It's really scary.

"Cousin, this servant girl is really terrible." After saying one sentence, she didn't rush to deal with it.

"Don't be angry, cousin, they are also for me. Cousin shouldn't care about girls, right?" Luo Jingyao blinked her big eyes and looked at He Lingyao. He Lingyao's face froze, and she said dryly, "Of course not." As for whether it will be or not, only she knows.

(End of this chapter)

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