Chapter 28

"Got it, big brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, you go, I'll go back first."

After Luo Jingyao finished speaking, she took the two maids and walked down the mountain. He Lingyao looked at the four brothers and only cared about telling Luo Jingyao, but she didn't say a single word of advice to her cousin.

But she didn't want to think about the things she did with her mother and the old lady. Is there any thing that made the brothers talk to her in a nice voice? If they don't have a sack in the middle of the night, they have to be well-educated. up.

Luo Jingkong and the others looked at the people who came down the mountain. When they returned triumphantly, when they greeted them at the gate, they felt that this cousin was not bad except for being strong. It's hard to see people.

After Luo Jingyao got down the mountain, she went back to the wing room, and after giving Bai Lu and Gu Yu some instructions in a low voice, the two maids hurried out the door.

And after He Lingyao went back to the old lady's wing, she accompanied Luo Jinhui back to their own wing, but no one knew what she said inside.

And really in the afternoon, there was a strong wind and heavy rain, which made the dilapidated Tianmen Temple feel a little more gloomy.

And some conspiracies and tricks also emerged their ferocious minions.

"Sister, we don't worry about you." Luo Jingkong looked at Luo Jingyao and said, remembering the note that her sister asked the maid to hand them after lunch, they were terrified after reading it, and when they met King An today, What Wang An said they didn't see on the mountain.

"Brother, they will only reap the consequences for themselves. If they still think about our family's affection, they won't kill them. If they can't...then the retribution will only be on themselves." Luo Jingyao looked out the window The rain curtain said calmly, that misty voice made people feel that the storm was about to come.

And Luo Jingkong and the others didn't have any doubts because of the big difference in personality between their sister and the past. They were only more angry than their sister. Their Duke's Mansion really raised a white-eyed wolf!He eats and uses them, but counts against them every day.

"Leave this matter to the brothers, you just need to sleep well." Luo Jingkong didn't want her pure and lovely sister to get blood on her hands no matter what.

Luo Jingyao smiled: "Brother, we don't need to take action on this matter, they can do it themselves." According to the nature of the mother and daughter, how could they entrust such an important matter to others?
The only way to feel safe is to do it yourself.

And as Luo Jingyao thought, Luo Jinhui told He Lingyao to get ready, and she would do it herself, so as not to make a mistake and not get what her daughter needed.

"Mother, this matter is the most important thing. There must be no mistakes. We don't have extra time to plan all this again." Knowing that the year of the monkey is coming, after all, Luo Jingyao has already been granted a marriage, so the days of Qin Tianjian are probably only a few days away, and when Luo Jingyao marries into Prince An's Mansion, they may have no chance to do anything.

He Lingyao was afraid that in case she couldn't get everything from Luo Jingyao, she had put all her eggs in one basket and couldn't succeed, what would she do?

"Don't worry! After tonight, you will get what you want." Luo Jinhui comforted her daughter with a flash of sarcasm in her eyes. When her daughter got everything Luo Jingyao had, she wanted to see who else was there. If you dare to show her face, everything in the Duke's Mansion should belong to them.

"But mother, this is not an easy task. The eldest cousin and the others are all here, and Wang An is actually in this Tianmen Temple." Thinking that this is all Luo Jingyao's backer, He Lingyao's chest was full of tears. The anger couldn't be quenched no matter what, but it only increased.

This was the case in the previous life, a scholar could get into the cabinet, without the help of the Zhen Guo government, she would not believe that a scholar could easily enter the cabinet.

"King An doesn't need to worry, he doesn't live here." As long as they are more nimble, when Wang An realizes something is wrong, they will have already succeeded. At that time, who can say that they did it?
They are all weak women, how can they do such a frightening thing.

Luo Jinhui raised the corners of her lips, her eyes flashed with pride, she had already arranged it.

"Mother, will those people really help us deal with the Luo family?" This is what He Lingyao is worried about. Even if the hidden guards in the hands of the old lady are also in the hands of the old Duke, they will really fight for their mother and daughter. Are people going to deal with the descendants of the Luo family?

"I'm afraid you don't know some of the rules of the secret guard. The secret guard only recognizes the card but not the person." Unless it is the kind of heir who is often taken by the master to explain, she is sure that the secret guard in the hands of the old lady is the old man. It was not specially cultivated.

And these hidden guards in the hands of the old lady are only at the corners, and the ones near the center must have been handed over to the current Duke by the eccentric old man.

"So I'm relieved." He Lingyao was very excited. For the sake of convenience, their mother lived in a wing room. Looking at the rain outside, He Lingyao raised her heart anxiously. She was afraid that this matter would not be as good What they want is generally solved.

But seeing her mother's strategizing appearance, she can trust her mother.

"Master, there are four secret guards in this courtyard, all of which were given to her daughter Luo Jinhui by the old lady of the Duke of Zhen's mansion." The man in black knelt on one knee and reported.

"Brothers, these four hidden guards will be handed over to you." Although she can let her men go down to deal with them, but if the brothers are quiet and seem to be unaware, this will attract the attention of others. They sensed the problem very naturally, and if they went to fight the four hidden guards, it would be enough to confuse everyone and prevent people from suspecting them.

Luo Jingkong and the others saw an afterimage falling in the younger sister's room in the blink of an eye. They were taken aback, and immediately stood around the younger sister to protect their own sister's safety. Unexpectedly, when the man in black came in, Kneeling directly on one knee to report the matter to their sister, they felt that their necks were a little stiff, turned around to look at their sister, and listened to their sister telling them how to get out of the incident tomorrow.

"We listen to you." Luo Jingkong thought for a while and said, the younger sister has an idea, and they believe her.

"That's good, brothers can go back to rest." Waiting for someone to come to the door in the middle of the night.

"Pretend you never knew about today's events." It doesn't matter if the brothers know that she has her own manpower, but they are afraid that if there are too many people, people will realize that she has her own manpower, which will not be good for her future. In terms of actions, she just wanted to be a little girl who was always sick in front of others.

"It's the master." As soon as the voice fell, the person who swiped was no longer in the wing room.

"I never thought that the old lady would actually have hidden guards in her hands." Bai Lu was amazed and worried. She didn't know if the old lady still had any in her hands. If there were any, wouldn't it be a shame for their young lady?They have kung fu, but they are afraid of losing to the hidden guards.

It seems that they have to hurry up and practice.

"This is unexpected. The old lady is also the queen of the loyal king." Isn't it natural for a concubine to have one or two hidden guards in her hands?

"That's not the case." Luo Jingyao said, as for them discussing things and not avoiding the maid?It depends on what it is, besides, the maids in Luo Jingyao's hands are carefully selected, and all of them are trustworthy. As for why they take part in it, it is to prevent them from being too naive and delaying her. leg.

"Brothers, these hidden guards were given to the old lady by our grandfather." As for how she knew about it, she had already had people staring at the old lady's yard and Yilang Pavilion, how could she not know , but today is to clear the way for her subordinates in front of her brothers.

When the brothers heard what Luo Jingyao said, they fell silent immediately. They really couldn't understand what their grandfather had done, as if they were favoring their father, but from another point of view, It seems that Luo Jin is partial to this room.

Really confused.

"Sister, can you tell me what they are planning?" Luo Qingxue looked at Luo Jingyao and asked.

"Second brother, won't you know after tonight? Please wait patiently." If she said it now, the brothers would definitely not let her risk her life, but she had to participate in this matter.

"Sister, can you reveal a little bit?" You make us panic, you know?

"Fourth brother, wait a little longer, it's only a few hours."

"Then you may promise to save yourself."

"I promise."

Under Luo Jingyao's reassurance, the four brothers returned to their own room, fidgeting.

"No matter what sounds you hear tonight, you just don't know, you know?" Luo Jingyao said to Bai Lu and Gu Yu, because these two maids usually never leave her, if they are not here, it may make people suspicious.

"Slaves and servants will obey the order of the lady." Bai Lu and Gu Yu are not simple maids, and Luo Jingyao has not only Bai Lu and Gu Yu in her hands, but also Hong Jian, Ruo Meng, Qian Yu and Qing Ya. , but they were all sent out by Luo Jingyao.

Luo Jingyao likes to take one step and see three steps, no matter where she goes?First of all, she likes to build a back road for herself, and since she came to the Beixuan Kingdom, she clearly knows that the current dynasty is a feudal system, and she especially likes to sit together. How could she not find a way out for her family and herself.

But this is not a last resort, she never thought of using this line.

The night fell, the north wind raged, and the storm beat everything exposed to the sky.

Luo Jingyao clearly saw a thin tube pierced through the window paper, and a puff of blue smoke slowly came out. She covered her mouth and nose with a wet handkerchief, and watched calmly until the sound of weapons clashing in the courtyard She got up slowly.

Seeing Bai Lu and Gu Yu who were sleeping in the outer room tense, she comforted her.

Sitting in the armchair, he poured himself a cup of herbal tea, held it in his hand, but did not bring it to his lips, and waited quietly.

She didn't open the door gently until she heard the sound of breaking through the air outside.

The man in black saluted Luo Jingyao and immediately left the room, but he came in with someone on his shoulders, but when he went out, his hands were empty.

"Adjust your breathing. If you are like this, don't you let others notice? Do what you usually do now, don't be nervous." Luo Jingyao reminded her two servant girls.

Hearing what my young lady said, Bai Lu and Gu Yu immediately adjusted their breathing, as if they were asleep.

Luo Jingyao nodded in satisfaction, walked to the side of the bed, condescending, looked at He Lingyao who was rolled up with the quilt, and curled her lips ironically.

She never thought that the mother and daughter had a big appetite, and wanted to get everything from her again and again, and now even her life was not spared.

It's not right, they just want as many as possible, and they don't want her to die.

If that's the case, then she can't be blamed. Today, if Luo Jinhui has any hesitation, she will save He Lingyao's life, but if Luo Jinhui wants to take her life without blinking, then don't blame her for standing idly by , Let her daughter's life hang by a thread, whether they can live or not depends on their luck.

Luo Jingyao started her lightness kung fu, and she fell lightly on the beam, closed her eyes and meditated, listening to the noise outside getting bigger and bigger, the smile on her lips became more and more glamorous, she knew very well that Luo Jinhui was like If you want to do it, now is the best time.

Sure enough, the door was gently pushed open, and the reflection of the sharp blade in his hand hurt people's eyes.

Luo Jingyao watched calmly.

Luo Jinhui waved the knife coldly.

Just listen to "puchi".

It was the sound of sharp teeth piercing into flesh.

Only then did Luo Jingyao flick her fingers, and tapped the dizziness points of Luo Jinhui and He Lingyao who had just woken up from the pain.

With a snap of his fingers, the man in black from before fell into the room again, one by one with his companions, and He Lingyao and Luo Jinhui, who fainted after lifting the large blood donation on their chests, rushed out.

The master's room must not smell of blood, otherwise the master will not be able to sleep well.

"Miss, my aunt is too ruthless, she didn't hesitate at all." Gu Yu's heart shuddered, how could this look like an aunt who was always weak and weak at every turn, crying?She literally kills without batting an eyelid.It's not too much to be ruthless.

"If you're not ruthless, you won't come to my room." After all, Luo Jinhui's target is Luo Jingyao.

I don't know, what should I do when Luo Jinhui wakes up next to her daughter's bed tomorrow and realizes that she stabbed the wrong person and reaps the consequences?

"Miss, wait a minute. I'll make the bed again before you go to sleep." Bai Lu was aware of her lady's habit, and immediately prepared to pack it out.

"No, we can pretend."

"Yes, Miss." After the two disguised Luo Jingyao's bed as if they had slept alone, they went to the outer room. As for whether they could fall asleep, only they knew.

Luo Jingyao sat on the stool and performed the Phoenix Art, she was waiting for tomorrow's good show.

One night passed, and the sky turned white. After a night of wind and rain, the courtyard of Tianmen Temple, the muddy ground was covered with green leaves and branches. .

(End of this chapter)

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