Chapter 328 Button of Interest

After the big projects in Jincheng are completed, they will no longer be the poorest.

Liu He had already been sent to the capital and was beheaded in public without exception.

After Liu He's incident, everyone in Jincheng, big and small, with status, fell silent. They were bound by interests, and without the buttons of interests, they were not as tenacious as the grassroots.

"Why don't you wear more clothes? Are you still opening the window?" A black and gold cloak fell from his shoulders, and the elegant bamboo fragrance made people sober up.

Luo Jingyao didn't need to turn around, she knew who it was. Ever since she passed her fifteenth birthday, someone had a very clear purpose and wanted to tease her from time to time.

"Why is the prince here?"

"It's getting cold, so it's time to rest." They have been stumbling for more than half a year, but they are still solid. The girl in front of them has a unique vision and the people under her command are easy to use. In order not to expose him, she arranged the construction of Jincheng .

"That's right. The common people should have a better life this year." When the weather gradually cooled down, they sent people to visit various villages. It was true that one family only had one pair of cotton pants. She thought it was just a legend, but it turned out that They are all commonplace things in ordinary people's homes.

"With the fire kang and the briquettes, it is a matter of benefit to the people." King An hugged the woman in his arms from behind, held her little hand with his slender and warm hand, and looked at the falling snowflakes outside together.

"I want every right road in Beixuan to be paved with cement."

Luo Jingyao turned to look at An Wang. If this is the case, the toll road management treaty can be used. She can write down the modern highway toll reasons and give it to An Wang. Is she afraid of damaging the investment and management of this area? ?

"What's wrong?" Prince An hugged Luo Jingyao and walked inside, asking the maids to close the window.

"Your Majesty, this is a good idea, but it needs to be covered up." Luo Jingyao told Prince An about the reason why modern expressways charge tolls. The more Prince An listened, the brighter his eyes became. In this case, it must be covered up, but... I'm afraid they won't be able to eat it alone. Balance is very important. He also told Luo Jingyao his concerns.

Luo Jingyao chuckled: "Of course, I'm talking about the above." If the emperor knew about it, he would have to drain them of their remaining value and then kill them.

Pooh! They are not donkeys.

King An frowned, and Luo Jingyao was stunned: "What's wrong?"

"According to information, the imperial edict is coming soon."

"Imperial edict? What imperial edict?" They just came this year, are they going back to Beijing to celebrate the New Year?
"The imperial edict to return to the capital. I heard that our father misses us. I couldn't get used to it for a moment. I have said it several times. The queen couldn't bear the father's longing for his son, so she spoke out so that we can spend the New Year with our father this year. "Wang An said sarcastically.

"It seems impossible to get back before the New Year." When they came, the New Year had just passed and it was snowing heavily. Could they be asked to travel in the snow just to show their filial piety?
Who is responsible for their safety?
"Hmph." King An snorted angrily. He didn't care, but the little girl was weak and young. What should she do if she got cold and hurt her bones? He couldn't accept this imperial edict.

"Fortunately, the prince's leg is not healed yet, and the carriage cannot drive in the snow. As a woman, I have to serve the prince personally. I cannot walk alone. I can only wait for the spring to bloom before returning to Beijing." Luo Jingyao asked An excuse.

"Silly girl, did you forget the sled you used when you came back? The skis have already been sent to the palace and are on the imperial desk." The guards sent by the emperor to protect them did not dare to let down their guard and use them, so they could only let them get off. The coolies have to go back eventually, so when the guards are doing coolies, they can't keep a close eye on them and prevent them from sending messages back.

"Tsk, tsk, isn't that the idea?" "It must be."

"Then you have to go?"

"Even if it's late, we have to go." Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to perform the next actions.

"In that case, I'm going to go shopping someday and bring some unique products here to my parents and ancestors." My mother wrote a letter before saying that the second brother and second sister-in-law had escaped, and she didn't know where these two people were standing. Where is the carefree and happy life, and how do the couple get along at home? Did Princess Lingyun not notice at all?
My uncle also said that he had been disabled for many years and wanted to go out for a walk to see the beautiful mountains and rivers. However, he met his third brother and the uncle and nephew left immediately.

The eldest brother had been seriously injured on the battlefield earlier. After relaxing, his health was "not very good" and "very weak". The fourth brother was even more stupid than before. He was either drinking here and smashing other people's shops, or he was in There was a lot of disgust in the cockfights over there, and his mother showed him a girl. As a result, he and the other dudes pointed at her appearance, and his parents sent him to the Duke's Mansion. His father beat him until he couldn't get out of bed for half a month. .

There was a person in power who was petty, vicious and jealous of his ministers. They had worked hard and destroyed their good reputation bit by bit. Fortunately, the emperor felt comfortable and did not think about taking action immediately. , to eradicate the weeds, but if there is even the slightest sign of it emerging, it may be what they call "the king wants his ministers to die, and they have to die."

"Yes, please dress warmly, but you will have to work hard for me then."

"Your Majesty, you should call me Princess." Weird.

"By the way, why don't you call me husband? We have worshiped heaven and earth and sued our ancestors."

"What if I call you?" Luo Jingyao raised her eyebrows.

A flash of grievance flashed in Wang An's eyes, which shocked Luo Jingyao: "It will be fun and you will get used to it in advance."

Luo Jingyao laughed out loud, stood on tiptoes, and kissed him on the cheek.

King An's pupils trembled, and he pressed a kiss on her eyebrows pitifully, but said with a hard mouth and a soft heart: "I'll wait for you to come back."

"Okay." An affirmative answer shocked King An again, with unbelievable joy in his eyes.

Luo Jingyao smiled and pushed him away, calling Gu Yubailu into the palace to tie her hair.

Although they don't have a roommate, they are still married when they are married. She can do whatever she feels comfortable in the palace, but if she goes out or meets guests, her hair must be styled in a woman's bun.

Sitting in front of the dressing mirror, looking at her young face, her jet-black hair was slowly pulled up in Gu Yu's hands. She saw the man behind her looking at her quietly in the mirror. She curled her lips and smiled, and the man also smiled. The roots turned red quietly.

Guyu Bailu and Gu Yubailu looked at each other and smiled, happy for their master. How worried they were before, but now they are so happy. Fate does not come sooner or later. Just like her master and Prince An, it is the best fate.

After the last two people tied the cloak on Luo Jingyao, Luo Jingyao left the house with her two maids, her only son Feiyang, and the secret guards in the dark.

"Send a message to Wu Xin and Fan Yi." They originally planned to get together in Jincheng this year, but the emperor's edict was coming soon, so they had to reschedule to avoid making the trip in vain.

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