Chapter 38

oh!There is one person, that is the old lady. She has forgotten what kind of face the old lady of the He family used to have. When she heard the old lady of the He family hope that the whole family is in harmony, she seemed to have poked her somewhere again, her face was moved, and she wanted to say order something.

Mrs. Guogong stared at the old lady with a half-smile, the old lady could only shut up resentfully, and turned her head away from looking at Mrs. Guogong, afraid that if she held back her words, she would stop helping her daughter.

"To disturb my brother-in-law today, my sister-in-law will come to plead guilty some other day." Before leaving, He An finally did not point to Mrs. He, but said such a sentence in person.

But the Duke and Mrs. Guo didn't talk to each other. They had nothing to say to this self-righteous and lofty person. They didn't open their mouths to ask for favors in person, so they still regarded them as individuals.

Too!They should have thought earlier, without He An and Mrs. He commanding the old lady behind, would she have thought of picking up the things from the Duke's mansion and giving them to the He family?
The old lady was naive, she really thought that what belonged to her daughter was still hers, and what she gave to her daughter belonged to her daughter. She didn't even think about it. Luo Jinhui and her daughter lived and ate and lived in the Duke's Mansion for more than ten years. Could it be that the things sent to the He family Will it really be well preserved in Luo Jinhui's dowry?
The servants sent the mother and son out, and the old lady looked at the two hesitantly, thinking that the lady would say something, but it seemed that the lady didn't see it, the old lady had no choice but to ask Lord.

"I'll leave this matter to you. I can't write two Luo characters in this one stroke. One is both prosperous and the other is damaged. Your sister's reputation is ruined, and it is of no benefit to the Zhen Guogong. You may let your sister today Come back?" The old lady asked tentatively.

Just as the Duke was about to open his mouth, the wife of the Duke gave a wink. Regarding the tacit understanding between the couple, the Duke naturally knew what his wife meant.

"Try your best." With these two words, the old lady was dismissed. After the couple came out of Ning'an Hall, the Duke looked at Mrs. Guo with puzzled eyes.

Mrs. Guogong waved her hand, and the servants behind her were a few steps behind. Then she told Lord Guogong Luo Jinhui why this happened?If it wasn't for your daughter and sons to see through their plot, I am afraid that the one lying in Tianmen Temple today is your own daughter.

Mrs. Guo's words shocked the Duke on the spot, her tiger eyes widened, obviously unbelievable, but when she thought about the tempers of those two people, she immediately became furious, her jawline tensed, her body was straight and there was no wind, it was obviously anger up.

"If that's the case, why do you still want to protect Luo Jinhui for the sake of reputation? Could it be that Baolai continues to hurt her daughter? The mother and daughter have no intention of doing so. If they appreciate the kindness of the Duke's mansion, they won't attack their daughter , Let her daughter struggle on the line of life and death time and time again, He Lingyao is very evil, and my daughter has been injured countless times because of her since she was a child."

Mrs. Guo told the father what her daughter said before. The more the father listened, the breathing became heavier. Without them knowing, the daughter really brushed shoulders with death again and again. They never doubted But this matter will be related to the young He Lingyao. After all, they were born on the same day, and they have never seen what they did. It turns out that they can hurt their daughter like this.

"It's unreasonable, they plot my daughter's life again and again, I don't know if it's their own doing or someone behind it?" It's really evil, and he is still thinking, under what circumstances can a biological mother treat her biological daughter so severely? Hands, it turned out that they thought that the bed was his daughter. Given He Lingyao's injury, there was no sympathy left, otherwise it wouldn't be so serious.

"Go and collect the belongings of Luo Jinhui's mother and daughter and send them to the He family." His government can't afford to take these two people in. They regress again and again, but in exchange for making progress, they have no intention of repenting.

"Tell me, He Lingyao can wake up at the last time. The mother and daughter can't escape from the Minister's Mansion. It seems that the feng shui of the Minister's Mansion is not good, and the residence is not satisfactory. The Langzhong Mansion of the Ministry of Water will be more suitable for them. "The Duke raised his eyes, looked at his daughter's yard with deep eyes, and said in a neither low nor high voice.

"It's the master, I will give orders." As a clan, who doesn't have many people in the court?After Yan Zhong listened to the order of the Duke, he withdrew. He had "traveled" to leave for Luo Jinhui's mother and daughter to have a favorite mansion.

The doctor of the Ministry of Water belongs to the internal organization of the Ministry of Industry. The doctor is the master and is the fifth rank. The current servant is only the third rank. It is not easy to be promoted to a higher level. But because of their greedy heart, He An has been working for many years. His grade dropped by five ranks. I don't know if He An will regret it until he finds out.Will they regret everything they have calculated?
Marrying a wife is not a good thing for three generations, not to mention having a restless, ambitious, and cruel daughter. In this life, as long as He An does not lose his official rank, it is his greatest ability and luck.

The most worth mentioning is that, relying on the Duke's mansion, he didn't know how to keep a low profile, and he didn't know how many people he offended. Now that he's better, he has to live the days of trembling and cautious, flattering his boss but having nowhere to ask for help.

Mrs. Guo was obviously very satisfied with the arrangement of the Duke, and a smile appeared on her face.

So I asked: "I am not afraid of the old lady..."

"She is reluctant to leave the Duke's mansion, and she is also reluctant to part with this extravagant life." The Duke naturally knows what his wife means. He should not be too clear about his thoughts on the old lady. He only likes to live a good life. Today's life, If the family is separated, I am afraid that these three points will not be enough. This is not only about food, clothing, housing and transportation, but the most fearful thing is the gap in status. Now that the old lady of the Duke's Mansion is famous, among the ladies in the backyard, only Those who are not overwhelmed, even the emperor's relatives are courteous. If there is no such name, the old lady may not dare to leave the house.

It's just ridiculous, after all, she is the daughter of the old loyal king, but because she is a concubine, she doesn't get attention, and she doesn't get a good education, which makes her very petty. of.

"Will this matter damage the reputation of the Duke's Mansion?" When Mrs. Guogong asked this, she was also thinking that other people's mansions were afraid that their reputation would be hindered, and that it would affect the marriage of the children in the mansion, but she had no such consideration anxiety.

Could it be that he is too confident in his sons?
"Of course there will be, but there is no need to worry about it." The Duke's Mansion has shortcomings and criticisms, which is more reassuring.

Mrs. Duke naturally also thought of this, nodded and went back to her yard.

In less than a day, Luo Jinhui's incident has already spread in the capital. After all, Yin did not give her a carriage to ride from Tianmen Temple to Shuntian Mansion Yin. She walked on foot, and the people in the city already knew about it.

Those who are interested are naturally looking at the three places of the Duke's Mansion, He's Mansion, and Shuntian Mansion Yin.

And the one sitting above was also staring at the surge of things below.Let's see where we can go.

Didn't intervene to stir it up, it's because the one above is in a bad mood.

In fact, the Duke's Mansion has a great reputation among the people and the army.

It was so great that anyone sitting in that seat would be afraid.

Even if they have no other thoughts, they are dedicated to the country.

And there was one person who paid special attention to the direction of He Lingyao's matter.He also paid special attention to whether He Lingyao was sober.

Luo Jin, the second ward of the Duke's Mansion, dropped a set of teacups when she returned to her courtyard.

"Second Master, what you dropped was our own." If there is nothing left, you have to pay for it yourself.

After Mrs. Chu came out of her daughter's yard, her servants told her that the second master of the mansion was in a bad mood. As soon as she arrived in the yard, she heard the sound of porcelain falling to the ground.

It's so nice to hear, it's all Yinzi's voice.

"My dignified Second Master of the Duke's Mansion, can't I still afford a set of teacups?" Luo Jinzhong heard Chu's calm to indifferent tone narrate, which made him even more angry.

"Is the Zhen Guogong's mansion yours? The utensils used in our courtyard are all recorded in the book, and we will have to pay the bills from the government in the future." So, if you are angry, you go out, why bother at home? The dish smashed the bowl.

Do you think the second master of Zhen Guogong's mansion is amazing?Don't you prefix it with the word "Zhen Guogong Mansion".

"Even if it's a public account, can't you afford a set of teacups? As for making you so fussy? See where you still look like the second wife of the Zhen Guogong Mansion?" I was really crazy every day, facing him The nose of the head of the family muttered.

"Then from the point of view of the second master, what should the style of the second lady be like?" Mrs. Chu looked at Luo Jinzhong with a lowered eyebrow and asked.

"What? Do you think that the second lady is not comfortable enough?" Luo Jin was messing around.

"Second master got angry outside, why bother to go back to the house and spread it on my concubine?" You have the ability to spread it outside.

Luo Jinzhong drove him back because the Duke of the State didn't give him face when he was in Ning'an Hall, so it was the time when he was burning with anger. He originally threw a teacup to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that the Chu family would not Knowing how to comfort him gently and carelessly, but even satirizing him with sarcasm, what's the reason?

"Does it mean that even you look down on me? Everyone looks down on me nowadays." He is obviously a member of the Zhen Guo government, why is he not allowed to participate in the handling of the younger sister's matter?What's the point?
Luo Jinzhong only cared about getting angry, but he didn't think about it carefully. As far as his brain is concerned, it's like inheriting from the old lady. With him around, it's not bad, but this Luo Jinzhong can't see it. , I always feel that everyone looks down on him.

"The concubine naturally looks up to the second master. If the concubine looks down on the second master, naturally she will not marry into the Duke's mansion as the second wife."

He thought that Mrs. Chu still wanted to give him a few words, but she didn't expect her to soften her words. How could he make use of it? He could only sit on the seat awkwardly, wanting to take a sip of tea to cover up his embarrassment , but he felt lonely, because he lost his temper before, after the Chu family came in, the servants inside all retreated, and now they don't know what to do.

"Second Master, why should you be angry? This matter is definitely not as simple as you know. Since the Duke of the Kingdom doesn't want you to participate, it's for your own good."

"Whose woman are you, how can you talk to him? What do you mean, for my own good, he won't let me listen?"

"Second Master, what is this called? Why do you bother? What do you mean I talk to others? I am all for you, Second Master, but how can you not understand my painstaking efforts? Like the Duke, he won't let you Isn't it for your own good to participate? Isn't that sister-in-law the Duke's sister? Just your sister? The Duke will naturally turn to the aunt, you have to know that the He family..."

The Chu family stopped at this point. Instead of mixing with Luo Jinhui and the others, she can see more things clearly. The He family obviously wants to take advantage of the Duke's mansion, but wants the Duke's It's impossible for the master to compromise. Naturally, there are some wits to fight. If this is her family's past, shouldn't she go to give others benefits?How many benefits can the Duke's Mansion give to outsiders?
Wouldn't it be nice to keep it to yourself?
Luo Jinzhong was still stretching her neck waiting for Chu's analysis, but she didn't expect people to say that she was broken at the most critical point. Doesn't this make people scratch their hearts and lungs in a hurry?
"You're talking, why are you dumb when you talk here?" Luo Jin said dissatisfiedly.

"Speaking of which, of course, I can only express my feelings and not express it in words. Second master, think about it for yourself. I have something to go to my sister-in-law, so I will leave first." Chu stood up and bowed, turning around without taking a cloud. Except for the courtyard gate, head straight to Liuguang courtyard.

"Is there any reason for this? It's inappropriate and reckless. The husband is a heavenly man. He doesn't respect the sky. Is this going to ... push his nose on his face?" Luo Jin shook his sleeves in anger, almost said the wrong thing, and went to the void with a guilty conscience. Looking at it, the last time the Duke called him an idiot, he naturally heard that someone was listening. It goes without saying who this person is.

However, the Chu family who walked outside the gate of the Liuguang courtyard did not feel at ease and stubborn in front of Luo Jinzhong. Instead, they hesitated, and the little maid outside the courtyard reported it to Gu Lan after seeing it.

Lan Gu doesn't know what to say to the Chu family now.

In the past, when she saw his wife, she would hate the air, but now she is a lot more sensible. This person has been standing outside for a long time. No matter whether she comes in or not, she has to tell the master.

"Huh? You said it's the Chu family?" Mrs. Guo leaned on the bed and closed her eyes to rest.

"Return to madam, it's the second madam." After Lan Gu finished speaking, she took a few steps back and waited for the master's order.

"Leave her alone, if you want to come in, you will come in naturally." She also just sent a few children out, so she leaned on this small bed to rest for a while, it would be better if she didn't come in now.

so as not to disturb her.

As a result, the Duke's wife had just finished thinking about it, and the little maid outside reported that the second lady begged to see her.

"Okay, I don't have any free time today." Mrs. Guo got up and sipped tea to refresh her mind.

Chu family was brought in by servants.

"Sister-in-law." Another standard etiquette.

"Come and sit." After the Duke's wife finished speaking, she raised her hand and motioned for the servants to bring up the tea.

"Why are you looking for me at this time?" Mrs. Guo took another sip of tea, she was not sleepy at first, but now she felt sleepy.

"Sister-in-law, didn't I ask you to watch two for me last time, so I asked Ming Wu to pick it up..." Chu said hurriedly.

"But did you see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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