"Sophistry, you can just quibble, I'm only two years older than you, how old can I be?" Luo Mingwu pouted and said, she found that now Luo Jingyao has become a little bit better than before , but now it's even more exasperating, and it's a good hand at sophistry.If you do this to argue with the censor, you will definitely make the censor hit the wall on the spot.

Doctor Yushi: Did the old man provoke you?As for making me hit a pillar?

"A big breath is also big." Luo Jingyao retorted with a smile.

Luo Mingwu rolled her eyes indecently by Luo Jingyao, ignored Luo Jingyao, and only looked at the booth downstairs.

Luo Jingyao chuckled, and stopped teasing Luo Mingwu.

For a moment, the two of them looked at each other in silence, each caring about his own. Luo Mingwu quietly observed the room number given to her by the Duke's wife, because he knew it was opposite to their room, until he saw the wide open window. She passed by the familiar second cousin, and she knew that there should be that person there.

Because the eldest aunt said, I'm afraid there are too many people to see clearly, there are only the second cousin and that one person inside.

When she thought of seeing her in person, she blushed like a drop of blood.

Luo Jingyao looked at it with gusto, don't ask her what she was looking at, it's natural for men and women to be beauties, no matter men or women, as long as they look good, she likes to look at them, this person is beautiful, looks pleasing to the eye and makes people feel happy.

Hmm... She also saw two strangers who were not very familiar, Liu Yueqing from Anlebo's House, and Su Lianyi from Huaiyin Hou's House. The two sent the girls around them to the exhibition hall on the first floor with their books.

"Cousin, is there a reward for writing a good poem?" Look at those who are vying for the first place, not for money but also for fame.

Luo Mingwu was blushing at the sight, but she didn't expect Luo Jingyao to say such a sentence, which stunned her.

But seeing her cousin's confused face, she still told her. After all, she doesn't go out very much, let alone such a lively place.

But the words changed as soon as he opened his mouth: "Cousin, is the monthly allowance not enough?"

Now Luo Jingyao was taken aback by asking, "Enough!" She didn't know how much other people would get each month, but she got seven monthly benefits, which the Duke's Mansion should have. One for each elder brother, one for father and mother, except for the fixed one in the Duke's mansion, the one for elder brother and one for parents is random, but only a little more each time.

"Since it's enough, why ask such a vulgar question?" Luo Mingwu said casually.

"Cousin, do you dare to say that you regard money as dung? Isn't everyone in this world working hard to live a better life? Money is worthless when you have money, but people are even more worthless when you have no money." , So it is understandable for me to ask this sentence. Let's not investigate how to use the money. I just ask, can the family have no money in their hands? The army can do it without food? My cousin thinks money is vulgar, so why don't the common people just let it go? , why do you struggle for three meals a day every day? Will it cost money to fill your stomach? Are there beggars in the city, and why are they reduced to beggars? Wen, when you are so hungry, I wonder if you miss that vulgar money?"

Luo Mingwu was taken aback by Luo Jingyao's words, and pursed her lips. She could not deny that what Luo Jingyao said was indeed true, and it was worth pondering, but which girl from an aristocratic family would say that she loves money?That will never happen.

No one would speak out like Luo Jingyao without being afraid of being laughed at.

After thinking about it for a while, she understood that with the support of the Duke's Mansion behind her, and now she is the Princess Yongning, Luo Jingyao was full of confidence and didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but she couldn't say it because she didn't have such a solid person behind her. Backing, she had estimated.

"Cousin, do you think I'm not reserved enough? That's because I treat you as a family and I say that without any scruples. If you were an outsider, do you think I would say these words?" Luo Jingyao naturally There is no need to teach Luo Mingwu the concept of money, so she can blurt it out in a flash, but she doesn't have to get Luo Mingwu's approval, so saying something heart-warming will make Luo Mingwu feel at ease.

Sure enough, Luo Mingwu's heart softened, and she understood that this was because her cousin had never been outside, so it was normal for her to be unclear about these things. As a cousin, she should explain her doubts, so why bother to ask?This is just like what my cousin said, she didn't do a good job as a sister.

"My cousin didn't take it to heart, but it was the first time my cousin heard this remark, so she was very shocked, but I don't blame you for climbing a building, no matter how good your poems are, there is no reward for them, just hang them up The position is different, which makes people flock to it. Sometimes, fame is more important than money. Everyone is equal here, but only educated people. Artyness is considered noble, and if you combine elegance with money, they will bash you."

"So that's it, cousin Xie, for clarifying the confusion." The owner behind the Panlou scene is really slick. For good poems, it is spiritual food for literati, although all the guests who enter the Panlou are Everyone is equal, but that will also become a capital to show off. You can enter the climbing building, because knowledge is also money. If you have no money in your hands, you still want to sit in someone else's private room. You can't even stand in a corner of the first floor. If you can't even afford a cup of tea from others, how can you talk about equality?People are not created equal.

Luo Mingwu was relieved to see that Luo Jingyao was no longer talking about money and other topics. She was afraid that the walls would have ears. If someone heard Luo Jingyao's remarks, everyone might think that the eldest lady of the Duke's Mansion is a visual A person with wealth like fate, this is not good for Luo Jingyao's reputation. Nowadays, the marriage is given to King An and the princess. There are many jealous people, and it is the best policy to deal with it carefully. Don't dare to make mistakes and provoke criticism.

In fact, Luo Mingwu didn't know that what Luo Jingyao said happened to be overheard by Liu Shuyan, the second son of the Anlebo Mansion. This person's family had originally obtained the title for supporting the Supreme Emperor with money and food, and suddenly changed from a merchant to a clan , Changed the family, because he supported the Supreme Emperor to disperse most of the family wealth, compared to the extravagance of the past, he can only be considered well-off, but now An Lebo is not a person who makes money well, and his life is even more unsatisfactory.

It wasn't until Liu Shuyan, the son of the Liu family, showed his business acumen that the family's business turned from loss to profit. From a little transparent person who was ignored by everyone to a person who could talk in the family, he knew better than anyone else that there was no one. Money is hard to move an inch, but when you have money and power, it is like a tiger with wings added.

So hearing Luo Jingyao's words, Liu Shuyan felt that he had found a bosom friend, but he also knew that this private room was a female family member of the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion, so he couldn't disturb him rashly, but he could disturb King An, after all This Luo Jingyao is Wang An's future little princess.

By the way, I went to get acquainted with the princes of the Duke's Mansion. With such a clear-headed younger sister, the older brothers should be fine. He likes to be friends with people who can understand clearly.

Immediately, he sent a servant to tell King Yu An that he originally wanted to invite King An to climb the tower so that he would not stay in the mansion alone, but this person refused him, so he had no choice but to go alone. Now, if I heard his little concubine's remarks, I'm afraid I would also be curious to go to this climbing party!

As a result, Liu Shuyan's servant ran away, because Wang Anru had rejected his invitation before.

Hey, this made Liu Shuyan so angry, is he still a good brother?Is the friendship that grew up together just not enough?

"Cousin, have you come to see me?" Otherwise, why would I write an entrance poem and then stop writing.

Luo Mingwu was startled, how did the cousin know?In an instant, her cheeks flushed red.

Facing everything that goes without saying, Luo Jingyao smiled knowingly.

She just said, well done, why mother asked her to accompany Luo Mingwu to climb the stairs.

Luo Mingwu faltered, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, don't be embarrassed, I know, you can read yours, but who is my future cousin-in-law? I will help you refer to it." She is really boring, and she doesn't know about big summer and small summer. How is it going? Is the money she has saved for many years enough?

"Want to be beaten, what do children know?" Luo Mingwu hastily covered Luo Jingyao's mouth, afraid of saying any more "golden sayings".

Luo Jingyao hurriedly nodded, signaling for her not to speak again, and thus escaped from Luo Mingwu's punishment of covering her mouth.

Although Luo Mingwu didn't say anything, she could observe for herself. She was sure that someone she knew was leading that person, otherwise Luo Mingwu wouldn't know that person.How will they see each other at that time, but today I am afraid it is to let Luo Mingwu see people, and then the two families will contact and get to know each other.

Soon, she saw her second brother, with a gentle smile on his face, standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back, watching the movement below, and beside him was a person who was about the same height as the second brother, but a little thinner body, looked at each other and smiled with the second brother, and then both turned their eyes to the exhibition hall below.

I don't know if the second brother told this person that someone in the opposite room was looking at him, and just as Luo Jingyao finished thinking, there was a knock on the door of their private room.

Luo Mingwu went to open the door with the girl beside him, to see who is outside?After Liangchen took the order, he came in and said to the two of them not long after.

"Miss Hui, it's Shu Mo who is next to Second Young Master asking to see you."

Luo Jingyao leaned on the soft chair and looked at Luo Mingwu, Luo Mingwu blushed, she didn't even dare to look at Luo Jingyao, and signaled Liang Chen to bring Shumo in.

As soon as Shu Mo came in, he saluted the two of them, and then said to Luo Mingwu: "Second Young Master asked Miss Mingwu if she is satisfied with today's private room?"

The three of them all knew exactly what the question meant, but Luo Mingwu didn't know that Luo Jingyao already knew which young master she was looking for, so when Shumo asked if she was satisfied with this elegant room, she was stunned for a while. If you don't check, you accidentally laughed out loud, how can you compare that person to a private room?You can compare it to eating!
Luo Mingwu and Shumo knew clearly when they saw Luo Jingyao's appearance. Luo Jingyao already knew why they came today, and even knew who the person she was looking for. Wu was embarrassed and ashamed.

Shumo also scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, smiled, and bowed his hands to Luo Jingyao in a fawning manner. His son specially asked him not to say it clearly, lest the eldest lady would guess that although the eldest lady gave the marriage to King An, But after all, she is young, I didn't expect the eldest lady to be smart, so I guessed it, if the young master finds out, will he punish him?

"Tell me, I'm going to change clothes." After speaking, Luo Jingyao got up, and went out with Bai Lu and Gu Yu beside her. Did she fall in love with her?Don't you know when she comes back?She has always had a good ability to perceive words and emotions.And a little bit of luck.

But Luo Mingwu didn't know what Luo Jingyao's plan was. Seeing her cousin leave the room, she felt a little relieved, and nodded embarrassedly at Shumo.

After receiving the approval letter, Shumo reported it to Luo Qingxue.

When Luo Qingxue saw Shumo nodding at him, he smiled, and then told Yu Songting implicitly.

Song Ting was stunned when he heard that, he knew that brother Runzhi (the word of Luo Qingxue) likes to be arty, but compared to the closed one like climbing a building, brother Runzhi prefers to wander around in the vast world.

Today's trip was the reason for this, he smiled knowingly, and saluted Luo Qingxue, which meant that he naturally agreed.He didn't take offense, and he didn't feel that Luo Qingxue was rude to him.

As soon as Luo Jingyao sat down, she saw the man on the opposite side look over, and immediately hid behind her. Luo Mingwu was taken aback when she saw Luo Jingyao's movements, and immediately reacted, turning her head cautiously to sneak around. Touching to look at the opposite side, the result was that his eyes collided with the person opposite. For a moment, Luo Mingwu was like a boiled shrimp, and his whole body was completely red, but when he thought about her situation, he held back his shyness and rushed to the opposite side. Nodding her head, she immediately hid herself behind the window, wanted to drink some tea to relieve her nervousness, but her hands were shaking badly, Luo Jingyao looked at her angrily, that's all she could do, Immediately poured a cup of tea for her cousin, and personally brought it to Luo Mingwu.

Luo Mingwu thanked Luo Jingyao gratefully.

That rosy little face is really beautiful and delicious!It's just that when she saw her in the past, her expression was too cold, mixed with disdain, that's why she was a cousin, Luo Jingyao curled her lips.

Luo Mingwu didn't know, so she asked, "What's the matter?" Why did she feel that this cousin had a problem with her?Didn't he serve tea and water for her just now?

"Oh, it's nothing, I just want to tell my cousin that your expression can't be so cold and indifferent in the future, and the disdain in your eyes, you have to take it easy, it's for me, I This girl won't be offended, but I'm afraid it won't work with my future husband."

Luo Mingwu blushed and said, "It won't happen in the future." But at that time, it was the cousin's fault, and she couldn't blame her entirely, it was really that the mud couldn't support the wall, and she hated iron for being weak. A disdainful look was her friendliness, she wished she could sneak it out and give him a beating.

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