She thought this incident was over, because the ancestor never mentioned her again from the beginning to the end, even if she hid and did not pass, and did not come to call her again, she thought it was Gu's fox pretending to be powerful, and the ancestor didn't treat her at all. It doesn't matter if he is here or not, but now asking the people who serve him to come over to call, this is not the same weight as Gu's and the others sending someone to call.

"Old lady, let's go. Now that the family is our own, this matter will not spread to the outside world, let alone spread to the outside world." Mother Lao was trembling. If she knew she would play off, she would I will persuade the master not to depend on the aunt, mother and daughter for everything.

"You said it lightly. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. If I am reprimanded by that old man, this matter will definitely spread. How can I have the face to go out of the house?" For the marriage, she was afraid that she would lose face.

"Old Madam, you can just go over. From the beginning to the end, the grandfather didn't let them sit down with the young masters. They just stood there. It can be seen that the old ancestor is still angry. You should go over as soon as possible." She really thinks about her master!Stretching out the head and retracting the head with the same knife, it is better to go there earlier to suppress the anger of the ancestors.

The longer the delay, the more angry the ancestor would be. The master's refusal twice this time is probably because he thinks the ancestor is not angry enough.

The old lady understood this truth, and gritted her teeth to bear the brunt: "Let's go."

Lao's mother immediately followed, and the four maids of Haitang couldn't hold back and begged Lamei for a few words of love, so they were also punished by the old lady to kneel on the ground and reflect.

They don't know that misfortune depends on blessings, and fortune lies on misfortunes. It is precisely because they were punished by the old lady that they escaped the punishment of their ancestors.

In the front lobby, apart from the voices of the ancestors and Luo Jingyao, there was no sound at all. The dead clan elder sitting at the bottom was already very dissatisfied with the old lady. , If they say that they sent someone directly to escort them over, that's all.

Mrs. Guo and Mrs. Guo looked at each other, and they felt that the atmosphere in the lobby was getting more and more dignified.

After finally waiting for the housekeeper outside to say that the old lady had come, she thought that the atmosphere would be suppressed for real, and the Duke's wife couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Luo Jingyao also touched and caressed the old ancestor's back so that he would not be so angry. The old ancestor also accepted her favor and kept smiling. When he heard the old lady coming, although his face was smiling, the His eyes were cold and sharp.

"Old, my concubine has met my ancestors." The old lady was brought in half-supported and half-dragged by Lao's mother. When she reached the gate of the courtyard, the old lady's legs were so weak that she couldn't walk.

She hasn't claimed to be a concubine for many years, and now she is several knots too short.

"It's the old man's fault for making you travel so far. I hope the old lady will forgive me." The old ancestor said slowly.

"Is it the concubine's body? The concubine's body alarmed the ancestors when she heard about it, so she knew it was a serious matter. Jinhui has always been cautious, but she never thought that someone would plot to hurt Yao'er. Hearing about this made her bad health worse, because her body Unable to live up to expectations, I just passed out, and I hope my ancestors will forgive me."

She didn't come here because she fainted because of illness, not because she avoided and dared not come here.

That's what it means.

"That's really the old man's fault. If the old man insisted on letting you come here, otherwise you wouldn't drag your sick body to see the old man."

Listening to the old ancestor's eccentric words, the old lady knew that the old ancestor knew everything, otherwise he wouldn't be able to speak with a gun and a stick. Obviously, the old ancestor didn't believe what she said.

"Since you know that this incident has something to do with that evil, I wonder if the old lady has any objections to the old man's treatment?" It's no use being framed, but it's useless to be ruthless.

"Of course not. My ancestor has always been the most fair and just. I know that my ancestor has shown mercy to Jinhui for the sake of the Duke's family."

The old ancestor looked at the old lady who seemed to be respectful but actually resentful, and for a moment he lost the mind to teach her. I don't quite agree. In a family, the mistress is so important, and the Xiao family only bears the reputation of a loyal king's daughter. Girls can't stand out from the crowd, let alone have the ability to manage the Duke's Mansion, the Luo family's clan wife is not so easy to be.

Fortunately, the old Duke is not a fool, he directly handed over the gift to the wife of the Duke who had just entered the door, and directly emptied Xiao Shi, who was the step-mother-in-law above him. I thought that Xiao Shi could understand all this, so please be careful. Yes, just be her old lady in peace, but this person is good, he refuses to admit defeat in everything, and strives to be strong in everything, but he doesn't have the skills, and he can't even see Mrs. Houzhai's way of talking and doing things. set of rules.

But there is also one thing, that is, the heart is vicious, if it is not for the current Duke's wife's skills and the strong support of the family, or with Xiao's restless, vicious and stupid temperament, the current Duke's mansion may have withered offspring.

Don't think that he doesn't know everything that Mr. Xiao has done.

It's just that his body was really weak back then, and he was bedridden all the time, that's why... the old ancestor closed his eyes.

"If you can keep your own place in the future, then this country's government will have a place for you, and you will be honored for the rest of your life. If you act recklessly as you do now, I think Jing'an Hall is a good place to go. What do you think?"

The old lady suddenly raised her head, seeing the flash of murderous intent in the eyes of the old ancestor, the old lady lowered her head tremblingly, and Mother Lao knelt on the ground trembling right from the moment she came in.

The old lady hated and was unwilling, but she had no choice but to let the Duke not be her own?And her own child's ability is not enough to match the position of the Duke of the country, even...he doesn't even have the slightest ability to compete with the Duke of the country.

That Jing'an Hall sounds good, but it is actually a nunnery with hair cultivation. If she goes to Jing'an Hall, can she return to the Duke's Mansion?Certainly not, Gu and the others wished that there was no one like her in the Duke's mansion, so how could they arrange for her after she went to Jing'an Hall and let her come out early? That's impossible.

But as long as she is in the mansion, she still has a chance. If there is another one, Luo Jingyao should get married soon. When this granddaughter gets married, how can there be a grandmother who is still alive but doesn't show up? They must come to invite her in person.

Chapter 2, good night

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