"I don't want to, I'll just sit on the armchair next to you." Luo Jingyao rolled her eyes presumptuously because of the occult talisman.

"Then where are you coming today?" Wang An could hear the voice, but he didn't know that Luo Jingyao would roll her eyes.

"Come and help me so that I don't waste my good medicine." Luo Jingyao said in disgust.

Can she give up this to own a forest in the future?

Wang An silently looked at the armchair across the table from him, he felt that the little girl was very rude to him.

"Then how can you help me? I can't ask for more."

"Come on, take an antidote first, and then you will know whether the imperial doctor is here to cure your legs, or to "cure" your legs." As soon as the words fell, three round pills appeared on the table next to you .

Wang An: Why did he sound like he meant something?

"Eat, what are you waiting for?" Luo Jingyao's voice sounded from the side of the incense burner.

Wang An's master and servant three looked at this weird side, and shivered in the bottom of their hearts.

Luo Jingyao noticed the gazes and expressions of the three of them, covered her mouth and secretly laughed, if it wasn't for the fact that other people outside heard that she really wanted to pierce her waist and laughed.

She didn't want to come here at first, because it feels too uncomfortable to be watched everywhere, but then she thought about it, the old emperor's eyes and ears are everywhere, so King An will definitely be suspicious here, so she couldn't help but bring a hidden Fu rushed over.

As soon as she arrived, she heard the discussion of the three masters and servants, and knew that what she was worried about had happened.

"Okay, let's call the imperial physician in! By the way, put a pillow under the quilt." After saying this, the old god Luo Jingyao sat back in place.

Qingxuan called the imperial physician in in surprise.

Then a few people saw the instantaneous change of the imperial doctor's kung fu, and respectfully bowed to the bed, and then ordered Qingxuan Qingyun and the others to go down, and then whispered a lot. It is to make King An recover as soon as possible, and I hope that King An will cooperate. This is also the heart of the Holy One.

Then a few people saw the imperial physician come up with a set of treatment methods that were good for King An.

But after the imperial physician finished the routine, Luo Jingyao removed the concealment talisman on her body, and looked at Wang An with a half-smile.

The others also had ugly faces.

"I suspect that you were not born of the Holy One." Tiger poison doesn't eat its offspring, let alone human beings, even if the Tian family's family relationship is weak, it won't be a life-and-death situation, right? Is it really because of the high merit?

With two "plops", Qingxuan and Qingyun knelt on the ground, startled Luo Jingyao, and suddenly stood up from the armchair.

Wang An lowered his eyes, he had already seen it through and was disappointed, but at this moment he was still chilled, the cold made him shiver, and the cold air went straight to the cracks in his bones.

Luo Jingyao looked at this, looked at that, and reposted a concealment talisman to go back to her home.

"It's not uncommon for some people's parents to be poor. Live well in the present and live for yourself, so that you don't have to come to this world in vain."

After speaking, Luo Jingyao swaggered away.

I'm afraid King An's life will be even more difficult in the future.

"Brother, why?" A questioning voice interrupted Luo Jingyao's thoughts, she stuck the concealment talisman, and stood directly beside her father, looking at the dejected but resentful He An opposite.

"What and why? Did you come here today to question me?" Lord Guoguang squinted his eyes and asked He An in a cold voice.

He An couldn't help taking a step back, he was no longer as energetic as before.

"I just want to know why I fell from the third rank to the fifth rank?" He An was not reconciled.

"Why did you get demoted? Shouldn't you ask your boss, or directly ask the Holy Majesty? If you ask me, how can I know? I am a general, how can I move your rank?" Duke Guo Grandpa will never admit it anyway.

"Besides you, I don't know who else I offended?"

"Not to mention anything else, but you know it well that you offended me." The Duke snorted coldly, and knew to offend him!He really wanted to tell He An, let him go home and ask his good wife and daughter, but he finally held back, now that the situation is already tense, he can't show the people behind him to the front.

He An looked at the Duke who flung his sleeves into the mansion, hated his heart bleeding, he felt that everyone was laughing at him, so he walked forward with his head covered.

Luo Jingyao glanced at He An's back, then went into her own yard and took down the concealment talisman.

"Ma'am, my lord, Prince An's residence has hired you." The butler ran over.

"Is it Prince An's Mansion?" The Duke's wife frowned, which family didn't give an advance notice for the appointment?
"I came here with the Ministry of Rites."

"I see." That's no wonder.

"Go and ask Yaoer to come here." Mrs. Guo ordered and went to the front with the Duke.

"Yes, I'm going now, servant girl." Xichun quickly went to find Luo Jingyao.

But when the weather is calm recently, when Luo Jingyao thought that the marriage was just a joke, Xichun came to tell her that Prince An's Mansion brought the Ministry of Rites to hire her. Although she was puzzled, but as expected, Luo Jingyao changed her clothes , went straight to the front yard.

When she passed by, the Duke had already invited officials from the Ministry of Rites to entertain her in the front yard, and Lan Gu, who was beside Mrs. Guo, led the servants to face the dowry list.

And the people from the Ministry of Rituals also recited the ceremony aside.

The betrothal gift passed by the Ministry of Rituals was quite satisfactory, and Prince An's Mansion naturally added another [-]%, and the one who came over from Prince An's Mansion was Fu Bo, the chief housekeeper.

After reading the dowry list, Mrs. Guo is quite satisfied. If there is no extra [-]% added by King An, I am afraid it will be really ugly.

The eyes of Mrs. Guo's wife were dark, and the corners of her lips curled up like mockery or sarcasm.

The dowry she prepared for her daughter must have overshadowed the bride price.

But this has nothing to do with them. The betrothal gifts of the dignified royal family Xu and the prince are not comparable to the dowry of their mother's family, so who is to blame?
As for whether he will scold her?Why scold her?The dowry for the daughter's marriage has been saved since she was born. This is a lot of carelessness. It was also saved by their natal family for their daughter. Could it be a mistake?

The Duke's wife ordered the servants to carry the betrothal gift directly to her daughter's Lanyue Residence, put it in her private treasury, and then carry it to Prince An's Mansion together with the dowry.

After the officials from the Ministry of Rites and Uncle Fu left, there were still two nuns left behind, which was the usual practice in the past.

"If someone is holding a chicken feather as an arrow, you don't have to swallow your anger." Although the Duke's wife has reminded the two nuns, she is afraid that there is someone behind the two, and they are also people who are at odds with their country. daughter.

In the harem and the back house, there are so many secret means emerging one after another.

"Mother, don't worry, my daughter is not a soft persimmon." He said kindly, hello, hello, hello everyone, if you think about that private matter, then you can't blame her.

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