After the sick and weak beauty flirted, the king of war and God of War fell

Chapter 76 The Hypocritical Brother and Friend Gong

"It may relieve the pain, why endure it?" Xiao Jin'an said unwillingly.

"Only when the slight pain is endured, can the severe pain in the back gradually become painful, and can be endured. You think that for the sake of the ninth brother, let the imperial doctor relieve the pain, but it is not the case. It will only harm the ninth brother." Xiao Ming'an raised the corner of his eyes and glanced at Xiao Jin'an, the warning in his eyes was obvious.

Xiao Jin'an's face turned red with anger, but his concubine mother was only a concubine, and could not be compared with the imperial concubine at all. He took Xiao Ming'an's face down, and the imperial concubine would get it back from his concubine mother.

"Why does the second emperor have to be so strict with the sixth brother? He just did what a brother should do." Xiao Yuanhuai was gentle and refined, with a face of disapproval but in a tolerant tone.

Xiao Ming'an's eyes changed during the case: "Brother Da Huang says what he says, right?" The hypocrite, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, really thinks that he is a character, isn't it because Xiao Mubai's light is too strong, covering the sky like a sun? Has he ruined his glory as the first prince!

If you have grudges, revenge and complaints, why bother to be hypocritical.

"Why does Second Emperor have such an attitude towards Elder Brother?" Third Prince Xiao Chengrui, the son of Concubine Jing, was dissatisfied with Xiao Ming'an's attitude towards Xiao Yuanhuai.

"Brother Three Emperors, Brother Two Emperors are just discussing the matter. Naturally, it is also for the benefit of Ninth Brother. Why do you have to go online? Brother Elder Emperor didn't say anything, but you are in a hurry." , Xiao Chengrui meant to meddle in his own business with a mouse.

"The fourth prince is as straightforward as ever." Xiao Yuanhuai glanced at the fourth prince Xiao Honglin and said without concealing his words.

Wang An looked at these people's verbal confrontation with cold eyes. As for saying that he wanted to alleviate his pain, or let him exercise his pain, it was just an excuse for the few of them to argue.

The emperor should really let the emperor see the brothers who are brothers and sisters in front of him. How virtuous are they outside?
But also, who made the emperor like to watch the drama of the brothers and sisters?
After all, the emperor himself had to kill most of his siblings to ascend to the throne, didn't he?

What was left behind was not his only younger brother, who was in the same vein as the frightened King Zhong, and now he couldn't even keep the title of prince, and existed as the king of the county.

"Brothers, you have forgotten the purpose of this trip." Xiao Zhihan, the son of the Eighth Prince Leng Guifei, looked at King An viciously.

Looking at Wang An's appearance of being tortured by pain and his embarrassed posture, he felt at ease.

If it wasn't for Xiao Mubai's background, he would be the youngest prince at that time, and he would definitely be more favored by his father, but after the birth of Xiao Mubai, who was two years behind him, his father's attention was drawn away by Xiao Mubai, Xiao Mubai keeps saying that Xiao Mubai is more like him when he was young...

"I'm not talking about Ninth Brother. The brothers are arguing endlessly over your matter, but you are watching from the sidelines. Are you very happy to watch? Yo! Is this a Buddhist bead? You brought it because you killed too many people. Do you wear a string of Buddhist beads? But now, can you really stop that evil spirit from taking his life?" After Xiao Zhihan finished speaking to the others, he looked at Wang An maliciously, and his words were also full of malicious intent.

Whether it's the angry horse in fresh clothes when the legs are intact, the flamboyance, or the gentle and elegant temperament after the legs are crippled, he is always disgusted.

"Eighth Emperor Brother, Ninth Emperor Brother, he is not feeling well, how can he handle our affairs separately." Enduring the huge pain is already enough for King An, so why do we still let others pull the mouth between them? frame?
Xiao Qingyu, the son of the Seventh Prince Zhuang Concubine, said disapprovingly, the eyes that fell on Xiao Zhihan were like looking at an ignorant child, but he was obviously only one or two years older.

"It seems that Brother Seventh Emperor loves Brother Ninth Emperor very much." Xiao Zhihan said with a fake smile.

"Brothers and friends have always been the expectation of the father, and it is also what we brothers should do. As for the murder of the wronged soul, it is even more nonsense. A mere thief, a member of Beixuan country, everyone can be punished, and other countries kill our people. When you slaughtered our country's cities, why didn't you say that there were ghosts claiming your life?" Xiao Qingyu originally wanted to say a few words and forget it, but accidentally couldn't hold back.

And these words were even more impeccable, making Xiao Zhihan and the others who wanted to find fault dumbfounded, Xiao Zhihan even gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do, if he said anything more, he might have to go in front of Father Su.

Let's talk about other things, this person even stood in the way of his father, if they had other intentions, wouldn't it be just saying that they were obedient, disrespectful, and filial?

That's great!

"The Seventh Brother said, but the Ninth Brother has recovered?" Xiao Yuanhuai's gentle eyes fell on King An, and he looked at him calmly.

King An just pretended not to know.

"I don't know how many royal brothers have come to my humble house, but what instructions do you have?" Wang An asked coldly.

"Brother Jiuhuang, what is a humble house? Are you dissatisfied with the mansion granted to you by the emperor?" Xiao Zhihan finally found something to say, thinking that he could beat King An to death, and was going back to the palace to complain to the emperor.

Wang An's gaze fell on Xiao Zhihan, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes: "Modity is a traditional virtue, and it is also a manifestation of self-cultivation. Brother Eighth Emperor really thinks too much."

Xiao Zhihan was taken aback, because he hadn't heard Xiao Mubai's venomous words for a long time, he thought it was a tiger with no claws, but now it seems that this tooth has to be pulled out.

A smile flashed across the eyes of Xiao Jin'an and Xiao Qingyu, they would always remember that high-spirited young man in fresh clothes and angry horse.

"Okay, we are all brothers, why bother to fight against each other." Xiao Yuanhuai once again came out to be a good old man.

Wang An raised the corners of his lips ironically.

"clap clap"

Xiao Ming'an glanced at Queen An with a sneer, raised his palm and clapped it three times. Uncle Fu and Qingxuan Qingyun wanted to stop her, but King An gestured calmly.

The three of them disappeared immediately.

Followed by a girl in tulle, Lianbu lightly walked in, the messy and pungent powder smell made An Wang raised his brows uncomfortably.

"In the past, the Nine Emperor Brothers fought at the border, and there was no caring person to serve them, and there was no way for you to complete the guidance and education that you should have when you are an adult. Now you are going to get married. These few brothers As soon as we discuss it, I will send the person here for you, lest I don’t understand anything when I arrive, and it will be unbeautiful.”

"If it delays the reproduction of offspring, it will be a great sin." Xiao Zhihan said with a strange look, looking down on King An.

The guidance these princes should have is that the emperor who is sent by his mother and concubine to be favored, and the maids sent by the empress dowager to guide them all have to complete this task.

In their view, An Wang is an alternative.

Because An Wang is the only one who has not been guided.

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