He originally wanted to stand in front of him, but the horse under the Duke blew, raised his front hooves, and stood up. He An was so frightened that he wanted to scold the reckless man, but he didn't dare.

"You are?" the Duke's eyes moved, and he said.

He An's expression turned even worse, what's the matter?Doesn't even the brother-in-law know each other?

"Guo Gong really doesn't like us as a top figure now, but in the past 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, does Guo Gong really think that our He family will stop here?" He An sarcastically said, Like the gauntlet below.

The Duke remained calm, looked at He Anna's smug expression, and secretly sneered, he really had never seen the world, even if he became the emperor's concubine, once he was overthrown, everything would be over, not to mention the fact that he is now working for her. The princes who fought fiercely for that chair.

It's really a toad yawning a lot.

If you want to protect yourself and your family, naturally you can't get involved at this time. However, He An is a small fifth-rank doctor, so there is nothing to use, and He Lingyao... probably has a little color, in his house. For more than ten years, he hadn't realized how stunning He Lingyao was. He could make the princes who had seen countless beauties look at her differently, and bowed down under her pomegranate skirt, but it was just the eye of the second prince.

I don't know anything, but it's frustrating in front of him.


"Then congratulations to Mr. He, the doctor of the Ministry of Water." After finishing speaking, the Duke of the country stopped looking at He An's dark face for a moment, and directly rode into the mansion.

If he said one more word to someone who was not clear-headed, he was afraid that he would tire himself out.

And He An almost fell on his back in anger.

He An wished he could yell at the Duke's back for his conceit, Yelang's arrogance and self-righteousness.

Who do you look down on?He wanted to see if the Duke's Mansion, which was hated by the Holy One, could maintain its glory for another 30 years.

He An flicked his sleeves and went directly to the teahouse to drink tea and listen to music.

He is still young, and there is still hope for promotion. When his daughter marries the second prince, then it will be a good time for him to show off his ambition.

He An, who thought very beautifully, rewarded Xiao Er with a piece of silver, humming a song with his hands behind his back, and went back to his He Mansion.

Not reconciled, he turned around again and looked at the place where the Duke's Mansion was. Sooner or later, he would join this place and live on this street.

It can't be said that the ambition is not high.

And the matter that He Lingwei wanted to drag the Duke's mansion into the water, it ended without a problem, and there was no need for the Duke's mansion to intervene.

But Luo Jingyao handled this matter secretly, the second prince and the others didn't know, and this step by step was under Luo Jingyao's control.

The capital is never short of gossip and gossip, and finally the matter of the second prince was suppressed, and the old lady of the He family suppressed the mother and daughter of the second daughter-in-law, leaving the seriously injured granddaughter with no money for medical treatment. The topic of Luo Jinhui pawning the dowry to get the medicine is flooding the streets and alleys of the capital again.

"There are no other messages, right?" He Lingyao leaned on the imperial concubine's pagoda, asking questions one after another, and her face looked a little better, which shows that the tonic still works after taking it.

Luo Jinhui, who was sitting next to He Lingyao and peeling apples for her, smiled.

"Of course not, your mother is not stupid." Luo Jinhui pursed her lips, obviously in a very good mood, but when she thought of her mother, she frowned.

He Lingyao knew what Luo Jinhui was worried about?She is also not reconciled. In the past ten years in the Duke's Mansion, the grandmother has rewarded their mother and daughter with many good things, and they also share a lot of good things sent by the Duke and his son every time, but this time they are None of them were brought out from the Duke's Mansion, they were all rare treasures, some of them were even priceless, so she just stayed in the Duke's Mansion, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't be reconciled.

They can only wait for the old lady to lift the restraint before they find a way to send it out.

"Mother, let's make a decision before moving." There is no rush for now.

"It's just that your grandmother is going to suffer for a while. The wolf-hearted people of that family have found an opportunity. Now only you can help your grandmother. You must fight for your mother."

"Don't worry, my grandmother loves me so much, so I naturally won't ignore her." After she married the second prince, would she still be afraid of the emperor's thorn in the Duke's Mansion?At that time, she will provoke and provoke her a little bit, and she will not be uprooted. Then she will draw Luo Jingyao's blood, and then let her bow her knees and follow her as the most inferior maid.

He Lingyao thought about it, and raised the corners of her lips, as if her dream had come true, but how could Luo Jingyao make her so proud?

Give her a little bit of sweetness to slow down her mind, and when she is self-righteous, she will naturally have the following actions.

As the rumors about Mrs. He rubbing her daughter-in-law and granddaughter became more and more fierce, another rumor quickly overwhelmed the previous rumors.

Rumors said that a certain daughter of the He family was very disrespectful and disfilial to her grandmother because she had a certain prince as her backer. At such an old age, the old lady of the He family was disheartened and closed the door to thank guests because of their injustice.

And this rumor quickly covered the entire capital.

Even the old emperor and the harem in the palace noticed, and after a little hands-on investigation, they found out a certain daughter of the He family and a certain prince inside.

The emperor directly called the second prince into the palace and scolded him, because a woman made the whole capital suffocate with smoke. Since he cherishes the beauty so much, it is better to move out of the palace directly. The land of Beixuan Kingdom is vast, where can it not be Build a palace for him?
The emperor's words were serious. The second prince was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he knelt down in the hall with a plop. Cold sweat dripped down his eyes, and he didn't even dare to wipe off his eye membranes.

Because the emperor's words obviously wanted to exclude him from the heirs.

If it is the prince, there is still a possibility of a fight. If it is granted the mansion by the king, the meaning is obvious, he was kicked out!

From that point of view, if he is crowned king, maybe he will be driven to a place where the birds don't shit.

He wanted to quibble, but he couldn't justify He Lingyao's construction of the fish pond.

"You bastard, if you like you, it's fine to bring you into the mansion, what's the matter? Do you want people all over the country to sing praises for your love?" The emperor put his hands behind his back in anger, pacing back and forth in the hall, his eyes raged violently.

The second prince knelt down and shivered.

"Father, I am a minister who is obsessed with ghosts, and I hope that my father will forgive me. If you are angry, you just want to beat him up. You must not hurt your body. It is not worth it for your son." The second prince is also smart. He admitted it and flattered the emperor. If he defended or denied it today, the emperor would definitely kick him out in a fit of anger.

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