It's just that the piercing pain in her knee almost made her cry out.

But she stubbornly held back, she was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would get into it before the matter was settled, and she would get involved with it, which was not what she wanted to see.

After He Lingyao left, the imperial concubine sat on top without saying a word, obviously still angry in her heart.

Xiao Ming'an stepped forward to flatter him, rubbing his shoulders and beating his back to flatter him.

"Why would the concubine mother think of summoning her? Xiao Ming'an asked suspiciously, she was just a woman. Could it be that the concubine mother was so worried about him?
This time, the tone in the imperial concubine's heart was hooked up again, and the corners of her eyes twitched sharply: "What? Is it not qualified for me to summon the daughter of a first-rank and fifth-rank official now?" Know what you are thinking?The son is grown up, fledgling, but he wants to escape from his mother and wants to flex his muscles. In his eyes, any little thing is a challenge to his "majesty".

Xiao Ming'an knew that his concubine mother was angry, and he shouldn't think of her concubine that way, so he said directly: "Concubine mother, you know that my son didn't mean that."

"Then what should I think of you?" The imperial concubine walked down the steps.

"Since Concubine Mu summoned Miss He's family, you should have made a thorough investigation." She said she trusted Concubine Mu, but she would still try.

But the imperial concubine could only pretend not to understand.

"Oh, I don't really understand, I hope my son can help me understand." The imperial concubine's eyes flashed with doubts, but there was a cold snort in her heart.

"It was Erchen who built a small fish pond for Miss He's family. I didn't expect this series of things to happen later, but I dragged Erchen in. Erchen knew that the mother and concubine would be sad. I wanted to explain, but I didn't expect that the concubine mother would restrain my son as soon as she saw him in a fit of anger." Xiao Ming'an was a bit coquettish.

"Yo, this is still my fault. It's my fault that I shouldn't care about the second prince's affairs. If I knew it was such a thankless task, why should I?" Xiao Mingan didn't even look at his hand.

Xiao Ming'an was startled. What he said just now was just to make Concubine Mother feel sorry for him. He knew that Concubine Mother was the most important thing in his heart. Unexpectedly, Concubine Mother was even more angry. She immediately lifted her robe and knelt down. On the ground, his face was full of sincerity and shame.

"My concubine, you gave birth to me and raised me. If you don't even care about me, then who will care about me? Doesn't it hurt my son's heart to say that you are not qualified?" Xiao Ming'an was downcast, with a look of loss and sadness.

"Bengong is the saddest one, right? The son I raised with one hand, but for another woman, the reputation he managed for many years was ruined in one fell swoop. How can I feel at ease? The step is difficult, why should you enjoy the ambiguity for a while?" Tears flashed in the eyes of the imperial concubine, but she didn't care.

This made Xiao Ming'an feel that he was too inhuman, why did he doubt his mother, what did he do to make her sad.

"I'm sorry, mother concubine, I should have discussed it with you before. I have no other intentions towards Miss He's family. I just want to understand one thing. I didn't expect that because of my negligence, my mother The concubine is furious, is it my son's fault? My son is here to plead guilty, and I hope that my mother and concubine will pay attention to her own body. She must not hurt her body because of this matter. When the son understands the matter, she will definitely Tell the concubine mother immediately, please give the concubine a while." Xiao Ming'an knelt on the floor and said with a sincere expression of remorse.

The imperial concubine's heart moved, her face remained calm, but she looked at Xiao Ming'an with half-believing eyes.


"Of course it's true. How can the daughter of a small fifth-rank official be qualified to be the concubine of a minister?" Xiao Ming'an affirmed.

"It's not impossible!" The imperial concubine tried a word.

"Mother concubine?" Xiao Ming'an suddenly raised his head to look at the imperial concubine, which made the imperial concubine's heart sink. The son has grown up and has his own thoughts. What he said earlier was half true and half false. Why didn't he have any thoughts about He Lingyao? She didn't believe it, she tried it out a little, but she got it out.

"But are you really willing to marry a main concubine or side concubine who doesn't help you at all? You have to know why you haven't married a main concubine all this time? You have to figure it out. It's not easy for us to come now .”

Now is a tense moment. Although it is said that after marrying the main concubine and the side concubine, it is true that some people can be drawn to stand behind them, but it will also arouse the emperor's suspicion. There are advantages and disadvantages. Can you stand firmly until the end?
If it was for the emperor's peace of mind to let them marry that small family, how would she be willing, so she would never let her son do anything wrong, so the matter of marrying a concubine had to wait.

It is not too late to act after the big waves have washed the sand.

The imperial concubine's words washed away Xiao Ming'an's desire to seek excitement like enlightenment.

Xiao Ming'an broke out in a cold sweat when he woke up, they couldn't make any mistakes, otherwise they would lose everything.

"Thank you, concubine mother, my son almost made a mistake."

"It's okay, you and me, mother and son, why be polite, it's just that sometimes the love between children will stop you, especially the kind of relationship that is not worth your time, although you think that any place is good, but sometimes, honey wrapped arsenic, it's not that someone is bad, it' know?"

"Mother Concubine, I understand." Xiao Ming'an nodded and said, He Lingyao is harmless, but it doesn't mean that no one will use He Lingyao to harm him. If he shows affection, if he really wants to harm him, it will be easy and impossible to guard against.

The imperial concubine nodded gratifiedly: "The concubine mother is not a heartless person. If you really like it, you can ask to serve by your side, but you can't show it all. I think the woman who is really good for you , I will definitely understand you and encourage you. After the final decision is made, you will raise your status to the woman you love, and the mother and concubine will naturally have nothing to say." The matter of hanging a carrot is not a joke.

Moreover, various seasonings were added to it to challenge it.

"It's the concubine mother, the son is still in the picture, and he still needs the concubine's special advice. The minister will never do it again. If the minister has any ideas, he will naturally discuss it with the concubine mother first, and the minister will implement it later." , if it wasn't for the concubine mother, the son-in-law would really have gone wrong."

"That's not necessary. When the son is old, he should have his own opinion. The concubine mother is just giving you some advice. If you think it is feasible, use it. If it is not feasible, we don't need it. You are my son, so I naturally hope If everything goes well, your mood will go even better, and a person lives a lifetime, isn’t it just a comfortable life.” Otherwise, why fight so much?
It's late, Sujue!

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