"Oh, that's great. The women are here to thank Miss Luo and the second lady!" Xi Niang went out to meet other matters with a smile, and at this time, Yue Jinhua's mother, Wu An Mrs. Hou, accompanied by Mrs. Guo and Mrs. Chu, walked in together.

It's just that the faces of these three people don't seem to think there is anything wrong with Luo Mingwu's makeup, it seems that they were also dodged like this on their wedding day.

Luo Jingyao and the others bowed to the elders first and then hid aside.

Several people watched Mrs. Wu Anhou gently brushing Luo Mingwu's hair, while saying congratulatory words.

"As soon as you comb to the end, you don't have to worry about the love of husband and wife."

"Two combs to the end, white hair and eyebrows join hands together."

"Three combs to the end, the couple will be free from illness and more worry-free."

"Four combs to the end, children and grandchildren will be full of blessings and longevity... Nine combs to the end, a happy life will last forever."

Counting from one to nine, every sentence is a blessing.

Mrs. Guogong's eyes were a little red, she remembered that after Luo Mingwu's marriage, it was her daughter's. Luo Mingwu was at least 15 years old, but her daughter was only 13 years old and was about to get married.

But Chu directly covered her mouth and began to cry. If it wasn't for this incident in the palace, she would not have married her daughter in such a hurry. Although they wanted to make everything perfect, they were running out of time.

And she still doesn't know that the reason why the emperor thinks so much is because her husband Luo Jinzhong is outspoken, thinking that Luo Jingyao's marriage to the crippled Wang An is a one-on-one useless one-on-one. Zifengsun, there is no reason why he dislikes it.

No!As soon as the emperor summed up, he directly asked Luo Mingwu, but he would not give him a title, which made Luo Jin look down on his son again. The emperor's appearance is not to say that he is not poisonous, but even more so...

Tears welled up in Luo Mingwu's eyes, but she endured it desperately.

Seeing that the atmosphere was too sad, Luo Jingyao finally stepped forward.

"There is another happy event, I almost forgot, I don't know if my sister still likes it." Luo Jingyao took out a small jade box from her sleeve pocket, in fact, she took it out from the system space and handed it to Luo Ming dance.

Luo Mingwu's eyelashes were filled with tears, she took it in her hand for some unknown reason, and gently opened it to see that it was a milky white pill.

Luo Mingwu looked at Luo Jingyao excitedly, Luo Jingyao nodded, she originally wanted to give it to Luo Mingwu when she returned home, but seeing the current atmosphere is rather sad, and this Xi Niang gave her a picture. The new dowry, and thinking of the dense red rash on Luo Mingwu's face, she took a deep breath.

Recently, Song Ting couldn't meet Luo Mingwu again because of the wedding date. Although he heard that Luo Mingwu had a red rash on his face, which disfigured his face, and knew the truth, he never saw it with his own eyes from the beginning to the end. If the groom is frightened on the wedding night, it may cause hidden dangers to the relationship between the husband and wife in the future.

"Thank you, sister." Luo Mingwu thanked her sincerely. This sister has helped her a lot. If it weren't for Luo Jingyao, she might be a plaything with no name and no distinction, and she is still unfavorable.

"You're welcome, you and my sister, why are you being so polite, besides, that girl Bai Lu got this medicine by chance because of her gluttony." Luo Jingyao waved her hands and whispered.

She always remembered what she looked like in the eyes of outsiders, and she couldn't act as well as a sick person.

"Bai Lu?" Chu's voice was surprised.

"Yeah! I heard that there are pancakes and fruits sold on the pier. That girl is very greedy. She likes to run to the pier when she has nothing to do. I didn't expect to find this detoxification pill for my sister. It's really too much." Well, although it can detoxify, it is not a panacea. The businessman said that this pill is especially effective in treating the rash like my sister's face."

Luo Jingyao came here as soon as she opened her mouth. She didn't mean that she couldn't say that she found it, but if it was said that she found it, then it would be more troublesome. Sure, what are you doing at the pier?why go?Why does no one know?Besides, there is the eyeliner of the person above in this mansion. People can really know whether she has gone out. So, if she went to the pier to find it, or where did she find it?These are all problems.

Fortunately, they avoided those eyeliners when they disguised themselves as men last time.

But those people are not omnipotent, they put on the concealment talisman and went out swaggeringly, but Bai Lu and Gu Yu didn't know that they also went out incognito, and even greeted the servants in the mansion.

"No matter what, the second aunt has to thank you, and I will also specially thank that girl Bai Lu." Chu was excited and moved. After her daughter's face was disfigured, she was so anxious that she couldn't sleep, and couldn't eat well. This paragraph Time is really haggard, now it's better, her daughter can recover, that's a great thing.

Luo Mingwu also ate it right away. Luo Jingyao saw that the bridal wife hadn't come back, so she immediately asked her servants to wash her face to remove makeup for Luo Mingwu, and finally drew a beautiful bride for Luo Mingwu herself. Makeup, this stunned the ladies in the capital.

What's more, Mimi asked quietly.Is it the make-up series in "National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance".

Luo Jingyao didn't need to advertise.

And the detoxification pill was also very effective. Within less than a cup of tea, all the red rashes on the face disappeared, and the skin returned to smooth and smooth.

There is joy in the mansion, but there is sorrow outside the gate of the mansion.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of today's day to reconnect the relationship between the two families. Naturally, the only ones who wanted to reconnect were Luo Jinhui's mother and daughter. Ah, He An is a man with a tail at this meeting, so he didn't dare to come Stroll around the government office of this country.

After all, he let go of the big talk before, but within a few days his boss scolded him, and his daughter was reprimanded by the imperial concubine, which made him feel ashamed and hopeless.

But what He Lingyao's mother and daughter didn't expect was that even if the middle door was opened today, people from the Duke's Mansion would not let them in. The previous incident had already spread widely, and there was no need to rebuild the old one.

What's more, if such a vicious person is put in the mansion, who knows what will happen to the happy event?
The helpless mother and daughter returned to He's house angrily, and He Lingyao burst into tears at Mrs. He's ridiculing, disgusting, and sarcastic eyes.

She didn't understand, since God let her be born with memories again and again, why didn't she leave a trace of luck for her?

Isn't this playing with her?

"I've said it before, don't be ashamed of yourself anymore, you mother and daughter are very embarrassed, you don't listen to me, as if I will harm you, but you can go in, now the whole capital knows what you have done The daughter of the Luo family, the granddaughter of the Luo family, was stopped by the owner of the Luo family."

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