"You guys go down first." Luo Jingyao waved her hand, and Bai Lu and the others went down, and by the way, even the servant who was serving Gu Chen was also dragged down.

Gu Chen was leaning on the wheelchair, but he wanted to see what his niece was capable of, so that he would agree to take risks alone.

The one who can make the niece sneak away to take revenge must not be lower than her family background.

Then Gu Chen saw his niece standing in front of him, disappeared for a moment, and reappeared with a swipe.

Luo Jingyao looked at her little uncle who was stupefied with wide-eyed eyes, and laughed unkindly and let out a goose cry.

"Uncle, how good is my ability? As long as I don't release it, I can stay for a few months and no one can find me. So, with such a powerful thing, can you help me cover up, uncle? When I avenge myself, I'm sure those who see the good things will have a share." Luo Jingyao said flatteringly, waiting eagerly for Gu Chen to agree.

"..." He still hadn't reacted.

"Little uncle, if I say this, you should understand, right? Then I'll take it as your agreement, and I'll go first." If you don't leave now, when will you wait?This is a rare opportunity!The big deal is to come back and please my little uncle again.

After Luo Jingyao quickly pasted the concealment talisman on her clothes, she swaggered open the door and went out. She believed that her little uncle would definitely help her cover up.

As for Gu Yu and others who were guarding the door, they were also surprised when they saw the door opened by Wu Wu, but they didn't think much about it.

After leaving the room, she didn't even go to the door of Mo Zhuxuan, she directly used her lightness kung fu to fly to her destination.

Gu Chen helped his forehead helplessly, and told the people waiting outside that he wanted to have a hand-to-hand conversation with Luo Jingyao, and then he started playing chess with his left and right hands.

He could only keep the two maids steady first, and he would say that Luo Jingyao had gone out beforehand after a while.


Luo Jingyao specially went to take care of the warehouses of the First Prince and the Second Prince and the Eighth Prince. As for the Sixth Prince and the Seventh Prince, she was just doing it for fun, so as not to let people guess or let these two be scapegoats.

The next day, an unprecedented event happened in the palace. The whole palace was panicked. The number of guards more than doubled. The old emperor was incapable and furious.

People can come and go freely, but things, so many things, is there an army of people to move them?

No one could answer him.

The concubine was trembling, and she was too frightened to even go to the imperial garden as an excuse to enjoy the flowers, but she actually ran into the emperor by chance. When she heard that the private treasuries of the princes had been looted, she hurriedly asked the palace staff to check her own. The private treasury may have been poisoned.

It wasn't until the palace man told him that he was unharmed that he felt relieved and picked up the melon and started eating.

Naturally, all of this has nothing to do with their own interests, and the mothers and concubines like those princes are also gnashing their teeth and cursing, fearing.

"What time is it?" Luo Jingyao stretched her waist, she was really busy last night, but the harvest was also rich.

A person looks like a dog, but he didn't expect his family to be quite rich. Before, he was afraid that he would not have money to buy food, but now it is better, more than enough.

It's just that the gold and silver have to be melted first, and the others have to be bought farther away.

"Return to miss, it's already [-] o'clock, miss is going to get up?" Gu Yu stepped forward respectfully, with resentful eyes, yesterday the master left them to play by himself.

"Let's get up!" Luo Jingyao pretended she couldn't see, and the secret could only be a secret.

"It's Miss." Gu Yu sent the little girls below to bring Luo Jingyao meals, and Bai Lu and herself waited for Luo Jingyao to get up and wash up.

Luo Jingyao yawned again, and then slowly got up to wash up with Bai Lu and Gu Yu waiting on her.

Until she finished her breakfast, the two girls didn't make any other noises. In the past, Bai Lu couldn't stop chattering, so she went to recommend a certain piece of news on time in her previous life.

Luo Jingyao raised her head in doubt: "Why are you doing this? But what happened?" You were so scared that you couldn't even speak.

Let her blame it for not being used to it.

The two servant girls glanced at each other: "Miss, a major incident happened in the palace, and even the guards in the entire capital are much stricter. Whether you are going out or in, you have to check three or five times, there are several checkpoints." I want to speak freely, and I want to ask if this matter has anything to do with my young lady who came back in the middle of the night last night?But after all, this is a serious crime of beheading, she dare not just ask, because she knows that the "top of the head" has ears.

Luo Jingyao just raised her eyebrows when she heard it, and didn't ask any more. After all, this matter has something to do with her, and now it's all piled up in her system space.

Thinking of the gold and silver jewelry, porcelain calligraphy and paintings stuffed into the system space, Luo Jingyao smiled like a little fox.

Why do people like to find fault?It must be because they are free, now they are always busy, and they will have to be busy for three to five months, but there is no result, and then they will get angry again, darling, she is looking forward to it.

"Let's go, let's go greet grandma." By the way, Luo Jingyao swaggered and walked in front while checking on grandma's body, followed by the two servant girls with complicated expressions.

Judging from their understanding of their own lady, this matter definitely has something to do with her own lady, otherwise when Bai Lu mentioned today's talk in the capital, her own lady would definitely ask clearly, instead of just smiling faintly like today.

After seeing her grandmother, Luo Jingyao sighed. She felt a bit exhausted in her grandmother's life. This was because her two sons passed away one after another, and the youngest son was also disabled in a wheelchair. How can a person who is so indifferent, just laugh it off.

Impossible, she was physically and mentally exhausted, her heart ached unbearably, she was overly sad, deeply sad...

She is heartbroken!

After leaving two bottles of nutrient solution for the old man beside her grandmother, she withdrew. The old man looked haggard. She wanted to tell the old man that her uncle's legs would be fine, but she was afraid that great sorrow and great joy would make her health worse. I can wait until the little uncle is treated and let the old man know about it slowly, so that she can digest it slowly.

"I've seen your grandmother!"

"That's right, little uncle, it's just that I fell asleep this morning, and I haven't seen my grandfather yet." Luo Jingyao smiled flatteringly.

"Do you really want to see your grandfather?" Gu Chen asked lightly, not afraid that the old man would raise his ears and shout?
But yes, the old man can't bear to part with this girl.

Seeing the clarity in Gu Chen's eyes, Luo Jingyao didn't deny it, she just smiled: "Of course I dare, I believe in my grandfather, but I want to give you a gift, where should I put it for you?"

"Keep it for yourself. Your uncle doesn't lack those, but you still have to be cautious. You can't be unscrupulous just because you are different. You have to know that there are heaven and man outside the sky and people outside the sky. Some things exist and are reasonable. You And how do you know that your ability is only yours?" Gu Chen said worriedly.

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