The favorite of the global group, the delicate daughter blows up the Beijing circle

Chapter 324 The future is very long, let’s walk hand in hand

"Qingqing, Qingqing!"

"Wen Hua!"

When everything settled and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Wen Hua lost consciousness and fell gently like a white paper.

Qi Hengyuan panicked and hugged Wen Hua at a loss.

"Quick, take him to the hospital."

But this is not easy. This is an island in the first place. There is only sea water for hundreds of kilometers in radius.

"Yuhan, hurry up and find Yanming."

Su Yanming is a doctor, and it is the best time to see a doctor at this time.

For a time, there was chaos and chaos.


"Oh, it's almost July, and Huahua agreed to appear on a variety show with me. If she doesn't open her eyes now, I'm really worried."

It has been almost two months since Wenhua fainted. Wenhua missed the college entrance examination, which is a pity to many people.

But the Su family didn't feel it was a pity. They were currently thinking about when Wen Hua would wake up.

"What are you thinking about? Even if Huahua wakes up now, do you think we will let Huahua go on some fucking TV show with you?"

Mr. Su slapped Su Ji's leg unceremoniously.

"You really have nothing to do. You are busy every day and can't see anyone. When will you bring me a daughter-in-law back?"

"Dad, dad, didn't you promise not to rush me?"

Su Ji was helpless. He deliberately avoided the old man every day these days, but the old man was guarding him in the ward every day. How could he not bump into him?

"Ganggun, I get annoyed when I see you."

Poor son, out of sight and out of mind.

Su Ji was kicked out, and suddenly there was a call.

After reading the notes, his expression softened.

"Hey, Xiao Nian En!"

"Dad, I'm very good today. It's almost noon, will you come back for dinner?"

Su Ji felt helpless when he heard this title.

I've corrected him many times, but this little guy just won't listen. Isn't this taking advantage of his mother?

"Xiao Nian'en is so good today. Just wait for me. I'll be back in about half an hour."

He also picked up the child outside. He has already reported the case, but there is still no news.

I originally wanted to send him to an orphanage, but the little guy just clung to me and took him home.

"it is good!"

The little guy's grandiose voice melted the heart of Su Ji, an old man in his thirties.

"Dad, what did the doctor say today?"

Su Ji went home, Su Zheng returned to the base, and now only Su Bai was left free.

Especially now that it's summer vacation and all the students are on vacation, there is even less to do.

"I don't know yet. Look at my little granddaughter. She is such an angry person on weekdays. Now she is lying on the bed. It scares me."

"Grandpa Su, let me watch. You go have lunch first."

Qi Hengyuan replaced the flowers on Wenhua's bedside with a bunch of flowers, twisted a towel, and wiped Wenhua's face.

"Yan Ming said, now it depends on Huahua's will. Huahua is tenacious and will definitely be able to survive."


Everyone hopes for a miracle to happen, and Su Moze keeps vigil at night.

After these hours of hard training, he also achieved good results in the college entrance examination, with a score of 701. This was a score that he had never dared to think of before.

Now it's up to him to fill it out as he pleases.

"Sister, brother is still waiting for you to give me a recommendation for the national basketball team!"

Su Moze was also very worried. It didn't matter whether he was named or not. What was important was when his sister woke up.

Late at night, Su Moze was so fast asleep that he didn't notice anything was wrong at all.

The next day, Qi Hengyuan came in as usual and looked at the girl sitting on the hospital bed, with the sun shining on her face, and he felt a little demented.



Before Qi Hengyuan could finish his sentence, Wen Hua signaled him to be silent.

Qi Hengyuan looked at Su Moze's sleeping state and complained a little. He had been watching over him for the past two months.

Yesterday, Su Moze said that he was too tired to watch him, so he kept watch yesterday.

As a result, Su Moze slept soundly, but he didn't sleep all night last night.

the most important is!

Go to sleep, he didn't know when Wen Hua woke up.

Qi Hengyuan placed the breakfast in his hand heavily on the table, while Su Moze continued to sleep snoring.

He grinded his teeth and thought about whether he was treating Su Moze too badly by buying meat buns today, so he also bought a cup of soy milk.

Now, he should buy two steamed buns, not even the soy milk, and choke Su Moze to death.


Su Qingyue came in next, and he bumped into Qi Hengyuan, but he only delayed a few minutes by calling Su Yanming.

When he saw this scene when he came in, he was not polite at all.

But everyone actually ignored the depth of Su Moze's sleep. His voice was not loud, but it stood out in this quiet room.

However, Su Moze still didn't wake up.

"Xiao Wu!"

Su Qing's voice became louder and louder.

Not awake!

Su Qingyue wanted to shout, but Wen Hua stopped him.

"Forget it, second brother, fifth brother should be tired too."

Wen Hua is considerate, but Qi Hengyuan hates her.

Why is Su Moze tired?

Tired of sleeping?

"Then I'll call Su Yanming quickly. By the way, I'll also tell my grandfather, parents, second uncle, aunt, third uncle and the others." As for the other brothers?

The purpose of calling the elders was to reassure them, and the purpose of calling Su Yanming was to check Wen Hua's body.

As for calling the other brothers? What to do?

Su Qingyue went to make a phone call.

Qi Hengyuan came forward aggrievedly.

"I've been by your side these past few months. I was just kicked out by your fifth brother yesterday, but I wasn't too far away and stayed in the hotel next door."

"Ok, I know."

Although she was said to be in a coma, Wen Hua was not unconscious. She could actually hear anyone speaking next to her.


The two of them were relatively speechless, not because they had nothing to say, but because they wanted to say too much and didn't know what to say for a while.


Su Moze is a very magical creature.

When Mr. Su came, he was sleeping.

When his second uncle and second aunt, Su Bai and Yang Jiao, came, he was also sleeping.

Finally, Su Yanming finished checking Wen Hua's body, and he was still sleeping.

When his parents, Su Zheng and Lu Qiong came, he...he couldn't sleep.

Su Zheng had a bad temper and kicked Su Moze on the butt. Even Wen Hua had no time to react.

"Ah, who the hell dares to kick me?"

Su Moze covered his buttocks and got up from the ground, still cursing.

"Your father."

"I am your father!"

Before he woke up, Su Moze thought he was in school, so he immediately let out the foul language.

Mr. Su's eyes widened, "Speak carefully."

Apart from Wen Hua, the one he loves most is this little grandson. Sure enough, this little grandson is still too thick-skinned and can't speak clearly. He needs to be beaten and loosened.

"Master...Master? Dad?"

Su Moze woke up.

"How did you come? When did you come? Why did you come now?"

"What did you do during the day? You slept so deeply at night, you didn't even know when Huahua woke up."

Su Moze was grabbed by the ear by Lu Qiong and went out to have a mixed doubles fight.

Wen Hua couldn't help laughing.

"You! You are really lucky. Fortunately, in the end, we developed a drug that targets your gene."

"The consequences would be disastrous."

Wen Hua is one of the most stubborn patients Su Yanming has ever seen.

"Isn't it okay? Third brother, you don't want to scold me as soon as I wake up."

"The court held a hearing a few days ago and finally sentenced Liu Ru to death for intentional homicide and will be executed immediately."

As soon as Su Bai's words came out, the whole ward fell silent.

"Alas," the saddest one was Mr. Su.

People cannot be resurrected after death. After all these years, the old man has looked away. However, Su Fu was not destined to die.

"Why are you talking about these unhappy things? When Huahua is discharged from the hospital, we will have a good celebration."

Su Zheng was not good at talking, but at this time he had to step out to smooth things over.

"Yes, what are you talking about?"

Yang Jiaoyue is one of the little experts who enlivens the atmosphere.

"You are serious, come on, not only that, we also want to celebrate Huahua's successful admission to Beijing University."

It doesn't matter whether you passed the college entrance examination or not, it's just a score. Wen Hua had already submitted the application for admission before, and it was approved and became the first batch of Beijing University students this year.

At the beginning, all I knew was that I felt sorry for Wen Hua's injury, and all I didn't know was that I was worried about how I would pass the college entrance examination.

But what's there to worry about?

A proper recommended student. If it weren't for Su Moze's studies, Wen Hua would have dropped out of school long ago.

"Yes, what a blessing!"

The old man muttered something.

How are you waiting to be discharged from the hospital?

Wen Hua, the attending doctor, was here. Su Yanming waved his hand.

You can be discharged from the hospital today!

"Huahua, to celebrate you being discharged from the hospital, this is a little gift from your aunt."

Lu Qiong actually took out a card.

This caught everyone off guard. How could we lag behind in giving gifts?

Su Yanming waved his hand and saw another card.

If there is one, there are two; if there are two, there are three, four, five, six, seven or eight.

Wen Hua... Wen Hua collected a thick pile of cards in the end.

Weighed, well...the weight of money.

Su Moze is short of money. He still relies on his own financial support. He spends whatever money he has and has no money left at all.

I dug into my pocket and finally took out a steel coin, which was a dime.

"Ahem, brother, I'm a little short of money recently. I'll make up for it when I have money."

It's just that I don't know when to make up for it. Su Moze plans to work during the summer vacation and deduct some money from his brothers.

So it's a bit shabby, but it's better than nothing.

Qi Hengyuan handed over a card openly, and when he was discharged from the hospital, he walked side by side with Wen Hua.

He stuffed a bunch of things into Wen Hua's hands and said with a smile.

"It's all for you. What's mine is yours, and what's yours is still yours."

He carefully reviewed the assets in his name and could call his lawyer to prepare well when he returned.

He planned to eat soft food in peace.

Wen Hua's face turned red.

The two fell behind and held hands quietly. The sun outside was just right, just like their future.

The future is long and they can walk hand in hand.

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