1949 I am from the future

Chapter 210 Dual Chamber Transfer Carburetor

Thank you: The Whisperer in the Wind, for some reason I couldn't add an update, I owe a chapter first, brother Haihan!

Thanks to the enthusiastic book friends: Xiaoxinq, Zizhu, Whisperer in the Wind, jjxojng, for their rewards.Bow to everyone!

There are too many things today, I am late, I apologize to everyone!

【210】Double chamber transfer carburetor

But to be honest, the be jng jeep 2011 produced in 212 is much better than the historical 212. The car is no longer a pull-type plexiglass, but a hand-cranked car like bj2020, and the tires are also radial tires. [

The Beinei 212 engine used by the bj492 Jeep is an engine production line purchased by BAIC Holdings to help contact its subordinate Beinei Group.As soon as Bei Nei heard that it was going to be an old classic Bei Nei 492 engine, he made a news before doing business, claiming that

After much deliberation, Xiaoqiang finally just hung up on Murong Ruolan.

"Hello, Murong Ruolan? I'm Cao Xiaoqiang."

As soon as Xiaoqiang finished speaking, he heard Murong Ruolan's obviously delighted voice from the phone: "Xiaoqiang, where have you been these days? I didn't return your calls, and I called your company again. People say you're on a business trip."

"Well, I'm on a business trip to Africa. It's very remote and there's no cell phone signal."

"Oh." Murong Ruolan calmed down, and after a short silence, said: "I miss you."

For some reason, Xiaoqiang said by accident, "I miss you too." As soon as the words came out, Xiaoqiang regretted a little, and just wanted to add a nonsense such as "Because we are good friends".

But Murong Ruolan over there was obviously greatly excited by Xiaoqiang's impulsiveness, and without waiting for Xiaoqiang to remedy it, he immediately said:

"Really, then you haven't called me for so long." After saying this, Xiaoqiang couldn't find a way to smooth things over.

Murong Ruolan's words seemed to be a reproach, but there was joy and excitement in her tone.She continued:

"Where are you now? Have you eaten?"

Xiaoqiang replied honestly: "I am in the company, and the employees all went out to have dinner to celebrate the successful signing of the contract. I didn't go to participate because I still had some documents to read."

Murong Ruolan said anxiously: "Then you wait, I'll come to you." After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone hastily.

Xiaoqiang listened to the beeping sound in his mobile phone, feeling a little happy, a little uneasy, a little warm, and a little dazed.

For Li Muyun, he had an impulse in his heart, wanting to pull this proud white swan down from the clouds.How much he likes Li Muyun's delicate beauty like a newly opened flower. He still remembers Li Muyun's soft lips that are most suitable for a painful kiss and the softness of his grip that is most suitable for a rough squeeze.But he was also afraid that once he pulled Li Muyun into the ordinary love and desire, he would destroy a pure and fresh existence.He was also afraid that after Li Muyun discovered his mediocrity and cowardice at close range, he would no longer be able to retain his self-esteem and freedom.

For Murong Ruolan, Xiaoqiang also likes it, but this is just a kind of appreciation for beauty, not impulsive let alone longing.This is a beautiful girl who is suitable for getting along with. I can't find any faults in her. Her figure and appearance are at the level of young models, and she also has a rare gentle and kind personality. She is very considerate and caring for Xiaoqiang, never indifferent , and will not be too enthusiastic.Such Xiaojiabiyu type, maybe the most suitable as a marriage partner?Xiaoqiang feels that he has what Murong Ruolan wants, and if Xiaoqiang can give her these things, she can also give Xiaoqiang a home.Perhaps, it really should go all the way?

Just as Xiaoqiang was smoking a cigarette in the office and thinking wildly, Murong Ruolan came.

The security guard on duty in the office building took Murong Ruolan to Xiaoqiang International Trading Company and left. In addition to Xiaoqiang, several people from the financial department were working overtime in the company to prepare reports, and the door was not closed.

Murong Ruolan took out the vanity mirror from her handbag, took a photo, walked into Xiaoqiang International Trading Company confidently, and went straight to Xiaoqiang's office.

Seeing Murong Ruolan's outfit today, Xiaoqiang couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster.

Although it was already cloudy in be jng at the end of March, it turned warm and cold, and it was still cold at night.Murong Ruolan was wearing a white power vest, which could not completely cover the round and undulating inside, and she only wore a short black woolen coat with a deep v-neck, revealing The tender whiteness of the open chest of the white vest and a seductive deep groove. [

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