1949 I am from the future

Chapter 212 The 23rd Army went south, the North Sea Fleet blocked the strait

Thanks: qnshyue, the Great Emperor of Kidney Deficiency, two book friends warmly rewarded!

[212] The 23rd Army went south, the North Sea Fleet blocked the strait

Since the "Chairman" issued the order to recover Kinmen and enter the Taiwan Strait before the Korean War, the People's Liberation Army, the navy, the army and the air force are constantly gathering towards the coast of Fujian.

The troops going south from Zhoushan are the 4rd Army adapted from the 23th Vertical of the People's Liberation Army, which has three divisions of 67,68,69, [-], and [-].

As the third wave boarding island force in the last Zhoushan Battle, the 23rd Army followed the 22nd Army to land on the island, but they had almost no gains. Except for some efforts in capturing the prisoners, the 22nd Army took all the limelight. The 23rd Army was not used in the battle to recover the affiliated islands of Zhoushan Dadao. The 20th Army of the Ninth Corps surrounded these dotted islands. [

Under the strong protest of Tao Yong, the commander of the 23rd Army, this time the Huaye Command decided to use the 23rd Army to go south and fight to regain Jinmen.General Ye Fei's Tenth Corps was ranked behind the 23rd Army as a backup because of its failure to regain Jinmen last time.

Tao Yong, the commander of the 23rd Army, smiled happily after hearing this order from Commander Chen Yi. After this battle of Zhoushan, he knew very well that the current combat effectiveness of our army's new equipment, a division boarded After Kinmen Island in the land of the Maru, there will be no backup troops. If the 23rd Army can’t take Kinmen by itself, and it needs the help of the Tenth Corps, Tao Yong will completely embarrass the Seventh Corps. Before seeing Xu Shiyou, the commander of the Seventh Corps, Tao Yong himself killed himself.

According to the order of the East China Military Region Command, Tao Yong led the 23rd Army directly to Quanzhou on a landing craft from the waterway. Along the way, there were minesweepers from the North Sea Fleet to clear the road, and the capital ship escorted them.

But that's it, the 23rd Army also vomited heavily along the way. The 67,68,69th Division, the vanguard of the 69, [-], and [-] divisions, was seasick. During the two days along the way, soldiers continued to vomit in the landing craft. There are a large number of soldiers lying on the beach and unable to get up.

Tao Yong led the military headquarters and came here on a landing craft with the 69th Division. At this moment, he was standing on the beach by the pier in Hougang Village, Quanzhou, watching the soldiers gather for the inland camp, while people kept coming from The team rushed out and retched on one side, which made Commander Tao jump anxiously.

"What's the matter? Isn't it just a 700-kilometer sea route? I came all the way safely. I didn't fire a single shot. As a result, half of them fell down when I landed!" It really humiliated the 23rd Army. "

Political commissar Lu Sheng comforted: "Old Tao, don't worry, this journey is a bit far, the 700 kilometers from Ningbo to Quanzhou, the wind and waves are very bumpy, let alone small landing craft like 067 Yunan class and 069 Yuqing class, Even the 271 medium-sized landing craft I was on was shaking so badly that I felt dizzy as if I was going to float up, and my body sank like a big stone was pressed on my chest, so it’s no wonder that the soldiers get seasick.”

Deputy Army Commander Mei Jiasheng frowned as he watched the landing craft landing one after another. After the hatches were opened one after another, the soldiers jogged out and rushed out onto the beach as if they were drunk. He hurriedly gave orders to the communications soldiers. Said: "Hurry up and ask your 69th Division to organize soldiers who don't get seasick to go back to the boat and clean it. After the sea for the past two days, I don't know how it has ruined the landing craft of the navy. Tell them, give me water to wash it well, don't leave it behind. The smell of a boat is going back, and there are still two divisions waiting to go south."

The deputy political commissar, Liu Wenxue, was in a hurry. He was already busy asking the military department to organize people to boil some herbal medicine for seasickness, trying to get the soldiers back to the lively state they were before boarding the ship.

Xie Yunhui, director of the Military Political Department, was also very anxious. He was busy organizing comrades in the propaganda team who were not seasick to start singing on the beach to cheer up the soldiers.

The propaganda team played tambourines and kept singing: "The sky in the liberated area is a clear sky. The people in the liberated area like it very much..."

Tan Zhigeng, the commander of the 69th Division, was pale. As the commander, he had already vomited once on a 271 landing craft. Now that he landed on the shore, he still felt that his feet were light, and he could not stand firmly if he stepped on it. He came to help him, but was knocked down by his hand.

"What are you doing! I can't die! Gun Linyu is not afraid, but I am afraid of seasickness!"

"Teacher, don't hold on, hurry up and go to the assembly point in the village to rest."

"Fart! Can you rest? There are so many treasures on the boat that haven't been unloaded yet! I have to watch them unload the equipment before I can go! Isn't this already ashore? I can recover after standing for a while. It’s really bad, sitting on the safety boat for two days is more tiring than my Huaihai campaign for three days and three nights!"

The guard around quickly reminded: "Teacher, you are bringing spoken language again."

Tan Zhigeng told the guards that in the future, as long as they heard him speak in colloquial terms, they would point it out immediately.

"Yes, yes, yes, your criticism is good, I will correct it. Hongwazi, go ahead and have a look, tell them to hurry up, and those who are not seasick should go up and carry it quickly. If any regiment soaks the weapon "medicine" in sea water, I will Give him punishment!"

Compared with the sea bumps of the 23rd Army, the speed of the Air Force is much faster. [

Under the mobilization of Commander Liu Yalou of the Air Force, two fighter brigades of the newly formed Fifth Air Regiment of the Air Force were stationed in Puhai. The brigade was merged into the H8 Division. The H8 Division had the H8 Regiment and the H[-] Regiment under its jurisdiction. The two bomber regiments of the H[-] Division were stationed at Xiamen Airport and Fuzhou Airport respectively.

Now Fuzhou Airport and Xiamen Airport are already packed to the brim, and the Ten Corps under General Ye Fei has dispatched more than 2 people to carry out expansion projects around the two airports.Since the waterway to the south has been opened up by the North Sea Fleet, various construction resources have been arriving from the north by sea to the coastal ports of Fujian.

In Zuoying Military Port, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in the Taiwan Navy Command, people in the newly established temporary command of the Taiwan Island Defense Fleet are in panic. Li Lianxi, as the fleet commander, is currently in a state of desperation.

"Commander Li! The supply fleet is so arrogant! They have blocked the strait for a whole week now! The 8 garrison troops in Kinmen are sending telegrams every day to ask for support. When can we send ships there?" Vice Admiral Song Changzhi of Taiwan Grumbling in the conference room.

"Commander Li, the President said that the navy is required to guarantee the food and water supply of the Kinmen defenders, but the radar of the supply army is too powerful. As soon as our supply ships leave, they will be intercepted by the supply army immediately. The warships of the supply army It’s driving fast, and it has already robbed more than a dozen of our transport merchant ships. Do you think the president ordered that the defenders in Kinmen be the same as those on Hainan Island, and withdraw first.” Taiwan’s Navy Training Minister Liang Xuzhao said .

"In the past, we only sent warships to snatch ships and people from the mainland. When did the situation turn around? The supply and production party started to snatch our Kuomintang's supply fleet." The military officers present thought dispiritedly.

Li Lianxi sat there without saying a word. If it comes to ranking seniority, no one in this conference room is inferior to him. He is really angry as the commander.What's more, there is also the commander-in-chief of the navy, the outsider Gui Yongqing, who is there to point fingers.This made Li Lianxi feel even more like a thorn in his back.

Li Lianxi, who was born in the Fujian Fujian Navy, was under the control of the Dianlei Department of the Kuomintang Naval Dianlei School, which was reused by the old Jiang, and really wanted to resign.But resigning at this time is afraid that Lao Jiang will be liquidated, so Li Lianxi can only continue to sit on this hot crater.

"Everyone, I also want to restore the supply line to Jinmen immediately, but the current strength of the Gongdang Navy is too mysterious. Before I can find out their details, I am afraid that I will repeat the mistakes of Ma Jizhuang and Li Yuxi in the Zhoushan sea battle. For the current plan, it is best to see if the president can persuade the Americans to help us use American merchant ships for supplies." Li Lianxi said frankly.

Naval staff officer Wu Lun on one side echoed: "What the commander said makes sense. Before the situation is clear, it is really inappropriate to attack rashly. The minelaying ship Yongjing dispatched last time did not even see the supply ship. The 750-ton large The ship was cut in two by bombs from nowhere, it was horrible. If the Yongtai hadn't made a decisive decision and withdrew immediately, I'm afraid it would have been doomed."

Song Changzhi had a bad temper, and he reprimanded: "What a quick decision! The frigate Yongtai didn't even care about the officers and soldiers who fell into the water, allowing them to drown and flee back by themselves. I think such a captain should be punished on the spot!"

Since Wu Lun, chief of staff of the Kuomintang Navy, had expressed his attitude of defending Li Lianxi, the commander of the garrison fleet, he naturally couldn't withdraw at this time, and continued: "If they don't escape, will they be like the previous "Chao'an" and "Xin'an" ships? Like the three frigates Liaohai and Guangzhong, with six large gunboats, Guangzhong, Guanghua, Guangfu, Haiying, Huai'an, and Jiangfeng, are they going to wipe out the entire army? Is it like the Lin'an that went out to rescue? , Gu'an, and the three frigates, did you go back and forth with the four large gunboats, Haifeng, Hailun, Haicheng, and Haicheng?"

When everyone present heard Wu Lun mention the previous fiasco, they were speechless.

The disastrous defeat in this naval battle a week ago was suppressed by the Taiwan side, and they did not dare to send out news. After seven days, even the US military advisers have not dared to tell.It was not until today that the Navy held a meeting at Zuoying Base in Kaohsiung that Lao Jiang finally decided to inform the Americans of this tragic failure and asked the United States to send merchant ships to resupply Kinmen.Lao Jiang was very disappointed with the Navy after this campaign, and pinned all his hopes on the jet aircraft that the Air Force had just received from the United States.

To the surprise of the Taiwan Navy, there was no fanfare for the military supply. It was simply mentioned in the radio broadcast that 11 ships of the Taiwan Navy were sunk and 4 were captured.

There must be something wrong with being so ambiguous about such a big naval victory.You must know that in this naval battle, Taiwan lost five frigates and ten gunboats with a total tonnage of up to 6000 tons.Such brilliant results are rare even in the history of world naval warfare.

What was the situation in that naval battle? Because the Taiwan Navy dispatched two waves of warships to participate in the war, all of them were annihilated, so the high level of the Taiwan Navy has not yet figured out what kind of opponent they encountered.

After that naval battle, various rumors spread within the Taiwan Navy. Some said that the military had secretly bought battleships from the Soviet Union, and used 300mm-class main guns to smash the small fish-like frigates one by one.This kind of statement was quickly dismissed as nonsense. Any admiral with a little brain knows that even if China pawns its trousers to raise money, it is impossible for the Soviet Union to sell battleships to China. Besides, no one has heard that the Soviet Union has Battleships are in Asia.

There are also rumors that the Soviet Pacific Fleet must have participated in the war, otherwise, relying on those muddy legs and some officers who surrendered, how could it be so powerful? Can't escape?However, according to the information given by the US Asia Command, the Soviet Pacific Fleet is currently resting in Vladivostok and has never left the port. This assumption still cannot be established.

There is also a rumor that the army used the latest torpedo bombers made by the Soviet Union to wipe out the entire army of the Taiwan Navy. This guess has been recognized by many naval officials and they think it is more credible, so they become more and more timid.

You know, the air force commander Zhou Zhirou didn't even dare to send out a single fighter jet because of the disastrous defeat in this naval battle. The shooting plane is still in training and cannot attack, so the navy needs to use ship-borne anti-aircraft guns to solve the air defense problem.

Without the cover of the air force, there are no captains in the Taiwan Navy who dare to go to sea to get close to Kinmen. [

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