1949 I am from the future

Chapter 219 Matsu Island


Spn thanks these enthusiastic book friends for their rewards!Wind Whisperer!Yama of Tianshan!Lianchuan!Flowing Flower Swordsman!Aspect He Lao Liu!Boom knife! lz880210!thank you all!Special thanks to Tianshan Yama 3666 for violent blow!Brother Lian Chuan's domineering six-hit combo!Vertically and horizontally, He Laoliu shot three times in a row!

Because of your perseverance, this book has been written to this day, and will continue to be written for you!

I beg those book friends who haven't read it for various reasons!

【219】Mazu Island

In Tianjin Xingang, warships waiting for handover are densely lined up on the pier.Their swollen bellies were exposed above the water, and their draft seemed very light.The sailors of the navy tightly sealed off the dock area where the warship was moored, and no one was allowed to approach without permission. [

For this military purchase handover, the army sent a huge handover team. Not only did Yuan Kedi and Li Mubai come, but even General Hua Huiling, whom Xiaoqiang hadn't seen for a long time, also came.As for the navy, a bunch of high-ranking officers came here.These officers are all representatives of the fleet where these warships are located, and they have extremely strong feelings for these warships that they have been soaking in for many years.They all hope to meet the buyer and see what kind of people these old partners will work with in the future.

Under the introduction of Li Mubai, Xiaoqiang shook hands with all the naval officers one by one.

During the exchange of greetings, a naval colonel shook Xiaoqiang's hand and said, "We veterans are reluctant to learn that these old guys are going to travel across the ocean to play their role. To be honest, we veterans are reluctant. After receiving the order from the headquarters, these warships were immediately dispatched." After being dragged into the dock, the officers and soldiers helped the workers in the shipyard to clean the warship clean, the bottom of the ship was polished, and the antifouling paint was sprayed layer after layer. It was like marrying a daughter, and they were dressed up beautifully. Sigh, don’t mention this feeling. It’s both uncomfortable and happy. It feels like marrying a daughter and seeing off old comrades who have retired from the army. I’m happy for their future and reluctant to leave. Mr. Cao, I hope you Tell your clients to treat these warships well, they are old, but their dignity is immortal!"

Xiaoqiang was heartbroken by what the sentimental colonel said, and replied: "Don't worry, my customers will take care of these warships as if they were their own eyes. In the future, I will bring back some photos of these warships in service for everyone to see." .”

Yuan Kedi was listening, and when he heard this move in his heart, he hurriedly said: "That's a good idea, Xiaoqiang, you have to remember, take some photos or videos later, and show the big guys the service status of these old guys. No It is required to be professional in the shooting, even if it is taken with a mobile phone, just to satisfy everyone's hunger."

"Well, I remember."

After the navy's brief welcome ceremony, Xiaoqiang boarded each ship for acceptance along with the handover personnel in charge of each ship of the navy.As usual, after Xiaoqiang passed the acceptance inspection, he stamped a blood stamp on the ship.

Zhao Dayou, an intelligence officer from the Second Office of the General Staff of the Military Department, is currently watching the monitoring screen in a van on the pier. After several depressing tracking and monitoring, Zhao Dayou is determined to use the warship as a breakthrough this time. Find out Xiaoqiang's transportation method and channel.Among the warships handed over this time, ten have been installed with GPS positioning equipment and signaling devices, which can track the whereabouts of these ships throughout the process.

"Xiao Yang, is there any problem with the equipment this time?" Zhao Dayou asked worriedly.

Xiao Yang, the investigator next to him, swore: "Captain, there is absolutely no problem! I have checked it several times, besides, a total of ten boats have been equipped with our equipment, I do not believe that they can put these ten boats Find them all."

Zhao Dayou nodded heavily, stopped talking, closed his eyes and began to rest his mind, waiting for the moment when Cao Xiaoqiang would act alone.

Now the Intelligence Department has identified Cao Xiaoqiang as "the leader of a super-large international arms smuggling group, with well-organized subordinates, well-equipped equipment, unfathomable underground channels, and a completely legal company identity as a cover for outside activities. The largest underground organization ever encountered."

The response of the military department to this was to issue a supreme instruction: "Once the investigation is completed, it must be investigated. Strict monitoring, no alarm for the time being."

In line with the sixteen-character policy, the Second Office of the General Staff spent a lot of energy planning this tracking operation, and even dispatched satellites to monitor the sea off the port in real time.During internal discussions, some intelligence officers believed that the other party might have used a submarine to send the crew to the ship and drive away.So the intelligence office whimsically used naval anti-submarine aircraft and anti-submarine ships to conduct repeated dragnet searches around the port to ensure that the gang was not using submarines for smuggling activities.

Finally, after Xiaoqiang completed all the inspections, Xiaoqiang proposed as usual, requiring all Chinese personnel to evacuate all warships, and all bridges built on board for people to go on and off the ship should be put away.As a result, a series of warships and some fishing boats ordered by Xiaoqiang quietly moored in the port, it was pitch black and empty.

Xiaoqiang finished the dinner under the gracious hospitality of the navy, and after returning to the hotel for a short rest, he took a taxi to Tianjin Xingang Wharf alone. After showing the highest-level franchise pass issued by the navy and the Ministry of National Defense, Xiaoqiang entered the port area Martial law mooring area.

When he came to the 271 landing ship that had been prepared long ago, Xiaoqiang saw that the bridge he specially asked to stay was still firmly on the 271.He hurriedly ducked down, quickly walked across the bridge, and got into the dark cabin.

"Start the blood sacrifice." Xiaoqiang ordered the blood soul.

"Confirming the teleportation target... The teleportation target is confirmed, start the blood sacrifice." Following the male voice of the blood soul, Xiaoqiang left 2011 in a dizzy state and completed the teleportation through time and space. [

With the sound of rushing sea water suddenly filling the original position of the warship in the port, Zhao Dayou, who was staying in front of the monitoring screen of the infrared night vision device, went crazy again!

"How is it possible! How is it possible that they are all gone! Xiao Yang! Call me the GPS signal! Xiao Zhou, call me the latest infrared image from the satellite!..."

"The gps shows...the target is not powered on! This is impossible!!! This is impossible!!!"

"The real-time infrared images transmitted by the satellite came out! No large-scale fleet was found within 20 nautical miles around! Only sporadic merchant ships!"

After a commotion, all investigators gradually fell silent.Zhao Dayou shouted unwillingly: "Go! Follow me to the pier! This must be a trick! It must be!..."

After arriving at the pier in a drag racing car, Zhao Dayou rushed out of the car, stared blankly at the open airport in front of him, remained motionless, and could not speak a word.

Outside Tianjin Port in 1950, Xiaoqiang turned on the flashlight he was carrying, found the signal headlight of the 271 landing ship, turned on the power, and turned on the searchlight on the ship, sweeping the night sky with beams of light.Immediately, several tugboat whistles echoed from the sea not far away...

As soon as he set foot on the dock land, Xiaoqiang was squeezed by Commander Xiao's bear hug and couldn't breathe.

"Good boy, you brought so many big boats here this time! Well done! I'll give you a credit!" Commander Xiao's eyes were already narrowed into slits with a smile.

"Commander Xiao, according to your instructions, I brought a total of 271 93 landing ships this time, plus the 7 ships in your hand, this time you have 100 medium-sized landing ships."

"Haha, isn't it! This is great! The more than 1000 landing ship commanders I trained urgently at the Qingdao base have a ship now!"

"Commander Xiao, tell them to be careful. These landing ships are still equipped with the upstream anti-ship missiles I purchased this time."

"Okay, okay! I see." Commander Xiao excitedly ran to greet the commanders waiting on the pier when he heard that the upstream guide had arrived.

Xiaoqiang saw that Commander Xiao was very busy, and he himself felt a little tired, so he returned to Beijing with Wei Guo.

After two weeks of continuous preparations, 93 271 landing ships set off for Fujian under the escort of 10 037 submarine hunters and 10 024 guided speedboats.The reason why the navy is able to train new commanders in a short period of time is inseparable from the navy's current training system for trainee commanders on board.On the first batch of warships sent by Xiaoqiang, the actual number of officers and soldiers carried by each ship far exceeded the quota. The slogan put forward by the Navy in 1950 was One Belt One, and each post must be matched with a student.

After several previous battles, the navy has brought out a group of students who have a preliminary understanding of the performance of their ships and the work requirements of their respective positions. As soon as Xiaoqiang's new ship arrives, the navy immediately mobilizes the backbone of the previous ships. A batch will be assigned to the new ship, and then the students in the early stage will be transferred to formal posts.This rush is also purely a naive move, but this method of bringing the old with the new can indeed serve the purpose of cultivating a group of practical talents in the short term, but the combat effectiveness is of course worse than that of a formal professional background.After all, the navy is a technical arm, and its combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed just by being brave and hardworking.

At this time, Quanzhou, Fujian Province was already full of soldiers. The 23rd Army has completed the pre-landing assembly with a full set of equipment in just two weeks. At present, everything is ready and only needs an order.

And in the past two weeks, the Air Force has not been idle. By analyzing the reconnaissance photos sent back by the fifth reconnaissance, brigades of the eighth division of the reconnaissance are dispatched from time to time. The military targets were bombed to pieces.After two weeks, the defenders on the two islands had lost their morale, and the heavy artillery positions and cement bunkers were almost paralyzed.

Due to the bombing of the Taiwan Navy Base Camp in Kaohsiung Zuoying, Lao Jiang was completely unable to provide any supplies to the two islands.After two weeks, the island is about to run out of food and water.

On Matsu Island at this time, Li Yunan, the garrison commander of Matsu Island and the commander of the 92nd Division of the Kuomintang, is struggling. The weekly supply has been interrupted for two weeks. If the supply does not come again, Li Yunan's 92nd Division cannot rely on food. Mud drank sea water to live.

Just when Li Yunan was struggling, Zhang Bingquan, the deputy teacher beside him, said: "Master, the brothers below have been making a lot of noise these days, and I am very dissatisfied with the current ration of drinking water."

Li Yunan said in embarrassment: "The last supply of American flour is not much left, and the water tanks of the various troops are almost bottomed out. Now the president's supply fleet has been delayed. What can I do?" [

Zhang Bingquan said: "Master, you have seen the leaflets dropped by the military bombers. Now that you think about it, what is said above is probably true. The president's fleet has been bombed to pieces in Zuoying!"

Li Yunan remained silent, but he was clear in his heart, if the supply ship could come, it would have come sooner, and the delay must be due to the blockade of the strait.And Taiwan's fleet has been out of battle for a long time. This situation seems to be more than 92%, almost [-]%. What the army said is true!They have really blown up the base camp of the Zuoying military port!Now his liaison ship and landing craft of the [-]nd Division on Matsu Island have sent several boats to Taiwan for help, but every time they were discovered by the People's Liberation Army as soon as they went out to sea, and were sunk by the speedboat sent by the other side with a super fast cannon. , completely devoid of resistance.

Li Yunan hesitated: "What do you think, if Taiwan has no fleet, what's the point of guarding Matsu Island?"

After looking around vigilantly, Zhang Bingquan, the deputy commander, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Master, why don't you sacrifice the island to protect yourself?"

Li Yunan was startled, and stared at his deputy teacher Zhang Bingquan with wide eyes, "Bingquan, do you have any connection with the Gong Party?"

Zhang Bingquan hurriedly said: "No, no, I don't have that way. I just thought that it is not an option to stick to it right now. The observation post on the mountain reported that there are hundreds of iron-clad landing ships for the Gong army going south to Fujian recently. The escort gunboats It is even more excellent and advanced! Master, if you wait until the party takes action, I will become a prisoner in the future. At that time, there will be no conditions to talk about. The battle of the army landing on Zhoushan Island is head-to-head. Hu Lian's 67 The army is a mechanized armored corps! Didn’t the entire army be wiped out by the beating! Shi Jue has more than a dozen divisions! 10,000+ people! They are all gone in one day! How does the division commander feel that he is better than Shi Jue and Hu Lian?"

Li Yunan sat slumped on the sofa, silent for a long time, and finally made up his mind: "Tomorrow, tomorrow, if you don't come to replenish supplies tomorrow...you can do it cheaply..."

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