1949 I am from the future

Chapter 221 The Eve of the Attack

Thanks to the Whisperer in the Wind, Lian Chuan, Rick Dem, and the three uncles for their rewards!

Thanks guys!

[221] On the eve of the attack

At this time, Kinmen Island had 8 Kuomintang soldiers entrenched, and the public security situation was extremely bad, especially the 52 male sex soldiers who committed crimes and disregarded discipline.Females from local families in Kinmen are often raped or even raped, so Yang Rui, the director of the 52nd Military Political Warfare Department of "Run Fast", suggested setting up a "special tea room". "Women", the military battalion system, is called a military paradise to the outside world.The shame of Yang Rui can be seen, and the shame of the Political and War Department of the Kuomintang army can be seen.

The Paradise in the Army declared to the outside world that all the women were sold voluntarily. The Taiwanese media at the time even shamelessly publicized that it was a rare opportunity to enter the Paradise to be comfort women, claiming that "women who lost their feet" from all walks of life in Taiwan enthusiastically signed up. , Claiming that doing this business is to contribute to the mnzhu world, so the political review is extremely strict and other nonsense, to wash the ground for the Kuomintang army.But what are the facts? [

In fact, there were too many jnyn cases on Kinmen Island at that time, and the military did not handle them at all.From the perspective of the Kuomintang officers, no one knows at this time that the army will call over someday, so if you jn, you can jn, if you have a turn, you can turn, who calls you a woman.

And it wasn't until 1986 when the inside story broke out that the outside world knew that the youngest woman in this military paradise was less than 16 years old, and she received as many as forty military officers a day. In severe cases, the soldering iron will be hot.Only then did people realize that this is a hell on earth, and that whoever came here voluntarily was all women who were kidnapped and bought by the madam, and women who were plundered from fishing villages in the coastal mainland were sold to the madam on the spot. Forced into prostitution.

However, even the bustards couldn’t meet the needs of 8 people, so the Kuomintang army took local materials and incorporated all young women aged 18-30 on Kinmen Island into the “Women’s Team” and forcibly brought them to various places. To work in the bunker, Jiang Jun officers and soldiers often went to the homes of local residents, put guns on the head of the male owner, and jynn the women in his family face to face.Those who dare to resist will be shot.These kinds of actions are already very different from the bestial behavior of the Japanese devils. In Lao Jiang's view, only by learning from his own bestial behavior can the army's combat effectiveness be increased, and only then can it fight against the strong army in Lao Jiang's mind-the Japanese devils on par.It seems that Lao Jiang really only learned po in that pheasant school in Tokyo.

After a series of bombings, these Jiang army soldiers felt that it is better to have fun in time than to choose to die, and they crowded the military paradise even more.A group of officers and soldiers holding po tickets formed a long queue outside the smelly "tea room".

At this time, the People's Liberation Army landing force in Quanzhou had already completed preparations. As the 23rd Army selected for the first Bodeng Island in the campaign deployment, all pre-war equipment and ideological preparations had been completed.

Regardless of dissuasion, Tao Yong, the commander of the 23rd Army of the People's Liberation Army, insisted on landing on the island with the vanguard.

Tao Yong is notorious for being reckless in battle, and this time is no exception. He still wants to be at the forefront. In addition, Commander Tao has another thought. He hopes to see how well this new tank fights. What does it look like?

Just a week ago, the 93 271 landing ships that recently went south brought something shocking.

At noon that day, Commander Tao, who had been notified in advance, came to the beach together with his deputy commander Mei Jiasheng and political commissar Lu Sheng, waiting for the arrival of the legendary tank.

"You guys say, what's so great about this new type of tank? Can it be better than my 23rd Army? Why do Boss Chen and Boss Su insist that I bring 50 of these tanks to land? Isn't it a fool of me? Although my old Tao didn't I have commanded tanks, but seven battles and seven victories in central Jiangsu, Lunan, Laiwu, Menglianggu, Eastern Henan, Huaihai, Dujiang, Shanghai, so many innumerable battles have been fought, and I have destroyed at least [-] tanks It’s eighty. The tank thing, it’s a donkey in a mill! It will howl, and it will have loose bowels when it goes into battle. My soldiers, who are not afraid of tanks, will rush up to that thing and blow it up. You bastard." Although Tao Yong was very eager for Tank in his heart, he said it lightly.

Political commissar Lu Sheng looked at Tao Yong with a wry smile and said, "Who is that bitch who has been out of his mind since the day before yesterday? And who got up early this morning and hurriedly asked if the tank is here? Who is it again?" Do you insist on pulling me and Lao Mei over to warmly greet you?"

Tao Yong's black face turned red all of a sudden, and he shouted dissatisfied: "You old Lu always make a fool of me, that's the wish of the two bosses, what an honor it is! Of course I care! Of course I want to Come on! Didn’t you send three telegrams a day asking when the fleet will arrive? And you’re still talking about me.”

Deputy Commander Mei Jiasheng ignored the bickering between the two, put down the binoculars, looked at the distant sea with a smile, and said with his finger: "Look! The ship is coming!"

When the two heard this, they quickly raised the binoculars on their chests and looked in the direction of Mei Jiasheng's finger.Sure enough, a neat fleet appeared on the sea in the distance, obviously the landing ship transport team arrived.

Deputy Army Commander Mei Jiasheng ordered the JNG guards: "Hurry up and inform the 207th Regiment, and run over to help unload the ship."

"Yes!" The little jng guard rushed out excitedly with a stride.

Looking at the boat and waiting for the dead, seeing the boat and the boat docking are two different concepts.The three of them waited on the beach for more than an hour, and they didn't even care about their military appearance. The three of them sat directly on a piece of dry sand, watching the sea water surging and playing the music of the sea.

Finally, when the landing ship rushed to the beach, Tao Yong jumped up like a spring, and rushed over like a child at a trot.

Looking from afar, I saw that the hatch of the landing ship was lowered with a bang, and from the dark cabin, there was a low, beast-like roar... [

As Type 59 tanks rushed onto the beach, the tank landing for this transportation and exercise officially began. Tao Yong stood on the beach stupidly, letting the Type 59 tanks rumble past him.

Commander Tao had already clenched his fists excitedly, and shouted excitedly in his native dialect: "I'm so good! Good guy! Good guy! Really good guy! This is big! Be good!"

Compared with the best tank captured by our army in the War of Liberation, the 147-ton American-made m51 light tank, the 37-type tank with a total combat weight of 59 tons is like a monster. One after another landing ships rushed to the beach and appeared in front of Tao Yong, the commander of the 23rd Army. Tao Yong felt that he was completely conquered by the steel torrent composed of such giant monsters!

The tank unit of the People's Liberation Army was established in November 1945. At that time, our Northeast Anti-r Army collected a r-type 11 medium tank at the original r-army tank assembly and repair factory in Shenyang, r-ben's so-called medium tank, and type 97 Medium size is not the same thing at all. R himself called the Type 59 tank a medium size, which was for their pygmy iron tanks.In fact, that thing only weighs 97 tons, and a 15mm short-barreled cannon is installed on the 25mm armor, which is completely scum.But in the eyes of the People's Liberation Army at that time, this is simply a Sailor Moon!So 57 people were sent out to join this tank in a grand manner, forming the first tank unit of the People's Liberation Army!

Because this tank was assembled from parts removed from several scrapped tanks, various failures often occurred, and it was later called the "Old Man Tank". However, this patchwork "Old Man Tank" was in the hands of the People's Liberation Army He also made illustrious military exploits, suppressing bandits in Suifenhe, attacking Jinzhou, attacking Tianjin, and went to the south of the Yangtze River three times. He won the title of "Hero" tank and participated in the military parade of the founding ceremony!

With the progress of the War of Liberation, our army has successively captured many tanks, such as American-made m31 tanks, m33 tanks, m51 tanks, and others such as French Renault ft17 tanks, r-made 95 light tanks, 99 ultra-light tanks, Su Make t24 and so on.In the end, our army's mixed-brand tank regiment reached a scale of 1949 tanks and 375 people through continuous seizures when the People's Republic of China was founded in 12697.

Therefore, after receiving the 400 Type 59-1 tanks brought by Xiaoqiang last time, the first batch of well-selected tank players practiced day and night, and it took less than a month to initially master the driving and combat skills .For the Type 59-1 tank, the tank crews in 1950 were very simple, and only one word was used to describe it, "good".If you ask him to say more, he will just tell you, "This is really good!" Yeah, there was no air conditioner in the tank back then...

After Tao Yong and the two old guys stood still, they excitedly pointed to the 59 vehicles that stopped after rushing to the beach and said, "This tank is so big! It's so wide! It's so long!"

It is understandable for Commander Tao to be surprised. Our army’s previous miscellaneous tanks are generally about 23 meters wide and about 45 meters long. Some mini tanks are even only 13 meters high.Like the 59, with a width of 33 meters, a length of more than 6 meters, and a height of 26 meters, it naturally looks extraordinary.The tank is like a human being, one width and one length make it look particularly burly and powerful.

Political commissar Lu Sheng said with emotion: "I thought the two bosses assigned us m51, but unexpectedly, they assigned us this thing, this thing, this thing...Old Tao, what do you think this thing looks like?"

Tao Yong's eager eyes shone with fiery light, and he shouted enthusiastically: "This thing is his old man m51! No! No! It's his grandfather m51! No no! What is m51! This is the treasure! Yes A baby that cannot be exchanged for gold!"

The deputy commander, Mei Jiasheng, ran to a tank that had just stopped, and talked to the tanker who jumped out of the tank: "Hey! Boy, you drive well! The barrel of this gun is so thick! What caliber?"

The tanker smiled and said: "Chief, this is a 100mm rifled gun." After speaking, he looked at Mei Jiasheng proudly.

"What! 100mm! Good guy, it's thicker than the 75mm mountain gun I used to use! Seeing how long the barrel of this gun is, it must be able to hit far, right?"

The commander who jumped out of the tank said with a smile: "The maximum range is 16 kilometers, but tank guns are not used for long-range bombing. We are the vanguard of the attack."

"Well said!" Commander Tao also ran over at this time and saluted the tanker.The tanker hurriedly returned the salute.

Tao Yong couldn't hide his smile and said: "With super tanks like yours this time, there is no defense line in the world that can stop our 23rd Army!"

After finishing speaking, Commander Tao excitedly pulled the tank hand to ask questions, and finally got into the tank himself, and did not get out satisfied until he asked all the equipment on the tank.

Lu Sheng, the political commissar who had been waiting outside the car for a long time, asked, "How is it? Old Tao? If you don't like it, why don't we just leave the tanks here? I don't believe it. With our 23rd Army, we can't defeat Jinmen? What kind of iron bumps do you rely on?"

Tao Yong said with a smile: "You think I'm a fool. I won't do it if I leave such a treasure at home. This time I will personally lead the troops to the beach. I want to see the "Golden Gate Bear" KMT chariot Santuan, will you be beaten into a bear if you meet a big baby like me?"

Deputy Army Commander Mei Jiasheng said with a smile: "What are the bears of Jinmen, a group of bears? On Zhoushan Island, the Second Battalion of the 22rd Regiment of the 193nd Army relied on its own battalion, and used the newly equipped 40 rocket launchers to destroy Hu Lian's 18th Armored Division. An American-made m51 was broken."

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